Issue 146 - October 20, 2019
Inspirational Note...
In 2017 in Singapore, during a Satsang that took place in the divine presence, a devotee asked for guidance on how to approach young people and involve them in Seva activities.

The following are Swami's words:

Human values are secular. They appeal to all beings similar to oxygen, sunlight or water. Breathe oxygen not the other gases. The values are universal. They do not apply to a particular religion or philosophy. You can attend different schools, but study the same subjects. Carry on the perspective of fundamental human values: love, service, compassion and kindness.

Each university organizes a "Volunteer Week" or the "Month of Volunteering". Use these opportunities to get in touch with young people who may be interested in volunteering, such as helping the elderly, working with children or directing medical camps.
Service Updates
Selfless Seva Trust Of Istanbul
Helping The Beings In Need, October 2019
Selfless Seva Trust of Istanbul, Turkey, has continued to do Seva activities in October 2019. Approximately 35 homes were visited and provided with the following services:

  • On Mondays and Wednesdays, food was cooked regularly at the kitchen of the Trust and was delivered to several homes in need.

  • This month, in addition to the youth’s current meal distribution district, Sisli, Istanbul, a new region, Pendik, Istanbul, has been included to the service, by Swami’s grace. Normally, 25 families are taken care of on a monthly basis, but now, the number of families have increased up to 35 with the addition of this new district.
European Youth Meet in Assisi
On The First Weekend In September 2019
On Friday afternoon, the youth went to the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli. Together with Antonello, their guide, they entered the Basilica that was built to preserve the Porziuncola, the place where Jesus appeared to St. Francis. They then went to the Casa del Divino Ashram and sang Bhajans (devotional songs), this was followed by a sumptuous dinner. When it was all over, the men went to sleep on the top floor of the Ashram , which is located above Sai Baba's room and the women went to a nearby Bed and Breakfast.
Children's Hospital Seva In
Frankfurt Am Main
Wishing to express her love to her Guru through service, a Sai sister from Frankfurt decided to volunteer once a week in the Clementine Children's Hospital, in a small rehabilitation ward where the children stay for post-operation recovery. Visits are focused mostly on children who are alone and without parents. Approval from caretakers had to be obtained for visits to take place. One to three children are visited every time. From time to time, other hospitals are also visited to support other volunteers, when needed. The children are entertained with board games, playing cards, playing with a ball and drawing; while for the heavily disabled children there is reading stories, singing or showing attention and love.
Sai Anandam Group Students
At Seva In The Netherlands
Swami has always emphasised on the key purpose of education, which is both acquisition of worldly knowledge and spiritual growth. Among the nine forms of devotion, the greatest is service to mankind. Eradicating hunger is the first step to any form of development. According to Swami’s instructions given during Darshan in Italy, in May 2019, the youth of Netherlands have been striving for new opportunities of Seva . In His words, "Feeding the homeless" became the basis for the group's motivation. Within just a few days of His guidance, by His Will and Grace, some of the members were able to find such an opportunity.
Divinely Guided and Blessed
Journey of Transformation
Keeping to the uplifting rhythm of the tabla beating in the background, thanks to Bhagawan’s grace and blessings, this soul has been treading the path leading to God, while – as Swami told the Uvacha teams during the Exclusive Interview of 2017 – laying the same road it has to tread, by learning and performing the practice of selfless love and selfless service under His divine guidance.
It was Swami’s Divine Visit to Istanbul, Turkey, in 2017, which decisively kindled the fire of transformation in me. Up until then I was not ready to embark on such a thrilling spiritual adventure although I came to know of Shirdi Sai Baba in 1975, and later in 1979, of Sathya Sai Baba. As I happened to visit Prasanthi Nilayam and had my first Darshan in 2006, for about 25 years, I just wetted my feet walking along the shore but never dared to dive into the deep waters. Even when I finally dived, apparently, I was not interested in looking for pearls.