Issue 207 - December 13, 2020
Master the Mind
Mind is the cause of bondage and liberation, and if one can master this mind, one can become not just a mastermind but the master Himself, says Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai. In this series of talks, ‘Master the Mind’, primarily given to the Ashram residents of Sathya Sai Grama, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai guides us step by step, to take up a 30 day sadhana to understand, analyse, master and finally merge the mind into the divine self.
Inspirational Note...
In 2017 a Satsang held in the divine presence at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a devotee seeks advise on friends and friendship.

Here is what Swami said:

I just told you. Dust, in the company of water, goes down the drain. Dust, if it keeps the company of the wind, goes up towards the sky. Based on what kind of company you keep, you will either go up in life, or go down in life. You must choose your company very carefully. Youngsters are so careful when they want to buy a pair of shoes; you will go to ten shops, harass ten shopkeepers, bargain and negotiate and finally, you may choose one pair or you may not and come back again the next day to harass many more shopkeepers!

If you want to buy a watch, you will look at a hundred models before you select one. If you buy sunglasses, you will put ten on your face and see how you look, and take advice and see more. If you are so careful in selecting what you want to use and where you are going to stay, how much more careful should you be in choosing the people who are going to define, change and influence your life? Put that much effort.

Here is a simple formula: Will you waste money buying a shoe that does not fit you, just because it looks good? Will you buy a watch because it is beautiful, but does not work? Will you buy sunglasses that you think are nice, but do not fit your face? You are not going to waste your money on such things. You will not buy an oversized or undersized shirt if it does not fit you. What fits you is what you should take.

What is your size? Your size is that of God. God fits God, or godly things. You must select only such people and keep their company. If the friendships do not lead you towards God, do not help you become selfless, kind, compassionate and loving, then it is pointless; it does not fit you. It is somebody else’s size; let it go to them. You have to look for the right kind of people who are going to help you become more divine in your nature. Just because others look attractive, are popular or have interesting things to say or do, do not go and become friends with them. It is like buying a very expensive pair of shoes, just because it looks good, even though it does not fit you well. You have to be careful. Discrimination is needed.
Service Updates
Krishnagiri - Tamil Nadu
During the tough times in the current pandemic, the Annapoorna volunteers in Tamil Nadu distributed 38 grocery kits to children in Peyanur Village, Krishnagiri on October 8, 2020. Essentials like Rice and Turmeric powder were provided.
Dry Ration, Laptops, and Sarees
Distributed in Ramamurthynagar
Dry Rations, and Sarees along with a Laptop were distributed in Ramamurthynagar. Bengaluru, Karnataka. The Annapoorna volunteers in Ramamurthynagar have been very active and have provided enormous help to the needy, especially during the current pandemic. On the October 9, 2020, dry rations were given to extremely poor families in Nandi Village.
5100 Masks Distributed in Yeshwantpur 
5,100 Masks were distributed in Yeshwantpur, Bengaluru, Karnataka on October 16, 2020 by Nayonika Charitable Trust to all the truck drivers and cleaners from Karnataka and other states as well. This happened in the Karnataka Goods Transport Association premises.
Dinner Packets Distributed in
Jamshedpur - Jharkhand
Coinciding with the World Food Day on October 16, 2020 and International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17, 2020, the Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Trust in association with Sri Sai Surya Panchajanya Trust, Jamshedpur started distribution of dinner packets to one attendant of admitted patients in general wards of Mercy Hospital at Baridih, Jamshedpur from October 17, 2020 onwards with the motto “No one goes to bed on hungry stomach”.
Grocery Kits Distributed in
Vishakapatnam - Andhra Pradesh
On October 19, 2020, in Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, Annapoorna volunteers reached out to 10 needy families with grocery kits containing 12 daily essential items needed for a month.
Grocery Kits Distributed to Poor Families Jangam - Telangana
Annapoorna volunteers distributed groceries to poor families and daily labourers in Bachannapet Mandal, Jangam District, Telangana State on October 23, 2020 on the occasion of the Dussehra Festival.
West Bengal
Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini
West Bengal, India
Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini, West Bengal, India done the nine-day long 95th Birthday Celebrations of their beloved Master, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with Anna and Vastra Daan (Gifts of Food and Clothing) to beneficiaries and School Kits to Students.
  • Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini team celebrated with Baby Vihaan.
  • Celebrated with the Post-Operative Children, the surgeries for whom were facilitated completely free of cost by Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini team at pristine Tertiary Care Institutions.
  • 103 patients were offered consultations by Doctors and a Paramedic Team
  • The Medical team split themselves at Birendranagar, Hooghly to offer 74 adults consultations, mainly for Chronic NCD (non-communicable disease) patients and 63 children undergoing General, Cardiac, Ophthalmic and Dental Screening under the Divine Child Programme.
  • The team visited three young, brave hearts who have exhibited extreme courage and will power to defy all atrocities which life threw at them
  • Celebrated with 95 families with almost 450 beneficiaries across different areas of the city and villages with bags of groceries.
  • Sri Sathya Sai Aarogya Vahini celebrated the Glorious 95th Birthday with Maha Narayan Seva for 950 beneficiaries at Chunakhali, Sunderban.
Reaching the Last Mile to
Touch the Last Life
  • On-Ground Screenings and Surgeries for cleft lip and palate in association with Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe e.V. are being carried out by the Team. Adult Hernia Surgical Corrections are also being facilitated with Health Institutions of the city.
  • One of the most significant initiatives in association with Sri Sathya Sai Annapoorna Team has been supporting nearly 900 children in the interior rural belts of Durgapur with Sai Sure.
  • For the chronic and new patients, the Aarogya Vahini Mobile Team continued offering consultations with Medicinal Support, 80 beneficiaries received care at District Nadia.
  • Nine most needy locations were reached in the first 11 days of December 2020, touching over 600 lives with support for comprehensive ON-GROUND health screening amid COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Over 39 surgeries were facilitated after more than 8,000 on-ground Paediatric Cardiac Screenings were conducted with Cardiac Stethoscope supported by HD Medical, USA.
Middle East Seva December- 2020
One Meal A Day
OMAD continues to be the favourite service opportunity for the self-inspired group in the Middle East. Even though November 2020 had not offered many opportunities to serve, the group continued with OMAD programme ensuring its continuity since its inception. An unique service of distributing special meals as a tribute and offering to their Master and Eternal Guide, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, was carried out as a celebration of His birthday by the group, unto the satisfaction of all!

Statistics for the month of November 2020: 17 people shared 398 meals.