Weekly Programming

Middle School

Sunday Gathering | 9:30-10:15am | start in service

Jan 5, 12, 19, 26

Basic @ Wednesdays at West Side | 6-7:30pm

Jan 15, 22, 29

High School

Sunday Gathering | 9:30-10:15am | start in service

Jan 5, 12, 19, 26

MERGE | 4-6pm | HS Room

Jan 12, 19, 26

Alpha Youth | Wednesdays 6-7:30pm | HS Room

Jan 15, 22, 29

Mark Your Calendars

Movie Night

MERGE | 1/19 | 6-9pm

Dinner Provided

There's no school on Monday due to the MLK Jr holiday. So, join us after MERGE for movie and pizza as we hang out and have fun together. Movie TBD.

Black Light Games

Basic | 1/29 | 6-7:30pm

Middle schoolers join us for an evening of fun as we compete in games underneath a black light. Students should wear neon colors and come ready for tons of fun!

Deputation 2025

We are pleased to announce this year's mission experience. We're returning to Roatan, Honduras. This will be the youth's 3rd trip. It's not too late to get signed up. For the application and more information, follow the link below.

Visit our Website

What We're Teaching

The Chosen | @ Middle School Sunday Morning Gathering

Middle schoolers are working their way through the life of Jesus and His chosen followers through the lens of the TV show The Chosen.

Practicing the Way | @ High School Sunday Morning Gathering

The Practicing the Way Course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus. The Course is the onramp to the Practices and our other resources.

Anxious | @ MERGE

Our young people are living as part of an anxious generation. For the next several weeks, we're going to take a deep dive into the current state of mental health, looking to Jesus for some tools to help us find peace.

Beneath the Surface - A 4 week series on Identity| @ Basic

Who do you think you are? You might define your identity by the things people see on the surface — like your style, your look, your abilities, or your reputation. Those things might have something to do with who you are, but they don’t quite capture the whole picture, do they? For each of us, there is always so much more to who we are beneath the surface. But who are we, really? How can we discover who God made us to be? And how can following Jesus shape who we're becoming? In this four-week series, we'll look at four moments from the early years of Jesus’ life. As we do, we’ll see how God helps us discover who we’re becoming and how God’s words help us discover who we are. We’ll also learn how the right relationships help us discover how to grow and how Jesus helps us discover purpose.

Alpha Youth | Wednesdays | Starting 1/15

Resource of the Month


A two-hour read to build a stronger relationship with a kid or teenager.

Whether you're a parent, youth leader, teacher, or caring adult, not knowing how to help those dealing with difficult emotions can leave you feeling intimidated, powerless, and discouraged. It can feel scary.

But we want you to know there is hope.

In this book, Will and Dr. Chinwé will help you...

  • Understand how the brain works when someone is in despair
  • Learn why some of the things you'd think would help sometimes make matters worse
  • Discover simple yet powerful tools you can use every day to connect with a kid or teenager to help them heal

A beautiful convergence of faith and psychology, Seen is a quick read that uses both clinical research and real life stories to give you--and the kids you love--hope.