Youth Ministry News
February 2021
Dear Youth Ministers, 
Hello! It has been great to touch base with so many of you in the last month and hear what’s going on in your programs. Keep up the good work!
 Here are some updates for youth ministry!
Youth Minister News
Marissa Schulz has accepted the position of Faith Formation and Catechist Coordinator at Mary Queen of Peace. We’re happy to welcome Nathan Scott as the new Pastoral Assistant for Youth Ministry at MQP! Jackie Shirley has accepted the position of Steward for Faith Formation at St. Michael Parish. Brandon Jones will now oversee all youth ministry programming for St. Michael Parish. Let’s keep these wonderful ministers in our prayers!
Youth Ministry COVID Policy Update
Good news! The Puget Sound and West regions have entered Phase 2 of the Recovery/Reopening Plan for Washington state. The archdiocesan COVID taskforce has approved regular in-person programming at a 25% maximum for youth ministry programming in these regions (King, Pierce, Snohomish, Grays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific and Thurston counties). Please remember to submit your addendums for pastor/archdiocesan approval.
Youth and Young Adult Ministers Spring Gathering
Our Spring gathering is scheduled for February 25, 2021. Fr. Justin will offering a Lenten Reflection between 9:00am-10:15am. the first Spring Gathering session will start at 10:30am Register for the Spring Gathering here.
Focus Groups for the Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan
Five meeting opportunities have been scheduled for youth ministers to provide input on the vision, mission, and core values of the archdiocesan pastoral plan. These will no longer be by deanery as originally planned. Results will be presented at the Spring Gathering and representatives from each deanery will be invited to participate in a March listening session with the archdiocesan strategic planning team and the pastoral council. Sign up here for a meeting time that works for you!
Lent Resources
Recommendations for Lent youth ministry resources will be added on our new website soon. You can view the flyer here. Additional Holy Week resources to follow.
Suicide Prevention Certification/Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
Crisis Connection will be offering a second Youth Suicide Prevention training on Saturday, March 6, 2021 from 9:00am-12:00pm. This training is free of charge and for all staff and volunteers working with youth and young adults. Register here.
Middle School Encounter
The Middle School Encounter is scheduled for March 13, 2021. We will be offering this as a hybrid-event. Should circumstances require it, the MSE will be moved completely online. Speaker videos and activities will be uploaded to the new website the first week of March. Special thanks to our Eucharist Youth Partners!
Hispanic Youth Camp
Due to present circumstances, our weekend Hispanic Youth Camps have been modified to full day options at Camp Hamilton: April 17 (Spanish) and May 1 (English). We will be offering a special track for youth ministers interested in participating as leadership and receiving a mini-immersion experience. More information to follow. 
Youth and Young Adult Ministers Annual Retreat
The annual retreat is scheduled for May 27, 2021 and will be offered as a 9am-12pm online retreat as it was last year. Sister Mary Elizabeth Albers will be our speaker! Registration and schedule to follow soon. 
Social Media Management Webinar Opportunity
The Office for Catholic Schools is hosting a webinar on Social Media Management for 2021 with Andrea Gribble on February 4th, 2021 at 10:00am. Although the focus will be mainly on schools, much of the information could be beneficial to those who work in youth ministry as well! To learn more about the webinar and Andrea, click here. Feel free to join via Zoom:
Another meeting is scheduled for March 12th - time and Zoom link information will be forthcoming!
Be sure to visit the Youth Ministry section on the new Archdiocese of Seattle website!
Please contact the youth ministry office with any questions or for more information.
In Christ,
Daria Lobato
Youth Ministry Services
Youth Ministry Services
Young Adult Ministry