Belonging. Believing. Becoming.


Hello Christ Church Family!

This weekend is our big Youth Fundraiser! I am super excited to participate and help generate enthusiasm within the congregation to support our youth and what they’re involved in. I encourage everyone to attend, as we really want the students to have a strong presence on Sunday. Please note that there's no Faith Formation this Sunday morning - we'll be adding our final touches to the Fundraiser and then there's no evening youth activities so we can all enjoy the big game!

The Youth Fundraiser is the last large event taking place within our ministry until Easter, as the church is Called To a Lenten season of simplicity, unity and rest. Everyone is encouraged to invite the Holy Spirit to be present and to be your guide. I am praying that our students will feel Called To something by God during Lent.

Until the next newsletter in March, just a couple of notes. There is no Gaming Night or any other activities for youth on Ash Wednesday next week. They are encouraged to attend the worship service at 6:30 pm. Also, the Confirmation 101 Retreat begins Friday, February 16. We are already praying over that weekend for our students.

If you need anything from me over these next few weeks, please don't hesitate to reach out and connect!

See you Sunday! 



10 am - No Faith Formation - Fundraiser Prep in Fellowship Hall

11:15 am - One Voice and Laudate Sing in Worship 

10:45 am warm-up in the Choir Room. Concert Attire.


12:30 pm - Youth Fundraiser in Fellowship Hall

Join us on Sunday for a baked potato bar lunch, Super Bowl snack table, sponsorship board, plus the legendary cake auction!

There are still a few spots left to help out:

If you'd like to donate directly to Youth Missions, please click here and choose Youth Fundraiser in the dropdown menu.

Sign up for lunch here!

NO EVENING ACTIVITIES - Enjoy the Super Bowl!


Wednesday Night Hang Out Will Not Meet on Ash Wednesday

We'll resume next Wednesday night, 6 - 7:30 pm in the Youth Center. 

Ski Trip

Join us on Friday, February 9 from 5:15 pm - Midnight/1am. The cost is $59 for the lift ticket, and $24 for rentals. You can sign up here.

Register for Next Summer's Mission Trip

We've partnered with GO Ministries to travel to the Dominican Republic from June 18 - 25, 2024 and all of our youth and their families, as well as anyone in the congregation can participate! We will be working alongside Dominican and Haitian brothers and sisters to serve communities, shed light on the local church, and bring glory to God. Please contact Mike Porter with questions. To register for the trip, please click here.

8th Graders - Confirmation 2024

The Confirmation 101 Retreat begins Friday, February 16 at 6 pm in the Youth Center. Please contact Leanne Hadley with any questions.

Parents, thanks for your continued help with food donations! Please sign up for Youth Faith Formation breakfast goodies here and for Youth Sunday Night meals here.

Parents, we kindly ask that you please fill out this form to update the medical and emergency information for your kids for the 2023-2024 year. Thank you! 


The Youth Ministry Team