Belonging. Believing. Becoming.


Hello Christ Church Family!

This coming week is JCPS’ Fall Break! We hope those of you in that school system will really use the opportunity to spend time together as a family if possible. With that in mind, we are still having Youth Group this Sunday from 6 - 7:15 pm. This will be more of a hangout fellowship time, but we still wanted to offer it up for those who are in town and plan to be around Sunday evening.

I also wanted to take some time to draw attention back to our upcoming Middle School Retreat. The logistics have changed slightly, but it’s still promising to be a great time and well worth having your student attend. We will be gathering at the church around 5 pm on Friday, November 8, departing at 6 pm. We will be back at the church on Saturday, November 9 around 10:30 pm. This time change is intentional to let those who are in Laudate and MS Handbells to be able to be at church the next morning. The theme is Beneath the Surface, and we'll be looking at who we really are, while also observing the life of Jesus and how He helps us in finding ourselves and our purpose in life. You'll find the registration link below. If you have already registered your child, no need to register them again. If you're unsure, please shoot me an email:

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!



10 am - Faith Formation in the Youth Center


NO Youth Music This Week!

6 pm - Youth Group meets in the Youth Center. Please arrive at Door 9!


NO Wednesday Night Youth Hang Out Next Week

We'll take a break on Wednesday, October 2 during JCPS Fall Break - we'll resume the following Wednesday, October 9 at 6 pm!

Mark Your Calendars for Second Saturday Serve on October 12! We are hoping to partner with Wayside Christian Mission on a project - more details to come!

Trunk or Treat & Community Fun Night!

Youth, we need your help to lead games and activities for this annual fun and festive event on Friday, October 25 in the parking lot. Food and games open at 5:30 pm, but plan to be there early to help set up. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Youth Center during Youth Group and Faith Formation. 

After Trunk or Treat, please join us for an After-Party at Main Event! We'll bowl, play arcade games and have pizza. You're welcome to join us even if you can't make it to help with Trunk or Treat. Sign up here!

Charge Conference - Monday, October 28 at 6:30 pm in Room 158

Our youth representatives on the Administrative Council are asked to attend and all church members (including all youth) are invited to attend this annual church business meeting.

Middle School Retreat: November 8 - 9

Calling all 6th - 8th graders! We're heading to Camp Loucon for the weekend for a time of fun, bonding, and a deep dive into our faith! Please sign up here. Cost is $115 and financial assistance is available. Please contact Bobby for more information!

Sign Up to Serve in Worship

Students are always welcome to serve as an Usher or Greeter during Sunday morning worship. Gary Schooler is the contact for Ushers and Amy Chapman is the contact for Greeters. Simply email them and let them know your interest and availability! 

Parents, thanks for your continued support! Whether it’s signing up to provide breakfast snacks on Sunday morning or offering to volunteer, you help make a lot of things happen!

  • To volunteer to help with a Sunday morning or an event, click here.
  • If you'd like to sign up for Youth Faith Formation breakfast goodies, please click here.
  • If you'd like to sign up for Youth Group dinner, please click here.


Hello Parents! As a part of what we do and discuss on Sunday mornings during Faith Formation, there is an optional family devotional that you can choose to use for your family at home. This is a way that you can reinforce at home what they're learning at Christ Church. Click here to check out this week's devotional. ~Bobby


The Youth Ministry Team