Hello Youth and Families!

Last week: Our fantastic group of 9 confirmation youth, Elaine Croft and I spent time at Sally Campbell for our Confirmation Retreat. I'll share here what I shared on our youth instagram page:


Loved spending time: singing and worshipping and praying, playing ultimate frisbee and One Night Werewolf, discussing the Trinity and community and spiritual disciplines, learning about the Book of Order and Book of Confessions, reflecting on purpose and meaning and Core Values and Statements of Faith, consuming S’mores and lattes and fries, and just being… with this amazing group of thoughtful and fun young people who have taken this process so seriously, and will either decide to join the church or not - with integrity - applauded and commended in either decision. What a gift to share these moments in this season of their lives!

THIS Sunday:

  • 9:45 - Percolating Presbies (the group may come join the Faith and Fellowship class as we discuss whether or not the Old Testament is "spiritually enriching")
  • 8:45 or 11:00 - Worship
  • 4:15 - Youth Choir
  • 5:15 - Dinner and Youth Group (extended hour!) This week the Oldenburg/Shippey fam is providing dinner, we will talk about youth phone policies and do a bit of fun work on a Guatemala fundraising project, and then we'll play some Flashlight Monster (last official Youth Group gathering at FPCA, of the school year!)
  • 8:15 - pick-up

Looking ahead:

  • Tuesday, May 12 - Confirmation Banquet and Session meeting (for Confirmands and their families and mentors, and Session members)
  • Sunday, May 19 - Pentecost, Confirmation Sunday, Church Picnic after 11:00 worship (we are not formally leading any activities that afternoon as we did last year, but the Congregational Life team would love some help from any youth who are around and willing!) No evening Youth Choir or Youth Group.
  • Sunday, May 26 - worship at 8:45 and 11:00 (I'm preaching; Graduating Sr. recognition in 11:00 service); No evening YC or YG
  • Sunday, June 2 - Afternoon End of Year Celebration at Carrier Park!


Some heard in person, and others read last night or this morning the sad/exciting news that Jeremy and Garrett are moving to Nebraska this summer.

Be sure to read (and parents, be sure to share with your youth) the words from Patrick and from Jeremy, about this transition, in the email that went out to the congregation.

There is never a perfect way to tell all the people you want to tell, when announcing a departure. Wednesday evening was the right time to share the news with the biggest and most impacted group of people - in person - though Jeremy knew that would mean not getting to directly share with the youth - in person. He's looking forward to processing some with the Youth Choir on Sunday night, and he will join us for dinner at the beginning of Youth Group. (He'll also be at FPCA for another month and a half, including leading the PAM Worship and Music retreat for our group, in late June, as planned).


To say that Jeremy has been a key part of youth ministry at FPC-A for the past 8 years is a HUGE understatement. We can be both incredibly excited for Jeremy and Garrett about the opportunity this move is for them, while also immensely sad about the loss to our community and congregation - and the personal loss this is to so many of us who have meaningful relationships with Jeremy (and Garrett!). Let's process this together, and please know there will be chances to celebrate and thank them, in the coming month and a half.

Grateful to share life and be in ministry with you all...

See you Sunday!


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