Every Wednesday night, it's my heart to do one thing... Look into the wonders of the Word of God. There is nothing more wonderful on this earth. His Book of truth is FULL of WONDERS. The truth is WONDERFUL! His truth is LIGHT! With it, He is ALWAYS taking us up into higher places. The star that He set over His Son was to do just that. It was meant to take our eyes UP and yet... bring our eyes LOW. For in a lowly manger... the One from on high lay. He would be BRIGHTER than any star! He was the LIGHT of the world... and He... would take us up HIGHER. He was the WORD of God in the flesh. He would fill the world with His word and His wonders... The GREATEST of those WONDERS would be seen on the cross. He would lay our sins on His shoulders and shed HIS BLOOD. He would die our death. He would take us up with RESURRECTION and RANSOM from the grave! Soon He will return! He will take up every TRUSTING soul... and so shall we EVER be with the LORD.

Come tonight and let Him take your heart up with His...


We have some HUGE moments planned for next year that we want you to be aware of so that you can plan accordingly. These dates are pretty solid but be aware that they are still in the planning phases.

Teen Summer Camp: June 19-23rd @ Hoosier Hills

COSTA RICA Trip: July 10-14th in Orosi

Vacation Bible School: July 24-27th

More details will come on these two trips but do note that the Costa Rica trip will be for teens ages 15 and up. The plan is to put our hands to the plow in the new church that has been started in Orosi! Vacation Bible School won't be far behind it! Plan to be a help this year!

Pastor Tommy & Gayla Pray for Nathaniel and his physical therapy and the family as a whole as they walk thru these things. 

Allison Lenser– Pray for me as I continue flying and balancing college. The salvation of my friend Bryce, and for me as I witness to him, Pray for my Grandparents, Pray for my Dad’s health

Andrea Lenser– Pray for me at college

Ashley Oliver- Pray for my Step-Dad Tom as he recovers from shoulder surgery, 1 Unspoken, Uncle John's recovery from eye surgery, Pray for my mom's new job and that this school year gets better.

Brayden Gray-  2 Unspoken, Pray for my friend Carter to come to church, Pray for our leadership.

Brian Hicks- Pray for Adam as he continues to recover at home. Pray for Daniel’s Salvation, Pray for my mother’s lung issues, Continue to pray for tough situations at work.

Caleb Mora- Pray for my Dad as he works thru getting his license. Pray for my Aunt and Uncle for salvation.

Casey Lakes- Pray for Lilly & our boys and their salvation. Pray for Greyson as he hunts this weekend for his birthday. Billy and Vanessa for salvation. Also an unspoken for my sister Vanessa. Pray for Warren's skin condition, Pray for my new job. Praise the LORD for it!

Cassie Fitzgerald–  Pray for me as I search for a job, Pray for my friend Cloe’s salvation. My brother-in-law’s skin condition

Charlotte Davis- Pray for Josh and Sydney and this little baby, 2 Unspoken, Our kids and grandchildren for safety during this time, also for our grandchildren’s salvation, Jerry’s work, My sister Patti, Jerry Sears: brain cancer, My Friend Donna with cancer and upcoming chemo, Rebecca and Caitlyn as they recover for liver transplant.

Conner Ankney–  Pray for my burden for Japan and God's will on that, Pray for the nerve damage in my arm, Leadership, Austin Sutton expecting 2nd child, Andrew (5 yr old with cancer), 2 unspoken, 1 urgent unspoken, The service this Wednesday, Carter Mcneal for salvation,

David Reynolds- Pray for an unspoken

Elijah Ross– Isaac and Vincent and Liam and Carter for salvation (Pray they will come soon), also my neighbors for salvation & an unspoken

Emily Cooper-, Pray Darrel's family as he passed away with cancer, Friend Stacy who recently lost her son in a car accident, Colton McFatridge, Amelia with Croup, My Grandma on my Dad's side is in the hospital, Amelia for salvation, Kyle's niece with Limes Disease, Abby & Kyle and new baby Benjamin, my Mom, Sunday School growth, Lyndsey and the baby, for my job at Chic-fil-A, Pray for my family with the loss of my cousin, Continue to pray for our family with the loss of our Nana, Kyle & Abby and their youth group. Alex's job safety.

Ethan Wise- Chelsie Bond and the baby, Pray for my Great Grandma

Hailey Swickard–  Pray for me as I continue at Crown College. Things are well! Gabby’s Mom, My Dad and family.

Jayla Rethmeyer- Pray for my Dad's salvation and that I will see him more.

Jeanine Hicks–  Crystal for salvation, Kim for salvation, Little Brian's Mom Kelly as she recovers from surgery, Pray for my Grandpa’s and my brother’s salvation, 2 unspoken, For protection of family and friends. Pray for our church family and leadership.

Jerry Davis–  Pray for Josh and Sydney and this little baby, Pray for my brother James for salvation or restoration.

Joe Wood–  Matt and Tyler’s salvation, 1 unspoken, bus ministry and this school year.

Judah Ross– Pray for my sisters Grace and Moriah for salvation, Pray for my Grandma and her travels.

Katie Coleman– Pray for me as I fully recover from knee surgery, Also pray for my friend’s salvation and for me as I witness to her.

Katelyn Wise-  My Mom’s health and upcoing CT scan, 1 unspoken, My brother as he trains in the marines, Our housing situation, Debby Shelley with cancer.

Kalyn Reeves-  My friend's salvation, For my Mom as she recovers from surgery

Kenya Lakes-   Pray for my wrist, Pray for the kids and I with school, good judgement in priorities & 1 Unspoken request,

Kellie Wood- Pray for the kids and I with school, Sunday School, Nathaniel and his upcoming tests, My Mom's eye sight, Ezra

Zoey Grubb– Pray for her knee and her upcoming strength and mobility tests.

Psalms 19:12-14 Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me from secret faults. 13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression. 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

"The Sound of Success" 9-7-2022

"The Sound of Success (AGAIN)" 9-14-2022

"Stepping Into Success" 9-21-2022

"The Stronghold of Success" 9-28-2022

"God Loves You!" 10-5-2022

"The Stronghold of Success 2" 10-19-2022

Fall Retreat 2022: "Beyond the Shadows"

"The Doubtless Disciple" 11-2-2022

"The Aftermath of Golgotha" 11-9-2022

"The Aftermath of His Word" 11-16-2022

"The Wheat & the Tares" 11-30-2022

I encourage you to listen in when you can to Kurt Skelly's podcast. If you struggle understanding the Bible, the key to overcoming that is simple... set yourself under the teaching of it as much as possible. This is one of my favorite sources of teaching. This is my pick for this week: "Live Like Who You Are, Not Who You Were".