Good afternoon young people! I pray that you are doing well. I want to encourage you as you reach the halfway point of this week to purpose in your heart, not to do anything halfway! Lets keep a positive outlook, keep an eternal focus and give great praise to the LORD with our actions. Tonight we will be exploring the phrase "Larger Than Life" from a Biblical perspective. I am already blessed!
We don't make our prayer list public on our website. If you would like our prayer list please see Pastor Joe!
"Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2
Our New Missions Project!
For the rest of this year we will be splitting our giving on Wednesday nights between two opportunities thru the well known Christian organization, Voice of the Martyrs. Half will be going to front-line workers who are boldly preaching the gospel in hostile areas and half will be going to the families of those who have been martyred or greatly persecuted for the cause of Christ.
Afghanistan Update: God's Heart for Afghans
Author John Weaver lived in Afghanistan, speaks the language and is in daily contact with people still in the country. He’ll give listeners an update on how the Taliban’s takeover is affecting our Christian brothers and sisters and share specific requests to help us pray for our Afghan family members.
John will also tell us how God is working through current events and even among members of the Taliban. One thing we know He is doing is raising up an army of prayer warriors to intercede on behalf of Afghanistan and pray for the advance of Christ’s kingdom among unreached people there.