Gathering Leaves

Dear Friends,

It has been a long time since I have sent out a note addressed specifically to our community of young families. We tried our best to adapt to the radical changes in our world over the past year. We understood that everyone was ZOOM and screen weary by the end of the school year. We intentionally decided to step away from gathering in that manner. It was our hope that a summer of unscheduled time out in nature would be a welcome respite for all. And of course, we all hoped the pandemic would end. Although, COVID is still with us; we are gradually drifting towards a new normal and we are finding ways to reclaim some of our treasured traditions.

Today, I am writing hoping to reconnect with all of you after such a long time apart. Rev. Libby and I are offerring some programing this season to gather our families and youth together again. We want to resurrect our Youth Group, Offer Confirmation Formation and spiritual enrichment for our youngest children too. We know how busy your lives are and, that the currents of life sweep everyone in different directions. Living on this sandy spit, we all get to witness first-hand the ebb and flow of daily tides and we are often reminded how quickly things can slip away or change. It is my hope that this note will act like a welcome, warm, incoming tide carrying you back home to a safe harbor - your church family. I hope that the currents of our busy lives will ebb just enough to allow for us to create some space in our busy lives for spirituality, for one another and for God. Please SAVE THE DATE for two upcoming special gatherings for your family:

Gathering in Gratitude on November 14
Gathering in Hope on December 19th

We miss you all and look forward to our Gathering Together Again.


All are welcome to join us in the Parish Hall on the evening of November 14th for a Gathering In Gratitude. Please feel free to extend an invitation to your friends and extended family members. This is an event for all ages, from parents, to toddlers, to teens. Please RSVP to Allison.

We will celebrate being together again, share a simple supper, pray together, talk about our plans for the year ahead, solicit your ideas and also work together on a fun craft we hope to display on our front lawn during Advent and the Christmas Season (click here for a sneak peak).
We want to Light Up the Night with signs of HOPE and LOVE for our community and we will need your help to achieve this so that it is ready for the night of the Barnstable Village Stroll on Wednesday, December 1st 2021

*Please start collecting plastic water and soda bottles in all sizes and colors to help us with this installation project.
Gathering In Hope
You are also invited to join us on December 19th from 3:30 to 6:00 PM for an Advent Activity, Simple Supper and Winter Solstice Walk. Again this is an opportunity to gather all of our families together, all ages, parents, teens, toddlers to babies. We will celebrate the season together and depending on the state of things in our community potentially do a little Christmas Pageant prep. More details to follow as the dates and details become clearer. Please RSVP for this event as well.
For Our Youth
Finding The Way of Love
Our Youth Group will be using a beautiful curriculum called, The Way of Love to guide our exploration of the Episcapalian Faith this year. We are called to follow the Way of Jesus. His way is the Way of Love, and we believe that love has the power to change lives and change the world. Each month we will reflect on a different practice in the Way of Love:

We will act out these different WAYS OF LOVE through, study, prayer, service, travel, sharing, exploring, working, watching and listening. Our hope is all of these experiences will bring us closer to the Way of Jesus. The Youth Group will meet one Sunday evening a month starting in November and going through May from 4 to 6 PM.

In addition Rev. Libby will be offering a Confirmation Preparedness Session later in the spring for all those Youth Group members who are ready to confirm their Faith later this Summer. Please let Allison know if you or your child are interested in making conifmation this year. We would welcome feedback from you as to the timing of this formation.

Tentative Youth Group Schedule

November 14
December 12
January 9
February 13
March 13
April 10
May 8

Service Opportunities
For Teens
Video Streaming Helpers
We are in need of a few more volunteers to help live stream our indoor worship services. This is a behind the scenes way to support our community and serve those who are unable to physically attend church right now. You do not need to have a technology background. Allison will help train you in how to use the cameras and recording device. In the future we may need people to stream other special events or services in the church but for now we are looking forvolunteers for Sundays mornings. This is a great service opportunity for some of our youth who I know are often looking for service hours. Contact Allison to arrange for a training session. We do reccomend that you shadow someone who is live streaming one service.

Half Day Hooray Volunteers
IF we are able to bring back our program Half Day Hooray to offer safe, fun and wholesome formation for younger chldren on all those half days.... we may be in need of teens to help us. Please reach out to Allison if this is a service committment you might be interested in.

Altar Servers
We are always looking for teens who are willing to help serve on the Altar. Training can be provided. Again, please just let us know.