• Family Sunday School - Sunday, March 3
  • High School Youth Activity - Sunday, March 3


  • PJ's and Prayers - Friday, March 8
  • Middle School Youth Group - Sunday, March 10
  • High School Youth Group - Sunday, March 10
  • Elementary Youth Roller Skating - Sunday, March 17
  • Good Friday Family Worship

Family Ministry Events

PJ’s & Prayers

6:30—8:00 pm

In the Youth Room

Friday, March 8

Get your jammies on, grab a stuffed animal and come on over. We will watch a show, have a snack, and make a craft/play a game together.  

Parents are welcome to stay and hang out or gather elsewhere for some time of fellowship.


PJ Sign Up

Good Friday

Family Worship

Friday, March 29

10:00 am

This morning we will walk through the events of Holy Week with scripture, songs, and activities.

We will discuss the events of Easter in an age-appropriate way to help everyone, from our littlest Lutherans to our seasoned seniors, fully understand the gift of Easter.


Good Friday Sign-up

Family Sunday School

Family Sunday School

Sunday, March 3

10:30 - 11:15

We will meet in the large classroom 109.

This month's theme: Lent & the Resurrection

Bible Verse: Luke 24:46 "This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day."

Please remember: No Sunday School March 24 & 31

Youth Group Events


(High School Youth)

Sunday, March 3

11:30am - 2:30pm


Have a blast on the custom built, one-of-a-kind INDOOR mini golf course.

It's 18 holes of awesomeness! We will stop and grab lunch and then carpool to the facility. 

Cost: $5.00 + lunch. 

Text Angie if you are planning to attend,



Roller Skating

(Elementary Youth)

Sunday, March 17,

12:30 - 2:30pm

Meet at Skateland in Waukesha. We will have a blast rocking and rolling to some fun music while roller skating. Roller skates or blades are available for rental. 

First Time? Skate Mates are free for all age 10 and under. 

Cost: $5.00 per person


Skate Sign Up

Middle School

Youth Group

Sunday, March 10

11:30 - 1:30

Lunch is provided. We will be checking out a new Podcast...

God, Games, & Geekery!

Please let Angie know if you can attend.


High School Youth Group

Sunday, March 10

5:00 - 7:00 pm

Dinner will be provided. We will talk lent, and have some fun!

Please let Angie know if you can come.


Mark your Calendars will all the exciting Youth and Family Ministry Events that are now scheduled January - March!

Winter 2024

Friends are ALWAYS

welcome to join us for any activities from Youth and Family Ministry!

Questions? Contact me! Angie Schatz

Email Angie