Opportunities for Young People to Participate
in the 137th Annual Diocesan Convention
Dear Friends,

I hope New Year finds you well. Diocesan Convention is just a month away! You are receiving this email because I need your help to involve more young people in Diocesan Convention.

Young People are WELCOME and STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to be part of this important event in the our life of our Diocese. Inviting and including young people in the full life of the Diocese of East Carolina engages them in leadership of the Church now and compels them to remain in leadership in the future.

The information in this email will hopefully answer any questions you might have about involving young people from your parish in Diocesan Convention. If you have any other questions about Youth@Convention, please do not hesitate to be in touch!


Program Officer for Youth, College Campus and Young Adult Ministries
Three WaysYoung People
Can Be Involved at Diocesan Convention
• Every parish in the Diocese of East Carolina is invited to have ONE Youth Representative at Diocesan Convention. Every parish is strongly encouraged to include a young person in this capacity.
• These young people must be currently in 9th - 12th grades.
If you parish currently has a young person serving on ECYC (East Carolina Youth Council), at minimum they will serve as your Parish's Youth Representative. Many ECYC members serve as elected delegates from their parish.
The parish covers the cost of the Convention Registration fees for their Youth Representative
 • Youth Representatives should be included in any pre-Convention communications and meetings held by the parish for their Convention Delegation.
• The parish ensures transportation to and from Convention.
• Every parish may elect  ANYONE SIXTEEN or older   to serve as a delegate.  (Constitution Article IV: 3(a); 35-37
•  They are registered the SAME way as every other delegate from your parish.  Register Here
• An elected delegate sits with their parish delegation on the floor of Convention.
  The parish pays the Convention registration fee for young people ( Title I Canon 1.6 ; 26-20
• Delegates should be included in any pre-Convention communications and meetings held by the parish for their Convention Delegation.
• They should attend Pre-Convention Deanery Meetings
• The parish ensures transportation both to and from Diocesan Convention.
There are a limited number of Page slots for the 137th Convention. Please contact Emily Gowdy Canady if you have a high school aged young person who is interested in serving in this capacity.
Time & Commitment for Young People
at Diocesan Convention
All Young People who participate in Diocesan Convention need to arrive at the Hotel Ballast in Wilmington by 5:00 PM on Thursday, February 6th . There will be dinner and activities for all Youth@Convention

Participants will miss a full day of school on Friday, February 7th.

Pages, Youth Representatives and Delegates will finish sometime on Saturday, February 8th. Typically Convention ends around noon on Saturday, however this is not guaranteed or a firm time.
Housing & Meals
For Youth@Convention
• All Young people who are participating in Diocesan Convention will be housed with parishioners from St. Andrew's on the Sound, Wilmington.  
• All participants will be housed with at least one other Youth@Convention participant.  
In compliance with SAFE CHURCH Policies Youth@Convention participants MAY NOT BE HOUSED in hotel rooms with parishioners from their parish UNLESS they are a parent or grandparent.  Written documentation must be on file with the Program Officer a minimum of TWO WEEKS prior to Convention if this arrangement is made.
• All Meals beginning Thursday night through Saturday morning are provided for Youth@Convention participants.