February 2019
YouthZone's New Home And New Logo!
Like most of the world around us, YouthZone is evolving. And along with it our brand. As we begin another “new era” with our move to a new home, we believed it was also the right time to update the logo that we’ve used for the past 20 years.

The vision for the redesign was to give the organization—the brand—a more modern and forward-looking feel; to better convey the organization’s mission; to stand out more and clearly differentiate us among other local youth-focused organizations in our communities; and to improve the brand’s application in digital environments.

Our goal was to craft an identity that was bold, professional, and contemporary, yet also welcoming, friendly, and youthful. We strived for one that conveyed feelings of confidence, comfort, and trust. And one that would appeal equally to our local youth, client parents, donors, and the communities we serve.

We are excited about our new logo and hope you are too. From the new YZ mark, with joining hands representing our tagline “Connect and Grow,” to the simple and humble type treatment, we believe it is one that will serve us well now and long into the future.
We're Moving March First, Save The Date
Our current phone system will be operational until mid-day on Feb. 28th. The new phone system will be active by mid-day on March 1st. Voicemail may be inactive until March 4th. If you need to leave a message during this time period, please use YouthZone's Rifle office number: 970-625-3141.
YouthZone's grand opening will be held on April 11th, 2019 at 5PM

Be the first to see our finished space, 413 Ninth Street GWS

(old garfield county library)
YouthZone leadership would like to extend a grateful thank you to the Garfield County Commissioners , as well as the YouthZone Capital Campaign Cabinet
From left to right: Robin Tolan, Charla Belinski, Martha Robinson, Tim
Braun, Lori Mueller, Alex Yajko, Hollis Kelley, Connie Casey, Lauri Bosco,
Steve Casey, Marci Pattillo, and Roger Proffitt (not pictured: Dan McCaslin
and Jay Rickstrew)
Thank you for helping us reach our initial goal to help us move into YouthZone's new home on march 1st. Even though the community has come together to meet this goal, YouthZone still needs 250k$ .
YouthZone's New Home Wish List
2 large conference tables
Projector and screen

ADA compliant dishwasher Large White Board

$750 for each office to be furnished with desk, bookshelf and chair

The Month of February:
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Did you know that only 33% of teens that are in an abusive relationship reach out for help?

That's why understanding the signs is the best way to keep our youth safe
February is  Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month . One in 10 high school students has been hit, slapped or physically hurt by a dating partner. This adds up to nearly 1.5 million high school students each year experiencing physical abuse from a dating partner a year.

Of those students, only 33% of teens who are in abusive relationships ever tell anyone. Teens often don’t know how to initiate the conversation or are unaware they are in an abusive situation. As someone who works with teens, you can help change this.

You can help end teen dating violence by providing the right tools for teens.When you are dealing with a perpetrator of abuse, our  Respect & Resolve course covers many of the issues related to dating violence: