Thank You,
Robin Tolan
Development Director,
Robin retires at the end of February after 14 years of service.
"I’m leaving my position at YouthZone, but not my passion. It’s been a privilege to work for an organization that has such a positive impact and cares so deeply about our community’s youth and families’ futures. I have worked with an incredible group of dedicated professionals. I will always be a dedicated volunteer and donor."
Robin Tolan, Development Director
"Robin has a gift of seeing potential in everything and everyone, especially youth. Her belief in kids brought her to the doors of everyone in our community. With charisma, engagement, laughter and leadership, she raised more than $20 million in the last 14 years for YouthZone. She has left a legacy that will not be forgotten, and we will be forever grateful."
Lori Mueller, Executive Director YouthZone