Sept. 8,

No. 56

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Supporting the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Great event this Friday!
This Friday at 10am at CSIS, we will be hosting a lecture, in Chinese, by Yu Keping, one of China's most respected and influential intellectuals. He became well known internationally after the publication of his book "Democracy is a Good Thing," an English translation of which was published by Brookings in 2009. RSVP and event details can be found  here. If you are going to only attend one AMS event this year, this should be the one!

Weekly Readings

At the September 3rd parade (after which hopefully we will get a break from the last month of PLA coverage!), Xi Jinping announced a 300,000-person cut from the People's Liberation Army. Unlike previous cuts, the full ramifications are not yet clear and neither are the possible organizational changes down the road. These "software" questions are critical to understanding the PLA and how seriously Chinese military capabilities should be taken. The military parade may be showy; however, modern military hardware requires educated soldi ers and sophisticated networks of sensors. Moreover, as the protector of the party, the PLA faces leadership pressures that turn its attention inward and may thwart building the kind of awareness necessary for a military with global reach.
Social Media Watch

Explore urban flora, chat with fellow pet-lovers, and find out the species of that "shy" octopus (Grimpoteuthis)-all on , the Chinese social media platform for science. Guokr produces original content about the science behind our daily lives, while also giving users the chance to participate in discussion boards and answer each other's questions. But the platform's biggest draw is its hub for massive open online courses (MOOCs). Guokr partners with many US-based MOOCs, including edX and Coursera, and crowdsources volunteer translations of the curricula. It's the biggest MOOC platform in China.
俗语 in Xi Jinping's  Speeches


jiān kǔ zhuó jué

Meaning: extremely hard struggle

In Xi Jinping's major speech on September 3 to commemorate the victory against the fascists in WWII, he used this chengyu to describe the arduous struggle leading to victory over the Japanese.


Documentary of the Week

On September 3rd, central Beijing was shut down for a military parade marking the 70th anniversary of the allied victory in World War II. This week's film is CCTV1's coverage of the parade. For good analysis of the parade, we highlight two of the best pieces as well as Andrew Erickson's guide to the military hardware in the parade.
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The American Mandarin Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.