Zion's weekly newsletter to help you CONNECT, SERVE, GROW



Check out this month's events


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This week's prayer list.


See a list of opportunities to volunteer.


Join us every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for a LIVE worship experience online or onsite. Be sure to share and subscribe. We look forward to connecting with you.





Annual Children and Youth Day Celebration THIS Sunday!

Join us for our annual Children And Youth Day Celebration On Sunday, August 28. This Year’s Theme Is Theme: “Stay Lit!” From Matthew 5:16. With guest speaker, Minister Jyhir Jesse Jordan. Min. Jordan is a Morehouse student and serves as a Sunday school teacher and chaplain at the Clear View Baptist Church of Newark, New Jersey. For Min. Jordan's full bio, click here.

Be sure to register online for in-person worship. Masks are required.

Children and Youth Day Outing at Mountasia

Also, be sure to sign up for our annual Youth Day After party immediately following service at Mountasia Family Fun Center near Town Center Mall. Cost is $15 per person. Be sure to signup on our website by clicking here. Payments are accepted at Mountasia upon arrival. Be sure to mention Zion Baptist Church of Marietta.


ZBC Proud Sponsor of Marietta High School Football Team

Zion Baptist Church is a sponsor of the Marietta high school football team. Pastor Beckham and Deacons will provide dinner to the team and cheerleaders during the pre-game on Friday, August 26, and September 2.


Youth Day Free T-Shirt

All children and youth will receive a free Youth Day t-shirt to wear at our Annual Youth Day service on Sunday, August 28. Please contact Rev. Bianca Howard for any questions.

Ministry Leadership Training: This Saturday: 8:30 am – 1:30 pm (onsite)

Rev. Antoine Wright, assistant to Pastor Eric Beckham, will be hosting a the second part of ministry leadership training and support series for all Zion ministry leaders. The session will be held Saturday, August 27th in person from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All are encouraged to attend these important meetings. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. 

For more information, please contact Rev. Wright.

Eyes of Color Fall Wednesday Night and Small Group series

ZBC presents Through Eyes of Color by Lisa Fields. Beginning Wednesday, September 14, Cynthia Crawford, director of discipleship and multiplication, will lead the series and engage in transparent dialogue that resonates with many. You don’t want to miss this! Small group sessions begin September 11. We’re growing in Christ and understanding how to apply it in life. Click JOIN A GROUP to sign up for Wednesday Night Bible Study sessions.

Noonday Bible Study Wednesdays at Noon Starting September 14

Noonday bible study class will resume on Wednesday, Sept. 14. For more information, click here.

Ministry to Women Prayer Walk - September 24th

Grab your sneakers and sweats and join the ministry to women on Saturday, September 24 at 10 am for their “wake up and flourish” prayer walk to Marietta square! 

Women of all ages are invited. We encourage our young adult women to join us as well. And invite a friend! Fellowship activities will follow. Meet at Zion’s east lot. Be sure to sign up as we nourish the mind, body, and spirit! See you there!

Senior Adult Ministry - September 8th

This month’s theme is " Your Vote Counts". The guest speaker will be Rev. Kara Pringle, Zion minister and elections division manager for the Cobb Board of Elections and Registration.

This fellowship will include a non-partisan discussion about the November mid-term elections process and provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions. For more information or questions, please contact Sis. Blanche Walker, Zion Senior Ministry Secretary at 770-833-6010. SIGNUP

Save The Date -

2023 Mission Trip to Liberia

Save the Date! 2023 Mission Trip to Liberia February 17-27. Registration is now open. Payment plan is available. Contact Rev. Ruth Hodo for questions. DONATE

Student Sponsorship Campaign

For just $20 a month, your sponsorship of a child will have a far-reaching impact on students. DONATE

Happy Birthday Dr. Sandra Ervin

Please join us in wishing Dr. Sandra Ervin our Church Administrator a Happy Birthday on August 30th.


Congratulations to Brother Chandler Black

Congratulations to Zion's own, Brother Chandler Black, son of Bro. Corbitt and Sis. Carlita Black has begun his fall semester at Louisiana State University’s (LSU) Flores MBA program.

Congratulations to Sis. Kristen McClure Prather

Congratulations to Zion's own, Sis. Kristen McClure Prather, daughter of Rev. Randy and Deaconess Valerie McClure, recently earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing from the University of Arizona Global Campus.

Congratulations to Brother Chesley McNeil Jr.

Congratulations to Zion's own Brother Chesley McNeil Jr., son of Deacon Chesley McNeil, Sr., and Deaconess Ramona McNeil has recently earned his MBA from Capella University in Organizational Leadership.

Announcement Submissions

Please visit our website to submit an announcement. Deadline for our church-wide video announcements is the 15th of each month for video shoot.

Ad Design: Two Weeks: Custom flyer design. One week submission for pre-designed flyers..

Advertising Campaign Requests: Please give at least a one-month (four weeks) notice to the Communications Team for special campaign promotions and creative services requests (fundraisers, donation drives, recruitment, annual events, etc). Visit our website to submit all requests.

Share Your Photos!

Be sure to share photos, news and events for your ministry or special news to be included in our weekly newsletter. Click here to submit.

To God, be all the Glory. Have a blessed weekend!

Peace and Blessings,

ZBC Communications Team

(770) 427-8749

Love God. Love Others. Share Jesus. Make Disciples.

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