The Thirsty Pilgrim
What did the pilgrims drink at the first Thanksgiving?

The pilgrims sailed the ocean blue with barrels of beer, but when they got to Plymouth Rock, they had a problem. They had run out of beer. Essentially making the Mayflower's voyage one big beer run.

The Mayflower's voyage took much longer than expected, and the pilgrims had consumed all of their allotted beer. The captain pretty much said good luck after landing 200 miles north of the Mayflower's planned stop. The pilgrims begged the ship's crew to give them some of their beer, but the ship’s crew refused arguing the ship needed to have enough beer to make the voyage back across the Atlantic. The pilgrims would have to make their own, but that would be a challenge! They didn’t have barley, which was a grain commonly used to make beer and they didn’t have hops, which was not only used to flavor beer but also acted as a preservative.

“If barley be wanting to make into malt. We shall be contented and think it no fault, for we shall make liquor to sweeten our lips of pumpkins and parsnips and walnut tree chips and other green cornstalks we make our best beer. We put it in barrels to drink all the year," As explained by a famous pilgrim rhyme The voyagers knew they had to get creative.

If parsnip and walnut tree bark shooters aren't your thing, there were other options. The new world offered many native apple varieties to make rudimentary hard cider and the pilgrims drank A LOT of it. On average, people in those days could drink upwards of a quart a day of beer / hard cider. These alcoholic drinks were a safer alternative to ground water which could potentially contain bacteria such as cholera and dysentery.

Open a beer or hard cider this Thanksgiving if you want to drink like a pilgrim. At the very least, it will make listening to the obnoxious ramblings of your uncle, with questionable world views, a bit more tolerable.

On behalf of Zink Distributing, we would like to wish you a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Love one another, give thanks and, please don't drink and drive.


Brewery: Rhinegeist

Style: Hoppy Holiday Ale

ABV: 6%

IBU: 45

Notes: This hoppy red ale balances crisp hops with juicy malts like a well worn flannel embraces the cold early dark days of winter.

4/6 12oz CANS
Brewery: McClure's Orchard

Style: Peach Hard Cider

ABV: 6.8%

IBU: 0

Notes: Made with apples grown on the McClure orchard, Paige's Peach is a refreshing a crisp hard cider infused with estate grown peaches.

6/4 16oz CANS
Brewery: Breckenridge

Style: Winter Warmer

ABV: 7.1

IBU: 22

Notes: This winter warmer carries a sturdy texture and rich flavors of caramel and chocolate. Our holiday seasonal is the fermented equivalent of a good fire.

4/6 12Oz Bottles
Brewery: Four Day Ray

Style: Winter Ale

ABV: 6.5%

IBU: 31

Notes: A brown ale with cinnamon and nutmeg, with hints of malty sweetness, nuts, honey and biscuit.

Brewery: Scarlet Lane

Style: IPA

ABV: 4.9%

IBU: 40

Notes: Gaze upon the dark sky of falling stars and take a trip with Asteria Australian IPA to the edge of divination visions. Crashing into the palate like the Australian coastline, Topaz and Ella hops create a fruit-like aroma with mild bitterness. Reinforced by a split of pale, biscuit-like malts and Australian yeast, Asteria summons a wave of drinkability in this Australian Ale fit for any occasion and beer drinker. Join Asteria on the edge of the earth and never look back.

4/6 12oz BOTTLES
Brewery: Urban Chestnut

Style: Tropical Ale

ABV: 5.1%

IBU: 30

Notes: Escape! Tropical Ale is a perfect break from the plethora of heavy winter beer options. Escape! the in-laws, the holidays, even the winter blahs — and feel the proverbial summer breeze with this Tropical Ale brewed with pineapple,
mango and passion fruit.

6/4 16oz CANS
How Clean Are Your Draft Lines?

  Without question the easiest way to improve the quality of beer that you serve your customers is consistently cleaning your draft lines. Zink is very proud to adhere to the standard of cleaning our lines every two weeks. We have been asked before about the necessity of this practice and now this standard gets a great article from none other than the Brewers Association itself. For those who are unaware, the Brewers Association is the governing body for every brewer, micro or macro, in the country. Take a look at the link below to see why cleaning every two weeks is so important to both the quality of your beer and the maintenance of your system.

Ask your Sales Representative today about how we can help you!

Contact Us!

David Mahaffa
Director of Craft Beer
           Cell: (317) 519-1778       
Office: (317) 781-5800 x684

John Beal
Craft Beer Representative
Cell: (317) 538-6061
Email: JohnBeal@zinkdistributing.com

Jen Nead
High End Brand Manager
Cell: (317) 557-7639
Email: JenniferNead@Zinkdistributing.com