Volume 26 | March 5th, 2021
Weekly Roar
School Office Hours
Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm
Quick Links
From Principal Baron
A Bittersweet Note about our music teacher,
Heather Pittman
We are both excited and saddened to share with you that our music teacher and band director for the past three years, Mrs. Heather Pittman, will be leave ZLS next year to teach music at a Christian school in Nigeria! We are so proud of you for serving the Lord across the globe and fulfilling the mission of making disciples of all nations!

ZLS Community, this means we will be looking for a music education teacher (Preschool-4th grade) and band director (5th-8th grade) for our students for the 2021-2022 school year.

Other current job openings at ZLS include:
  • Preschool director
  • Extended Care workers
  • Substitute teachers

Interested parties should contact for an application and to submit a resume.

Please do not forget to re-enroll for the next school year. We are excited to have 150 students enrolled for next year. Remember that registration rates increase on April 1st. Go to your Blackbaud account and click on the "Forms" to complete in the banner.

Calendar Items
Monday March 1st - Friday March 26th, 2021 - Food Drive Starts
Friday March 12th - Early Dismissal 1:15 pm
Sunday March 14th - Daylight Savings Time
Wednesday March 17th - St. Patricks Day
New This Week
Picture Retake #2
Picture Retake Day #2 will take place on Monday March 22nd, 2021. If you have a set a pictures and would like to have them redone please bring your originals in on the day of retakes.
Donations Needed:

Will be needing 12x12 washcloths, in any color,
NLSW 2021
(National Lutheran Schools Week)
April 26th - 30th

School Service Project
OCC (Operation Christmas Child)
Making washcloth teddy bears to add to the boxes.
Don't Miss This
RE-enrollment is now open!!
Space is limited enroll today
For current Zion students, 2021-2022 school year registration is simple. A brief re-enrollment form has be assigned to your Blackbaud account on which you will indicate which children will be re-enrolling at Zion next year. For families returning to our preschool, you will use this form to also indicate which days of the week your child will attend.  

Re-enrollment is fully complete when the registration fee has been received. You will be prompted to make your registration payment using the re-enrollment form. 
Please note that registration fees increase as of April 1st.
Registration Fee for Preschool - 8th Grade
paid after March 31st
$275 (per child, non refundable)
$625 max for families with three or more children
(Fee covers curriculum, activities & technology)
Grandparents' Day - Reimagined

We love Grandparents' Day at ZLS, and we are sad that we will not be able to celebrate it on our campus, in-person with these special people this year.

To celebrate Grandparents' Day (which was scheduled for March 12th), our students and staff will be putting together some activities, photos, videos, and gifts to share with these people that are such an important part of our lives.

We would like to collect home addresses and email addresses for our families' grandparents or special people.

Please use the form attached to your family Blackbaud account to share this information with us.

Click on the button to the right to see the letter that was emailed to grandparents (if addresses were supplied).
Families who use it but are not registered by Tuesday March 9th for Early Dismissal Care from 1:15-3:15 will be charged $5.00 per student. 

PLEASE SIGN UP BY Tuesday March 9, 2021 to avoid $5.00 charge.
Early Dismissal
Zion's Extended School Programs exists to serve Zion School families Pre- K to 8th grade. To that end, the Extended School staff, coordinated by Ms. Dawn Holcomb, provides additional care services from 1:15-3:15 on Early Dismissal Days.

In order to provide quality care that meets our current standards and guidelines, we must know how many students will be in attendance on these days.

Please use the form to register your children for Early Dismissal Care by Tuesday, March 9th.

Zion Virtual Trivia Night Youth Fundraiser 

You’re invited for a night of fun at Zion’s Virtual Trivia Night!
Saturday, March 6th at 6:30pm on ZOOM!

Cost: Normally, we charge per person; but since we are going virtual this year, we are leaving the donation total up to you! All proceeds go to Zion's HS Youth Ministry.

Play as a family or with friends or on your own! Teams of 1-8 people are welcome! We will include some questions and categories that kids will enjoy too!
Thanks for your support of Zion's Youth!

Donation Requests

Zion Lutheran School is looking for some help obtaining a few items. If you are able to lend a hand by making a donation, when you are at the store or online shopping please add one or two of these items to your list.

Disinfectant Wipes

Thank you for helping us keep our students safe and healthy!
2020 Taxes
To Get Tax information for the
first half of 2020
Access TADS @
log in( if you have trouble logging in you can contact TADS at 1-800-477-8237)
Select billing
Select Household Paid Tuition
for Taxes Report
enter tax year (2020)
Your statement will pop up as a PDF.

To get tax information for the
second half of 2020 -
log-in to your Blackbaud account
and choose your Resource Tab.
Select the Smart tuition Tile.
There will be a blue button that says
"End of year statement".
That will be your tax statement.
If you have any question contact the School Finance Department @
Video Tutorials

Subscribe to ZLS YouTube Channel for these videos and more videos throughout the school year

ZLS Belleville