August 3, 2018

Please join us as we welcome our new friends in the global Zentangle family, this time from CZT-Asia seminars #7 and #8 recently held in Taipei, Taiwan!

We are humbled and thrilled to see the faces of people a world away who appreciate and wish to share the benefits of a Zentangle practice with others.


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There are two CZT-Asia seminars coming later this year in Shanghai, China. Some seats are still available. See the links below.

Welcome CZTs of CZT-Asia #7!

CZT-Asia seminars in Taipei were held this year at a new venue close  to the airport which made it convenient for attendees, regardless of where they came from.

Our CZT-Asia teachers were so thrilled to have the precious opportunity to meet so many passionate people from all over Asia and to see how everyone enjoyed each others' company. The  passions and enthusiasms of the students were moving and truly inspiring.
That Zentangle attracts really nice people proved itself once again!



Welcome CZTs of CZT-Asia #8!

Once more, wonderful people traveled from near and far to attend CZT-Asia 8. Our teaching team was so honored to have this opportunity to meet and mingle with them.

They write:

"We could never fully describe or convey in words the astonishing creativity, gentle friendships, awesome insights and the great experience at seminar But maybe the pictures can help to deliver some of the great atmosphere.

"We all had a wonderful time in Taipei at CZT-Asia 8 meeting and getting to know these great new CZTs. We l ook forward to working with these amazing people as they work with the Zentangle Method around this world.  


CZT-Asia in Shanghai Coming Up!

In the schedule below you will see the upcoming schedule for CZT-Asia seminars in Shanghai, China. These will be taught by our friends at Created With Love and their team of awesome CZTs:

Please take advantage of this excellent opportunity to discover your creative potential AND help other people discover theirs!

See registration links in the next article.

Upcoming 2018 Zentangle Events

1440 Zentangle Workshops with Rick and Maria, assisted by Martha and Molly in Scotts Valley, California, US:
Kripalu Zentangle Weekend with Martha and Molly in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA - December 14-16

CZT Seminar #32 - October 28-31 in Providence, RI, USA

CZT-Asia Seminar #9 - August 12-15 in Shanghai, China

CZT-Asia Seminar #10 - December 16-19 in Shanghai, China 

1440 Multiversity Zentangle Scholarships


Thank you!

Thank you and welcome again to all the new CZTs from CZT-Asia #7 and #8!

We look forward to the possibility of meeting you and to working with you throughout the coming years. We look forward to hearing about and seeing all the wonderful creations and experiences you discover with your students.

With all best wishes,

All of us at Zentangle HQ

© 2018 Zentangle, Inc.