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In this issue...
New tangle: noom repus
CZT Training
Zentangle Workshops
Blog Updates
One more thing!
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Mosaic

March 24, 2017

It's Spring here in the northern hemisphere and we are enjoying longer days and (occasionally) warmer weather.

We trust this newsletter finds you and yours well in whichever season you are enjoying!

In this newsletter we are happy to share . . .  
  • A new tangle: noom repus 
  • CZT Seminar and other event updates
  • Some BLOG Zentangle highlights
  • And more.

New Tangle: noom (repus)

This is a great border tangle that Maria came up with.

It's all about the "S" and "curve" elemental strokes.

We released this tangle at our recent zenAgain CZT reunion. After we shared this tangle, we asked each person to suggest a name for this tangle on a piece of paper but not to write their name. This was also the day of the Super Moon. The winning name was written as "noom repus" ("super moon" backwards) which we shortened to "noom" and declared it the winner.

Later we discovered it was our son, Noah, that won. it was quite a scene . . . particularly with Maria, Molly, Martha and Rick!

Congratulations, Noah!

Here is a mosaic segment of noom repus tangled on Zentangle 3Z tiles

You can find many more examples of this tangle under the hashtags #noom or #noomrepus on our Zentangle Mosaic app.

We look forward to seeing what you create with this fun new tangle!

CZT Training - Providence, RI, USA

"I LOVE your Zentangle Method!  How wonderful to make this art and meditation available and so accessible to us all.  I want to learn more, and find out about your seminars.

"Thank you for such a beautiful contribution to the world of art. My life is so much richer now."

-- Leslie S.

If you want to bring more of the Zentangle Experience into your life - whether you desire to teach the Zentangle Method professionally - or you want to simply enjoy focused time with like-hearted tanglers, you will love being at a CZT seminar with Rick, Maria, Molly, Martha and the whole Zentangle crew.

Maria, Martha, Molly, Rick

CZT seminars are special events because either the Zentangle community attracts the nicest people or because it brings out the best in the people it attracts . . . either way, we look forward to meeting you and working with you!

We have just a handful of seats open at these events (although some room categories are full). If you have any questions, please contact for more info.

Our Providence, RI 2017  CZT training Seminar  dates are:
April 9 - 12
April 23 - 26
June 18 - 21
June 25 - 28

Read about Providence CZT seminars here

Register for a Providence CZT seminar  here .

CZT Training - Taipei, Taiwan

As you may know, we have had such a demand from the Mandarin speaking community that CZT training is available in Mandarin in Taipei, Taiwan. Read more about this program in  this newsletter.

CZT-Asia Registration is now open for seminars on:

July 25 - 28 and
August 1 - 4

Learn more and register at this link

Zentangle Workshops with Rick and Maria

Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health (Western MA)

Rick, Maria, Molly and Martha return to Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health to host a new Zentangle weekend workshop:

"It's a String Thing

Zentangle Weekend with Rick and Maria
May 19 - 21, 2017

Learn more and register at  this link.


California Tangling!

Two Zentangle Workshops with Rick, Maria, Molly & Martha

Later this year, Rick, Maria, Molly and Martha will hit the road and travel to California to give two Zentangle workshops! 

We are pleased to be invited presenters at the highly anticipated opening of  1440 Multiversity in California.

1440 Multiversity is a new school in Santa Cruz County, California that offers teachable skills for better living. It's a place where you can choose your path to a better life-on purpose, with practice. 

We will offer two different Zentangle programs:
  • A Zentangle Weekend, and
  • Zentangle Beyond Basics
We are so fortunate to be among an acclaimed cast of teachers and to present the Zentangle Method on their brand new campus.  

1440 Multiversity is handling all the registrations and the links to register are below.

A Zentangle Weekend

Zentangle Beyond Basics

1440 Multiversity looks like an absolutely beautiful place. 
We are excited at the possibility of seeing you there!

BLOG Zentangle Updates

We've uploaded some great posts to BLOG Zentangle since our last newsletter. We want to make sure you get to see them. Here are some highlights:

On A Clear Day . . .

Maria describes her use of clear nail polish to enhance her tiles in this blog post.


CZT Family Tree: Elisa Murphy, CZT
We have begun a new series to profile the stories of our CZTs. We think you will enjoy this one about Elisa.


Kitchen Table Tangles with Indy and Mazzy

Read the story behind this video that Molly's girls put together after watching Rick and Maria (or, "Meme and Ricky") do their Kitchen Table Tangle videos. Absolutely delightful!

What's extra cool is that the tangle they created, zingo, is now showing up all over the Zentangle Mosaic app under the hashtag, #zingo and Laura Harms, CZT used zingo in her "I am the Diva"  Weekly Challenge #307!


Revisiting a Basic Comfort
In this blog post we address a concern that often comes up:

"Hi guys, Am I a dweeb for wanting to stick with basic tangles? I love the simple, basic designs. The advanced stuff is nice, but I like where I'm at. I feel kinda bad with all the fancy designs on the net and my basic designs aren't anything to write home about, but I like them. It's impossible to make it into the Who's Who of Zentangle unless my Tangles are over the top. This is discouraging at times."


What's Your Idea?
In this blog post, Rick initiates a conversation about what's behind the many positive impacts of practicing the Zentangle Method. 

Rick would love to read your thoughts on this topic!

Oh yes, one more thing!

A tangler writes:

Hi Rick and Maria!

How I enjoyed your video tutorial on making diva dance flow "through" paradox! I followed you almost exactly, but when Laura [Harms] made a challenge with these two in it , I was delighted, because it meant playing around even more.
Anyway, I posted it on my blog and someone in my comments suggested sending you a copy of my entry in the challenge. It was sure a lot of fun doing this, and if I do say so myself, it's VERY cool looking. Thanks for coming up with this. You are so inspirational!

blessings, HeidiSue

As always, there's so much more to share, but we'll leave it there for now.

We look forward to reading your comments on our blog posts, to seeing your Zentangle art on the app, and perhaps, to meet you at one of our seminars or workshops.

Until our next newsletter, thank you so much for being part of this amazing Zentangle adventure!

With all our Best Wishes,

Rick, Maria, Martha, Molly, and all of us at Zentangle

About Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is an easy
to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

phone: 508-234-6843

© 2017 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved