Hello Rick and Maria,
From The Book of Zentangle...
Rick writes:
"Our pivotal Zentangle discovery moment came some months after we had been working together. One Saturday afternoon I barged into Maria’s studio. She was working on an illuminated manuscript – the kind consisting of big letters decorated with gold and patterns. Our home and studio were quiet, and she had been absorbed for several hours drawing small, intricate patterns inside a large letter.
After I interrupted her reverie, it took her a while to come back from her effortless focus on what she was doing. She had said she was unaware of where she was. She was free from worries, and no to-do lists were looming in her consciousness. As she spoke of her total absorption in what she was doing, I realized it was exactly how I would describe meditation. At that moment, we knew something important had just presented itself. Jewels of insight and possibility were in the air waiting to be grasped."