In December, we concluded our Centennial Oral History Project with an interview with Dr. Zev Harel, MSW ‘67. Harel is a Holocaust survivor and he tells a riviting story. David Bullock, MSW ‘20, served as our oral history coordinator and recorded all the interviews. In his conversation with Harel, they discussed survival, the concept and philosophy of luck, and social justice. Bullock also wrote an essay reflecting on the interview.
These two pieces — the oral history and Bullock’s essay — are featured on the U-M gateway, the homepage of the university’s website, this week. This post is will mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day (which is on Thursday).  

You can listen to more oral histories on the School’s Centennial website. We thank David Bullock, audio engineer Isaac Levine and the School’s multimedia designer, Niki Williams for dedicating their skills, talents and time to creating this remarkable collection.