Zion Lutheran Church Ann Arbor
Midweek E-Update
Click the link to view Pastor Jim's blog postings each week.
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This Sunday is bring a bell Sunday as we Ring in the Season of Epiphany
Pastor Jim's Video Message
January's Focus statement
"I am God's child, deserving of love and respect, and God will use me to change the world."
The Daniel Plan Begins at Zion
A New Small Group for those looking for a Healthy Start to 2017. Join Zion’s 40 day journey to a heathier life, beginning on January 12. Each Thursday through February 16 from 6:45 to 7:30PM, the group will be meeting in class room C. This is a video-based small group study based on Rick Warren’s book, The Daniel Plan. This study focuses on an abundance of healthy choices, giving you the encouragement and inspiration needed to succeed. Join Pr. Jim and Barbara in starting the New Year by deepening your relationship with God and making healthy choices each day. The six weekly sessions are: 1. Faith: Nurture Your Soul. 2. Food: Enjoying God’s Abundance. 3. Fitness: Strengthening Your Body. 4. Focus: Renewing Your Mind. 5. Friends: Encouraging Each Other. 6. Living the Lifestyle.
Faith Formation Returns This Sunday January 8 for all ages at 10:10.
Christian Education Hour
Bibleland-3years old-5th grade/2nd floor
C+C-high school/Omega Room upstairs
Catechism-6th-8th grade/Youth room main floor
Bibleland Parents Coffee Hour: Upstairs in the Alpha room for families with young children.
Adult Discipleship: Please note: there are 2 different classes every Sunday. In Piper Hall and Classroom C
Jan. 8
Piper Hall-Ten Words of Life, The Ten Commandments, led by Pr. Jim Debner
**Classroom C-Women of Faith; Harriet Tubman led by Avis Ellingrod
Jan. 15
Piper Hall-God Three Times Over, led by Pr. Jim Debner **Classroom C-Martha; led by Margie Reynolds
Jan 22
Piper Hall-How to Pray, led by Pr. Jim Debner
**Classroom C-Dorothy Day, founder of Catholic Worker’s movement, Led by Bernadette Quist
Jan 29
Piper Hall-From Death to Life & Food for Travelers in the Lords’ supper, Led by Pr. Jim Debner
**Classroom C-Writer Madeleine L’Engle, led by Layale Weinert
Annual Congregational Meeting is February 19, 2017 at 10:10 in Piper Hall
No Bibleland or Adult Faith Formation
The nominating committee has been selected by Council for the upcoming election. Elections are held at the annual meeting scheduled for February 19th. The congregation currently will be electing
one (1) person to serve on IT Committee (technology skills),
two (2) people to serve on Endowment (finance skills),
two (2) people to serve as Members at Large on Council (logic and reason skills),
three (3) people to serve on Audit Team (finance skills). The Audit Committee is a new committee.
If you are interested in serving Zion and sharing your skills, please contact Sharon VanRiper at: svanriper@zlc-aa.org, or Vickie Matthews at: vmatthews@zlc-aa.org
If you would like to donate altar flowers for a specific Sunday in 2017, please contact Ruth Huff at 734-665-3273. Please do not delay as dates have already been requested. Also, there are several times during the year when general funding is needed to purchase flowers, such as palms for Palm Sunday and carnations for Mother’s Day. Donation envelopes for these purposes are available in the pew racks. Your flower donations are greatly appreciated!
Faces of Faith hosted at Zion, Jan 15
The Interfaith Round Table of Washtenaw County presents the sixth annual “Faces of Faith” program as part of national Religious Freedom Day observances. The focus this year will be on the stories of religious leaders from following tradition: Baha’i, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Unitarian Universalism. Each presenter will talk about “the personal joys” and the “public frustrations” in being part of their faith tradition. Small group conversations will also be part of the afternoon.
Date: Sunday, January 15, 2017 /
Time: 4-6p /
Piper Hall.
Questions? www.irtwc.org or Facebook link
Luther Fun Fact
Luther changed his name from Martin Luder to a more academic sounding name. Martin Luther.
The year 2017 is the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, and like Lutherans all over the world, Zion will be celebrating with Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving!
As a kick-off to Zion’s celebration, we will enjoy a German meal from Metzger’s, followed by a viewing of the film Luther. This stirring, sweeping, epic, stars Joseph Fiennes as Martin Luther, the brilliant man of God whose defiant actions changed the world. The film traces Luther’s exhilarating quest for the people’s liberation. Following the movie, Pastor Jim Debner will lead us in a thoughtful, informative discussion of the movie.
When: January 22, 2017 immediately following the Ignite Worship Service
Where: Piper Hall
What: German lunch catered by Metzger’s followed by the movie, Luther
Price: Adult $10.00,
Child (6-12) $5.00 , Child (5 and under free). C
onfirmands receive complimentary tickets
Zion’s women are celebrating National Pie Days on January 23 and March 14th. Bring your favorite pie receipt to share and wisdom to make the perfect pie crust. We will meet down in Piper Hall from 5:30-7:00pm on January 23rd. Women and girls will enjoy fellowship around a pie plate! During Lent, we are looking at what is inside. On March 14th we will be focusing on unique fillings. Come to one or both days. Bring a friends and make a memory with other cooks! Mothers are encouraged to bring daughters. Grandmas, please share your secrets!! Register at the Welcome desk before January 16th so we have enough forks. Questions? Contact Barbara Debner at: babdebner@gmail.com
Do you like to greet people? Help them find a seat? Show them our beautiful church? Well then we have a spot for you!! All three of our services are in need of ushers. 8:00, 9:00 and 11:11. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the church office and Diane drinehart@zlc-aa.org will be happy to get you in contact with the lead usher for the individual services. Thank you for your interest in helping us out!! See you in the pews!
Martin Marty's book, Luther, has been chosen as Zion's common read in 2017 on the topic of Luther. That fall day when Martin Luther tacked a challenge on the door of his local church, he was not doing a totally new thing, but what he wrote was new and led to a revolution in Christendom. Marty's book can be purchased now; sale will continue through March 2017, when Pastor Debner will lead discussions based on the book. The cost of the book is $10 and is available in the Welcome Center.
Four words to ponder as you begin 2017
Simplify, Beautify, Clarify, Fortify
Seeking Co-chair/Chair of Zion Special
Luncheon Ministry.
After almost 12 years, Carol Brodbeck has decided to step down coordinating/co-chairing the Zion Special
Luncheons in order to begin the next leg of her life’s journey.
hope that someone will step up and chair/co-chair this incredible ministry at Zion.
This ministry started in order to thank Special Seniors (those 70 years and older) who sacrificed so we could enjoy this beautiful church building from which and in which we proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Historically, these luncheons were held quarterly on a Saturday,
for 50-125. If you love to work with Seniors, this may be just the ministry that you have been seeking.
If you would like more information, you may contact Carol Brodbeck (brodbeck@aol.com or
Warm Hearts/No Empty Hands
Please remember to bring a non-perishable item to church. Food is given to Emmanuel Lutheran Church and Hope Clinic. If you have given food through school, work, or food drives, thank you.
If you have extra calendars, please donate and I will take it to Hope Clinic. Another place that takes calendars is Meals on Wheels. Thank you!
Zoe Behnke and Marlene Hintz
THE ADVENT GIVING ELCA Good Gift Total was $7,382.56.
Know Christ, Grow in Christ, Make Christ Known
Fall Sunday Morning Schedule
7:45 am - Early Bird Coffee Hour
8:00 am - First Light Worship Service
9:00 am - Sola Worship Service
10:10 am - Faith Formation
11:11 am - Ignite Worship