Sunday Mornings at Zion 

9:00am Sunday School 

10:00am Worship for All 

 Onsite and Online

11:00am Fellowship Time

Monthly News & Updates

April 2023

Holy Week & Easter

Grow & Renew Campaign

On Sunday, April 17, 2022 we launched the Grow & Renew Campaign to fund renewal projects for our facilities that will allow us to worship the Lord and welcome others for years to come.

To date we have received over $580,000 of the nearly $900,000 committed by members and friends of Zion. On Sunday, April 16th we want to celebrate and give thanks for this year of generosity.  There will be cake! 

The Spirit is moving at Zion...



During Sunday worship on March 26th, we received 23 new members at Zion. We are excited to welcome these friends in faith into the life and ministry of this congregation.

Lisa Bergenbaum; Brian & Rene Higgins, Rhiannon, Hannah, Gabriel, Phoebe, Sean, and Ethan; Wes & Christy Jacobs, Brantley and Corbin; Cameron Lamb; Stephen & Laura Melonas, Russell and Adalynn; Patrick & Chesson Merritt, Riley and Evans; Lorraine Partsinevelos

Wednesday Night Live

Wednesday Night Live returns after Easter

5:45-6:30 Fellowship Meal

6:30-7:30 Faith Formation Opportunities

All ages will meet on Wednesday nights April 12th to 26th for a fellowship meal and faith formation opportunities. On May 3rd we will have a big cookout to celebrate the end of the semester and enjoy an evening of fun and fellowship together.

Youth Ministry 

GraceWorks 2023 + July 17th-20th

Have fun + Help Others

The 10th annual GraceWorks Youth Servant Camp is coming this summer to the midlands. All youth 6th to 12th grade welcome! Mark your calendars now, registration info coming soon. Have great ideas? want to help lead? This is a youth lead event, contact Walt by clicking below to volunteer.

High School Bible Study - Every Friday a group of Zion’s High School Youth and leaders meet for a time of devotions and prayer. All High Schoolers are invited to join us! We gather in the Lowes Foods Coffee shop at 7:30am and depart early enough to make it to school in time. Rides to River Bluff will be available, please let Walt know if you need a ride so I can make sure we have enough seats.

Wednesday Night Youth Group -  Wednesday Night Live continues this month. Youth group will meet for games and faith filled conversations. All youth grades 6-12 are invited to join us each week in the Family Life Center. Meal 5:45pm, Youth Group 6:30-7:30pm. (No Wednesday Night Live April 5th)

Click to signup or with questions about Youth Ministry at Zion.

Hilltoppers - Zion's Retiree Group

Hilltoppers will meet for their monthly potluck luncheon, Tuesday, April 11th at 11:30 am. Tuesday luncheons* will provide an opportunity for Hilltoppers to more easily participate in Wednesday night activities at church. All are invited to attend for a unique time of fellowship while enjoying a delicious lunch.

*Note day change to Tuesday.

Music Notes

The Choir is currently meeting for rehearsal each Sunday morning at 9:00am in the Family Life Center*. Please lend your voice to this wonderful group! ALL are welcome! (*Once we’re back in the sanctuary, we’ll meet in the choir room.)

Handbells have been playing only on special occasions recently, but if you are interested in filling an open spot, we can do more! Please contact Julie if you are interested in joining this group.

If you have any questions, or if you’d like to share your musical talents in some way, please contact Julie by clicking the button below.

Click for more info or to offer your musical talents!

Serving in Worship

We need your help to make Worship

happen at Zion. We are looking to fill

in a few serving roles this month. See below

and click the button to volunteer now!

April 2

Ushers – Steve & Althea Hendrix; Assisting Minister – Lee Caulder; Reader – Jantzen Beck; Sound Tech – Walt Hampton; Slideshow – Betsy Burn; Livestream – Robby Bigham; Chancel and Sacraments – Ron & Eileen Leaphart; Cookies & Fellowship - Althea Hendrix; Offering Counters – Evelyn Varn and Bob McCombs;

April 9 - Easter Sunday

Ushers – Steve & Althea Hendrix; Assisting Minister – Lee Caulder; Reader – Craig Balch; Sound Tech – OPEN; Slideshow – OPEN; Livestream – Walt Hampton; Chancel and Sacraments – Ron & Eileen Leaphart; Offering Counters – Evelyn Varn and Bob McCombs;

April 16

Ushers – Steve & Althea Hendrix; Assisting Minister – Lee Caulder; Reader – Daniel Kinard; Sound Tech – OPEN; Slideshow – OPEN; Livestream – Robby Bigham; Chancel and Sacraments – Ron & Eileen Leaphart; Cookies & Fellowship - Dale Driggers and Donna Corley; Offering Counters – Evelyn Varn and Bob McCombs;

April 23

Ushers – Steve & Althea Hendrix; Assisting Minister – Lee Caulder; Reader – Anna Reeside; Sound Tech – OPEN; Slideshow – OPEN; Livestream – Walt Hampton; Chancel and Sacraments – Ron & Eileen Leaphart; Cookies & Fellowship - Farwick Family; Offering Counters – Evelyn Varn and Bob McCombs;

March 26

Ushers – Steve & Althea Hendrix; Assisting Minister – Lee Caulder; Reader – Bob McCombs; Sound Tech – Walt Hampton; Slideshow – Betsy Burn; Livestream – Walt Hampton; Chancel and Sacraments – Ron & Eileen Leaphart; Cookies & Fellowship - Suzette Porth; Offering Counters – Evelyn Varn and Bob McCombs;

Click to volunteer

Council Update

Congregation Council Meeting Highlights


Zion’s Congregation Council met on Monday, March 13th. Here are some of the highlights of the meeting:

+ Heard reports from officers and Ministry Team liaisons

+ Debriefed the Ministry Team Launch and updated our Strategic Outlook: Big Picture Goals

+ Appointed Rebekah Cromer, Ross Hunter, Chesson Merritt, Anna Reeside, and Walt Hampton (convener) as a Zion Logo Working Group to consider and clarify Zion’s logo and branding and bring recommendations to the April Council meeting

+ Received updates on the Facilities and Grounds Care Plan

+ Received information about the SC Synod sponsored Stewardship for All Seasons program

+ Shared joys and concerns and prayer together


2023 Congregation Council members are: Lee Caulder (chair), DeAnna Granda (vice chair), Kathryn Barton (secretary), Janice Sult (treasurer), Ernest Beck, Rebekah Cromer, Chris Ellisor, Linda Hendrix, Ross Hunter, Rayna Kleckley, Roscoe Nesmith, Geri Nilsestuen, and Pastor Nathan Gragg.

Giving & Generosity

Giving Info as of March 26, 2022

Offering generously given year to date: $82,686


Gifts to Zion and Partner Feeding Ministries this Year

Mission Lexington: 108.5 pounds of food

Snack Packs Ministry: $562

Matthew 25 Lunch Ministry: $495

Lutheran Campus Ministry (Lenten offering): $850



We celebrate the gifts and commitments received

from members and friends of Zion

for our Grow & Renew Campaign.

Total committed to the Grow & Renew Campaign: $890,585

Total received so far from these commitments: $583,519

In Our Prayers

Current Needs: Sue Anderson, Jeff Beck (cancer), John Drafts, Madelyn Ellisor, Barry Granda, Gege Kimball, Becky Saville


Homebound: Betty Baker (Carolina Gardens), Les Caton (Brookdale Harbison), Gene Hendrix (Westminster), Melba Ivey (Carolina Gardens), Wyman Kleckley, Jane Langston (Oakleaf), John Shotts, Margaret Sox, Darlene Weight (Tennessee)


Military: Matt Mayer, Chris Rauch, Tristin Secoy


Friends of the Congregation: Felicia Ajibade, Ed ‘Chuck’ Baker, Lynn Balch, Jackie Brock, Connie Browne, Merle Browne, Glenda & Everett Crafts, Pastor Derald Edwards, Gerri Felts, Greg Hash, Pam Holladay, CJ Keathley, Shelly Koenig, Jack Landers, Dominick Pierallini, Rev. & Mrs. Lindsay Poteat, Cheryl Rawl, Libba Rhoad, Donna Riggins, Greg Sommer, Peggy Sox, Ronnie Tunstill, Edith Wessinger, Ron White, Lee Wolford


Please help us keep the list up to date by adding or removing names when the time is right. To make

or update a prayer request email or call the church office at [email protected] or 356-2297.

Celebrations this Month 

April Birthdays

2nd - Jerald Drafts, Brett Flashnick; 3rd - Carol Sandusky, Jason Wetzel; 4th - Lee Caulder; 5th - Ryan Stoudemire, Frank Waites, Joanna Gragg; 7th - Olivia Beard; 8th - CJ Harmon, Eleanor Reeside; 11th - Nolan Phillips, Shannon Bateman; 14th - Mae Wetzel; 16th - Rene Higgins; 20th - Susan Shumpert, Chris Ellisor; 21st - Elizabeth Grant, Kameron Keisler, Sue Anderson; 26th - Charley Hendrix, Walter Hampton Sr; 27th - Russell Grant; 28th - GeGe Kimball; 30th - Savannah Wingard

April Anniversaries

2nd - Frank & Kathryn Barton; 5th - Roger & Tracy Hanna; 11th - Russell & Rayna Kleckley; 12th - Ronald & Grace Lankford; 16th - Randy & Beverly McCoy; 19th - Dave & Katie McKinley; 20th - Azmi & Beth Jebali; 23rd - Steve & Jeannie Wingard

Stories of Faith 

First Communion Class

On Sunday March 26th, Eight Zion children and their parents participated in a First Communion Class. They sang songs, read the Bible, made bread, practiced receiving communion, and learned that there is a place for them at the table of the Lord.

Welcome to the table of the Lord to our First Communion Class –

Wilson Farwick, Jack Hampton, Cannon McKinley, Russell Melonas,

Hampton Reeside, Brantley Williamson, Landon Williamson, and Marielle Wingard

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