We Welcome All Who Come
Please note that we are going "LIVE" on Sunday morning. The service will be uploaded to YouTube after church.
The sanctuary will be open from 9am to 2:30pm on Monday and Wednesday this week.
Worship This Week
Order of Worship
Click below for the order of Worship for Sunday, Jan. 10
Worship Service
Click below to arrive at the Online service for Sunday, January 10th. We will be "LIVE" this week at 9am.
Learning with Little Luther
Each week we will present a topic for our younger members for their Sunday school lesson. Please be sure to click Little Luther's picture each week to get to "Learning with Little Luther."
This week Matthew presented a theme entitled: Epiphany.
Did you know?!
Did you know that you do not need to have a Facebook account to view the information we put on Facebook? Click the link below and you will get all the devotions and other material we post there.
Prayer/Reflection Opportunity at Zion
Zion’s Sanctuary is open 9am-2:30 pm on Mondays & Wednesdays to allow up to 6 people at a time the opportunity to come and sit in church for prayer and/or reflection.

As this is a time for prayer and reflection, communion will not be offered. 
Masks are required at all times. Hand sanitizer will be available at the door. We also ask each person to sign-in; and we ask to please be seated in a pew and not walk around the space.

Please enter thru the main red doors on Oneida Street (right side door will be unlocked) and exit thru the same doors again on the right side as you leave. Once you enter Zion, you must remain in the sanctuary as all other areas are not accessible; restrooms will not be available. 
On Mondays, please sit on the pulpit side of the sanctuary and on Wednesdays, the lectern side. This will help with cleaning the area after each day. In order for this to work, members are expected to remain physically distanced from other households and if anyone is feeling ill, we ask them not to come.

Devotion materials will be available to take with you or leave in a marked box after being used. Offering envelopes will be available for those who would like to leave their offering in a designated container. 

We are not scheduling times for people to do this. If you come to Zion and there are already 6 people in the sanctuary, we ask you to wait on the designated spots in the entrance.

Staying Connected
Who doesn't like getting a card in the mail?!

Do you know someone who might need a note? consider writing a card or two to Zion members. It doesn't take much to write a handwritten note to let someone know you are thinking about them.

We have 100's of these card sets. Each set contains 6 blank cards and 6 envelopes. Please consider picking up a set, or a few sets and sending cards to members of Zion.

Let the office know how many you would like and when you can pick them up and we will get them to you!

Thanks for helping us all to stay connected!
Resources for Daily Prayer
Weekly Note:

We will be offering communion again on Sunday, January 17th, from 10 am to 11 am.
912 N. Oneida St.
Appleton, WI 54911
Phone Number: