Zone 2, Zone 2, it's what everyone is talking about now. Some of the coaches that work with the winning-est riders in the world are saying that 80% of their training is in Zone 2 and that's a great place to train. But, ZONE 2 IS NOT FOR YOU. Why? It's too easy and you will lose fitness. You have less than 25 hours a week to train right? Heck, you probably have less than 10 hours a week to train. You need to train much harder than Zone 2 in order to improve your FTP, your average speed and your stamina and overall fitness. Zone 2 is the Endurance Zone, it's great if you need to improve your endurance for 5-6 hour races that go on for 21 days... It's great IF you are 20 years old and have 25+ hours a week to train. THEN, it works. But, I doubt very seriously there are more than 50 people reading this right now that are under 25. For those 50 people, it might be right for you. If you think you are one of those people, then send me all your details and I'll give you my free opinion. Send me an email .
For those of us that have less than even 15 hours a week to train, you need to spend more time at Zone 3, Sweetspot (88-93% of FTP), Zone 4 and above. You don't have time to "lose" fitness in Zone 2. Sweetspot will increase your FTP. Zone 4 will increase your FTP. Zone 5 will increase your FTP. When your FTP is higher, you will ride faster. Period. You need to push yourself in training to cause adaption and improvement in the area that will get you to the front of the pack. THE PACK YOU ARE RIDING IN! Not the Tour De France peloton.
Please don't get sucked into riding in Zone 2 this winter or next year because your favorite podcaster is saying it's awesome or "so and so's" coach has him doing lots of Zone 2. This is NOT your plan.
Stay focused.
P.S. - SIGN up for a free call with one of our coaches today to help you determine which IS the right zone for you!.