Zoo News August 2022

In this Edition:

  • President's Message:
  • From Ann
  • Links to previous newsletters and Volgistics
  • Zoo Walk August 13th
  • Elections
  • Birthdays and other Docent News

Note- Ann can be contacted directly at ageiger@saczoo.org

Click Here to Link to July Zoo News
Click Here to Link to June Zoo News
Click Here to Link to Volgistics
Docent News & Zoo Updates
The Sacramento Zoo inspires appreciation, respect, and a connection with wildlife and nature through education, recreation, and conservation.

President's Message

Greetings to you all and I hope your summer continues to be great.

I think it might be a good time to remind us all to reach out to our fellow docents to just check in. If there is someone you have not seen at the zoo in a while, someone you would like to work a station with, drop them a note, an email or better yet give them a call. Contact information is available on Volgistics. I am sure your reach out will be well received.

Several of our members have gone through life changing events over the past many months. Other may have found other volunteering options that fit their needs and interests. Others may just need a friendly nudge to get back into the habit of volunteering more at the zoo. That friendly contact you make may just make a positive difference in someone’s day.

Docents provide an extremely valuable service to the zoo and its visitors. We all bring a wealth of knowledge, enthusiasm, experience and dedication that really rubs off on our visitors. I know you all have stories to tell of the impacts you have made on guest experiences. 

Let’s continue to spread the word, engaging each other, as well as zoo guests, and keep working to make OUR ZOO the best that it can be.

Thank you for all for what you continue to do and I hope to see you on zoo grounds soon.


From Ann

Locked Zoo is now on Volgistics


Docent recruiting has begun. We are accepting applications for the 2022 class that will begin in November. If you know of someone that might be interested, here is the link:

https://www.saczoo.org/support/volunteer/ .


We have one more Family Overnight on August 5th. This last overnight is for Girl Scouts.

We will have 2 group overnight in September and would love to have your help if you like working the overnights.  The tasks will be the same as the family overnights. The September dates are Saturday September 24, and Thursday September 29.


We have a need for Newspapers for animal care. Please deliver to the back gate.

Zoo Walk

Saturday, August1 3th



Please remember to come in through the front gate.


Searchin’ for a heart of gold...

Fellow Docents, we are nearing the time of an event that is very important to the future of the Docents organization – elections for the Docent Executive Committee.

In accordance with the Docent Manual, that was ratified by our membership, elections will be held at the November General Meeting. Those elected will fill the upcoming vacant positions on the Executive Committee for the years 2023/2024. The two-year term positions to be filled are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The job descriptions can be found in the Docent Manual, with further clarifications in the Bylaws. Both documents are posted on our Volgistics home page at: https://www.volgistics.com/vicnet/137778

As Past President, I am responsible for this year’s election committee. Joining me on the election committee are: Mary Ann Bristow, Brent Cutler, and Kathy Sundin. We are asking for your help finding viable candidates for each open position. All potential candidates must be in good standing. No one on the nominating committee can run for office.

If you are interested in running for an office on the Executive Committee, you may self-nominate. If you aren’t interested, but know of a docent who would like to serve on the committee, please nominate them. In order to nominate, or self -nominate, contact one of the nominating committee members. Nominating Committee member’s contact information can be found in the Docent Roster on the Volgistics Home page.

Prior to the election, a slate of candidates will be published in the October Newsletter. If you have any questions concerning the election, or the process please contact Chuck Gard.

Thank you for you help with this important event.


Life News about Fellow Docents

Happy July Birthday!

Celia Sertich (8/2),Kyla Campbell( 8/4), Lisa Luong (8/10), Beth Witcum (8/11), Shiirley Mraz( 8/11), Jeff Aron (8/13), Linda Copes (8/27), Mary Coldren (8/28), Anna Allard (8/30).

Linda Copes is very appreciative of everyone's support. Recently she had a chance to visit the zoo.

If you have personal news (births, deaths, accomplishments, injuries, etc) that you would like shared with fellow docents please send the information directly to saczoo4me@gmail.com. This section of the newsletter is not for selling items.

Note- If you would like to email Ann directly, you are welcome to email her at ageiger@saczoo.org