Robert Hagan, MD, Peripheral Nerve Surgeon
Neuropax Clinic
To go to Dr. Hagan's website, click the link below:

Should you have a need for another specialty of physician, OWCS Plus also has a panel of physicians for all your work comp needs. Please click below for a list of our specialists and print out the sheet as a reference guide:

Please join us for a Zoom call on Friday, July 22, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Central Time. Q & A time with Dr. Hagan to discuss your questions or concerns about peripheral nerve injuries in the injured worker. Bring your questions. This will be less of a prepared presentation and more of a Q & A format. Join us for some or all of the hour

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Creator: Created by: Diana Luetkemeyer
Created by: Diana Luetkemeyer