Myth Versus Fact on 5G

Scientists often speaking outside their professional field routinely misunderstand and confuse the physics with the biological impacts of wireless radiation exposure. What they say about the safety of wireless radiation is wrong. And we have the science to prove it.

Join us on Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022, at 11:30 a.m. ET, 8:30 a.m. PT, as EHT founder Dr. Devra Davis and Physics Professor Paul Ben Ishai of Ariel University hold a live event to discuss the myths vs. facts on the science of wireless radiation.

You can join by Zoom or watch Live on Facebook.
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Environmental Health Trust provides the educational resources, research studies, and facts on the biological and environmental impacts from electromagnetic and radiofrequency radiation. We expose the TRUTH about the science and policy of wireless.

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In this must-watch webinar hosted by the University of California at Berkeley's Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, Dr. Joel Moskowitz summarizes the science and implications for 5G.

Yes, wireless radiation is defined as a pollutant. Read the article in Medium by EHT's Theodora Scarato for links and more.

Another must-watch webinar with Commissioner Kent Chamberlin, of the State of New Hampshire Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology. In our recent Patreon event, he states, "From what I've seen, news outlets are very unwilling to bite the hand that feeds them."

EHT Executive Director Theodora Scarato presents on the FCC lawsuit and international policy to the Conference on Electromagnetic Fields organized by the Istanbul branch of the Chamber of Electrical Engineers, the Istanbul Medical Chamber, and the Istanbul Bar Association.
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