As best stated in the IEC 61511-2 standard, “the purpose of adopting a systematic safety lifecycle approach towards a safety instrumented system (SIS) is to ensure that all the activities necessary to achieve functional safety are carried out and that it can be demonstrated to others that they have been carried out in an appropriate order.” Conforming to the ISA84/IEC 61511 design and management requirements for a SIS throughout a process safety project requires attention to detail every step of the lifecycle, and a well-established site or corporate SIS guideline can help set a company up for success. This blog describes key considerations to developing SIS guidelines, with the SIS lifecycle generalized into three main sections: Concept Through Startup, Operations and Maintenance, and Management of Functional Safety and Lifecycle Planning.
New Dust Hazards Series
This blog provides a general overview of combustible dust hazards, including serious past incidents, and provide information on some of the relevant guidance for those who are interested in more information. Future blogs on the subject of combustible dusts will review relevant dust properties, signs that a dust hazard may be present in a process, common ignition sources and safeguards, and potential dust hazard assessment (DHA) methods.

Following on from the first aeSolutions blog on the subject of the basics of combustible dust concerns, this blog provides a deeper dive into the properties of combustible dusts. It is necessary to first understand your specific dust testing and properties to assess the potential hazards of a given dust handling process.

The bottom line is that even dusts with weak explosivity and high ignition energy requirements can be dangerous under the right circumstances.

This clips comes from our virtual panel discussion with some of aeSolutions’ SMEs on how to best prepare for an effective audit. More are available here
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