issue 40


FINAL dreamcatchers one sheet.png

Many of you are new here so we thought it might be nice to reintroduce ourselves!

WE are the dreamcatchers, aka sisters and partners Marissa and Jamie. We are intuitive job search and brand identity experts with 20 years of staffing industry experience. We specialize in giving a "professional hug" and are known to help turn your "aha" light on {dreamTRANSLATION: take the first or next step on your journey}.

​We have probably crossed paths because YOU are a dreamCHASER. Maybe we met because you hired us to do your resume or to create a logo. Or maybe we met because you are building a small business or are a vendor at our upcoming Holiday Boutique. 

Regardless, you are looking to make magic for your personal or professional brand and we found each other. We are so grateful!

As a refresher, the pillars of our business include:

  • dreamSEEKER and dreamBEGINNER packages for job seekers
  • dreamPARTNER, dreamSPONSOR, and dreamCAMP packages for small businesses
  • dreamCREATIVE services for those looking for visual communication support 
  • the dreamcatchers podcast, our OG way to shine light and provide inspiration 
  • ...and more, including dreamKIDZ (our kids events) and dreamGIVE (our philanthropic events) - we recently held our 10th Annual We're Going Streaking (for Breast Cancer) Celebration and are gearing us for our 6th Annual Holiday Boutique!

All in all - if you are currently building something, we can probably help. Try us.

Also, everyone we touch becomes part of what we call the dreamcatchers web and our dreamDIRECTORY, a curated listing of our contacts and clients. Already part of our web? Don't forget to use thdreamDIRECTORY to help you - we emailed you directions! If you have yet to fill out your form and opt in, please click here. Not sure if you did it? Do it anyway and we will make sure you are in! 

The proof is in the pudding! Noelle from Solo Barre and Natalie from Sport Couture reconnected this summer after both participating in dreamCAMP...and now they are making magic together (see below)! Let us help you connect you to who we know!!!


FEELING STUCK? Don't forget to book your time with us today and gain access to all we have to offer - let us help you sort through whatever it is you are sorting through - your resume, your LinkedIn, your brand identity, your networking/interviewing strategy...the list goes on.

JOIN OUR FACEBOOK COMMUNITY: Did you know you can't add someone to a Facebook group if you aren't friends with them personally?! We just figured that out! Help us out and click "join the dreamcatchers web" below to join our exclusive Facebook group!

HOT JOBS: Check our all of our current openings by clicking the "choice hot jobs" button below (sorted under CFM). Don't see anything you like but want to upload your resume anyway and receive our emails moving forward? Please do.

let's get dreaming!


our signatures.png

Marissa + Jamie

choice hot jobs
upload your resume here
join the dreamcatchers web

dreamPARTNER spotlight

We love shining light on our brand crushes and their logo to learn more about what they are currently up to!

Please Note: 

  • The Educationalist Method (aka our dear friend Mannikka) has a course called "From Page to the Stage" that begins on 11/2! more info here
  • in good company dance (aka our dear friend Meredith) has a performance coming up on 11/17! more info here. 

dreamGIVE: save the date

the dreamcatchers podcast

Don't miss a beat - subscribe to our podcast on ALL major platforms below!

Also, be sure to tune into our Facebook page to see when we are recording a new episode!

in case you missed it
Want to see what else we've been up to?
Check out past issues of the dreamDIGEST here!
important reminders
Make sure you are following us on ALL social media platforms - links below.

Check out our website for more information!

Thank you to everyone for helping us continue to
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