Tuesday Touch-Base
OCR's amplifyHERscience is committed to sharing relevant information to help you maximize the impact of your research.
The Deadline is Approaching for The Blavatnik Fund for Innovation at Yale 2020-21 Funding
As successful women researchers, we strongly encourage you to consider how your research can have a wider impact in the world. The Blavatnik Fund could be your first step to making this happen.

  • The Fund provides $100-300K awards to bridge the gap between innovative, early-stage life science research and securing external funding leading to the successful development of high-impact biomedical products that create value and benefit society. The deadline for applying for the 2021 awards is October 26th at 5pm. Regardless of where you are with your research, please reach out to us and we will advise you on how best to proceed (email and/or
Seeking volunteers for a potential CT chapter of Women in Bio (WIB)
Women In Bio is an organization of professionals committed to promoting careers, leadership, and entrepreneurship for women in the life sciences. We are excited to share that a new Connecticut chapter is being formed and is looking for volunteers!

The formation of a CT chapter is an exciting development and underscores the opportunities that exist and depth of women talent in Connecticut. Interested candidates can send an email to
  • Chapter Chair and Vice Chair: co-leaders to shepherd all activities and represent the chapter at monthly national WIB calls
  • Communications Chair and Vice Chair: leaders for external communications such as newsletters and social media
  • MAPS Chair and Vice Chair: leaders for MAPS (Mentorship, Advisors, Peers, and Sponsorship) activities which focus on mentoring initiatives
  • Membership Chair and Vice Chair: leaders driving membership in the chapter’s local geography
  • Programming Chair and Vice Chair: leaders planning and coordinating local programming (currently, all virtual; target across chapter to mobilize ten events per year)
  • Sponsorship Chair and Vice Chair: leaders focused on fundraising for the chapter
  • Young Women In Bio Chair and Vice Chair (YWIB): leaders planning and leading initiatives focused on middle and high school girls in the local area
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 26th
A Conversation with Dolly Chugh, Associate Professor, NYU Stern School of Business and author, “The Person You Mean to Be: How Good People Fight Bias”

This event is the first in a series focused on antiracism in conjunction with Belonging at Yale, the university’s major initiative to create a climate of belonging through faculty diversity, support for students, staff learning and career support, and alumni engagement.
Monday, November 16th
xCite: bringing together together women entrepreneurs and organizations from across Connecticut and beyond
5:00-6:30pm, Virtual Event

Please join us for the 2020 xCITE: Women in Entrepreneurship Network Kickoff to "relaunch" the program this year. The event will feature keynote speaker Charlene Walters, and a panel of inspiring women entrepreneurs.
Osage University Partners Women Academic Entrepreneurs
Recording of OUP webinar

Discussion of the state of female academic entrepreneurship across OUP’s partner institutions, and the greater university startup ecosystem. Stephanie Stehman of OUP will review an updated analysis of her 2017 blog post on the gender gap in academia, as well as discuss the various efforts universities have made to support women bringing their ideas and discoveries from the lab to the marketplace.
WEST Women Entrepreneurs

Boston based WEST helps women in science, technology, and engineering advance their careers. Our members are committed to developing themselves as leaders through learning, networking, and sharing.
Women in Bio

Women In Bio's mentoring programs support women in various stages of their career and personal development. Many chapters have implemented and continue to develop exciting new programs that will grow within the Women In Bio community.
All the best,

The amplifyHERscience team:

Morag Grassie, PhD, Associate Director, Blavatnik Fund for Innovation at Yale
Lola Kadiri, MD, PhD, Senior Business Development Associate, Yale OCR
Michelle McQueen, Communications Officer, Yale OCR
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