Winter Kids and Youth Pageant
Our normally scheduled RE Outdoors programs are on hold to get ready for this year's annual winter pageant! We have selected a super sweet little play. Start reading the script here! It's amazing. It was written a couple of years ago by East Shore youth Luna Jubis and community member Sunshine Glynn. It's a real treat to look through the RE archives and find these treasures.

We have roles available for several ages.
Arctic Foxes ( Upper Elementary, 8-11)
Snowy Owls (Middle School, 11-14)
Arctic Hares (Lower Elementary, 4-8)
Reindeer (Parents/Caregivers/Babies/Toddlers)
Wooly Moths (East Shore Adults or RE Teachers) 
Polar Bear Narrator (Youth, 14-18)

We have some costumes on campus, and totally encourage you to start getting those creative juices going. Please bring your costume materials and any you have to share.

We have two in person pageant rehearsals. One this Sunday and one in two weeks.
  • November 21st, 12-1:30pm : meet in front of the Sanctuary
  • December 5th, 12-1:30pm: meet in front of the Sanctuary

Performance is:
  • December 12th, 10:30-11:30am: live from the Sanctuary; 11:30-12:00pm after party
Winter Pageant at East Shore

Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

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Coming up for Kids and Youth
Join us:

  • December 19th, 12-1:30pm: RE Toy and Book Swap - meet in front of the Sanctuary; bring your favorite, well-loved items, and get ready to take some new ones home! let's enjoy a money-free gift exchange!
  • December 21st, 7-8pm: Virtual Winter Solstice
  • December 24th, Onsite 4pm, Virtual 7pm: Christmas Eve Services


2022 Classes

The nursery room will be staffed and open from 10am-2pm. We will have a limited number of spaces available in this room. It will be by pre-registration and drop in signup.

On January 23, worship will continue virtually at 10:30 and the Sanctuary and Spring Hall will open for in person gathering. Children, babies, and youth are invited to attend worship in the Sanctuary or in Spring Hall. We'll still be masked and on the honor system for attending while vaccinated only. We won't be singing together, but we will be dancing! We will have tables in both Spring Hall and the Sanctuary for families of 2+ to sit together with activity bags. We will not have the typical story rug available for shared seating.

Outdoor and virtual coffee hour will immediately follow services at 11:30.

We will continue to hold RE following Coffee Hour, gathering from 11:45 and starting at 12pm, with a combination of inside/outside classes. Let's call this the "third hour". We hope to encourage a broader range of activity in this time frame, so if you're part of other groups on campus, this is a great time to have classes, discussions, or other non-business things. They can be for different age groups, just like RE is for kids and youth! OWL and RE Classes will be offered on a rotating basis: RE 1st and 3rd Sundays, OWL 2nd and 4th.

Sign ups for OWL and RE Classes will be live soon. In the mean time, can you let me know that you're interested in coming back to church for these? You can email [email protected] or call me directly at 425-747-3780 ext 104.
We're hiring! Well, sort of...
Did you know that data is showing that it’s typically unvaccinated adults that are spreading COVID-19 to kids? That makes me really like vaccines! And still, I’m super thankful that children 5+ now eligible. That’s why a new qualification for volunteering with kids and youth is to be vaccinated.

Volunteer teams for our RE Kids and Youth small groups and classes are ideally run with four adults volunteers per group, with additional volunteers to serve as RE hosts.

Volunteering in RE is a great way to get to know the younger people in the East Shore community, support parents, provide mentorship, get to know their interests, and share your interests with them.
We are actively seeking qualified volunteers for our elementary and youth OWL programs.
We are also seeking four volunteers to serve our other programs. Please see our schedule of 2022 classes to consider which position might be good for you.
And, after one year of work, the Children and Youth aka Lifespan Integration Core Team is being reformulated. This team helps connect with volunteers, visitors, and families in service of the congregations’ mission. I have two awesome volunteers lined up, and I have a two spaces available that I am actively seeking to fill.
How is RE responding to COVID?

All of our volunteers and staff working with children and youth are vaccinated.
Remember to get vaccinated against COVID-19, now available for ages 5+! It's also a great time to get the annual flu vaccine, available for ages 6mo+! This will help us reopen for Sunday worship services more safely.

We're still wearing masks when we gather together, inside and outside, and gathering as much as possible outside in sheltered areas.

Let us know what accommodations your family may need to help you enjoy our programs more.

Please dress with layers and rain gear as appropriate.

Please feel free to bring a snack or lunch. We have some food and drinks available.
Get connected easily with text message updates about our RE Programs: Children, Middle School Youth, and High School Youth
Click on the images to sign up online, or just text @_____ to 81010 to sign up
Resources for Families and Parents
Family Covenant Circle: Every Other Sunday at 12:00 p.m., to correspond with biweekly RE Outdoors! Next up, December 5th. Meet in E-201

The ESUC Family Covenant Circle (FCC) is meeting in person and virtually for a multi-platform option. FCC is a group of East Shore families with children 0-18 where the adults share and support one another in the journey that is family life! Families of every stage and configuration are welcome.

To connect with the group please email longtime parent, East Shore member, and group facilitator Martin Cox.
Connect with the RE Families on a private Facebook group.

A safe, social space for East Shore Unitarian Church parents, caregivers, family members, and RE volunteers to connect and share.

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Parent Resources - Google Drive

You can find at home lesson plans, permission slips, health resources, and more in this folder. Be sure to check back for regularly added material!

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East Shore Unitarian Church
12700 SE 32nd Street, Bellevue, WA 98005
425-747-3780 ext 104 | [email protected] |

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