
December 2010

Hello! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

My Thanksgiving was lovely, full of family and good food! It was a welcome break from my school visits and book events.

But now begins the whirl of the winter holidays. Now starts the crafts, shopping, decorating and all the good cheer that makes December fly by. However, in the rush I don't want to forget how grateful I am to you, my wonderful readers. As a humble thank you, in this newsletter is some small gifts for you!
Ling and Ting Paper Dolls
My holiday gift to you!

I've been so pleased to hear so many of you have enjoyed Ling & Ting!

As an added special activity to accompany the book, I've made some Ling & Ting Paper Dolls! These paper dolls are ready for you to color and cut and are completely FREE. It is my small holiday gift to you!

1. download HERE!
2. print (preferably on a lightweight cardstock)
3. color (any way you want!) & cut
4. dress! fold the clothes flaps over Ling and Ting and let them wear their warm winter booties or their party dresses!

fyi, these paper dolls are for personal enjoyment only and copyright remains with the artist. aka, print and play as much as you want, but print and sell is wrong.

Fudge Gift Tag
fun, free design

Afudgetags I do every year, my holiday gifts include a homemade treat. This year, I decided on fudge! I tried many recipes and learned that fudge is actually quite a tricky thing to make! I hope to put up a post about it soon on my blog, my photo from above is from my fudge making escapades.

Since I spent so much time attempting (and failing) at fudge, I didn't have as much time to make my decorative label, so it is not as colorful as years past. Still, I think it's fun and it's also free for you to use too! I've left the space blank at the end for you to add your name, "a gift from----"

Download the gift tag HERE!

Looking for a good fudge recipe? Martha Stewart has a no-fail recipe here.

For your holiday shopping!

december smallgracesThere are new prints available at the Grace Lin Gallery, my etsy shop. If you would like the print personally autographed, please make sure you note to whom you would like it autographed to in the "Notes" section of the checkout.

Would you like a book personally autographed as well?
Simply call the Porter Square Bookstore at 617-491-2220 and ask for ANY of my books from Where the Mountain Meets the Moon to Ling and Ting. (You can browse all my available books HERE).

You pay for the book(s), shipping, and handling, and the bookstore will ship signed stock in time for the occasion, even gift-wrapped if requested. Remember, if you want the books personalized, to provide the name of recipient to bookseller.
More good News for Ling and Ting!

Ling & Ting has just been named a New York Times Best 2010 Notable Children's Book!

As I mentioned last month, Ling & Ting was named a Booklist Editor's Choice for 2010, a 2010 Kirkus Best Children's Books, and a Publisher Weekly's Best Book. (Also, it's a recommended holiday gift by the San Francisco Chronicle). I'm so thrilled there has been so much good news recently for Ling & Ting and hope this book finds its way into the hands of many young readers!
From the Mailbag
December photo!


Send your letters or pictures to:
Grace Lin
PO Box 441457
West Somerville, MA 02144-1457
(if you would like to contact me, please note that I rarely respond to e-mail; best is to send me something at the above address! thanks!)
Happy December! See you next year!

Grace Lin