dk parents,
In the Fall of 2020 our team made an intentional focus around the value of Family Worship. We provided a free copy of Don Whitney’s book and learned how families are to “Read, Pray, and Sing” together. Then, in Spring 2021, our team equipped parents with resources (still available on our Dawson Family app) like videos interviewing experts in the field of Family Ministry and the “God of Generations” 6 week family devotional in order to help you shepherd your children both in the church and home.
For Fall 2021, our team wants to help your family take the next step in discipleship together. Beginning Sunday, September 12th, dawson kids is excited to launch the “dk Guide.” This resource is an expanded and enriched kid-friendly booklet that will be available for all kids to utilize during their time in worship. We don’t simply want to keep kids entertained, but we want to help them meaningfully engage with worship as equal members of the church body.
Scripture points to parents as the primary disciplers of their children, and our team wants to come alongside you in this eternal endeavor. We believe the dk Guide is just one more way to engage kids and equip parents to be “confident in Christ.” Beginning Sunday, September 12th dk Guides will be available for pick up in the Arendall Welcome Center and the Next Steps Area. We look forward to putting these in the hands of your children and joining your family in worship as part of the Dawson Family.
dk Ministry Team