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IRS Releases Inflation Adjustments for 2018 

Each year the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announces the new limits for various aspects of employee benefits plans, principally because of the increase in the applicable cost-of-living indexes. In general, most plan limitations will not change for 2018 because the increase in the cost-of-living index did not meet the statutory threshold that triggers their adjustment. The IRS announced the following limits and thresholds effective for plan years beginning in 2018.
2018 Pre-tax Limits Released
Highly Compensated Salary Definition
Key Employee in Top-Heavy Plan Salary Definition
Maximum Pre-Tax Contribution Limits
(401(k)/403(b), most 457 Plans)
Pre-Tax 401(k) Catch-up Limits
(over age 50)
Catch-up Contribution
SIMPLE 401(k) plans
Maximum Salary Deferral SIMPLE 401(k) plans
Minimum Compensation Amount
Maximum Compensation Amount
(401(a) plans, 403(b) plans, SEPs)
Health Savings Accounts (HSA) Limits
(employer + employee)
Catch Up- $1,000
Catch Up- $1,000
Maximum Out-of-Pocket
HSA High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)
Family- $13,100
Family- $13,300
Minimum Deductible
HSA High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)
Family- $2,600
Family- $2,700
Transportation Benefits
Parking - $255
Transit -  $255
Parking - $260
Transit- $260
Medical Out-of-Pocket Expenses
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Dependent Care Expenses
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Social Security Taxable Wage Base
Next Steps for Employers:
  1. Note the 2018 IRS Benefit and IRA limits; Employers should update their plan documents with the new IRS limits.
  2. Notify HR Knowledge of all plan changes so we may capture these changes on your benefits-at-a-glance and other important documents by emailing
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About HR Knowledge, Inc. 
Founded in 2001, HR Knowledge, Inc. is a privately funded company providing integrated outsourced HR services tailored to our clients' needs. Our full array of offerings includes managed payroll, employee benefits administration, and HR consulting and support services, such as training, compliance, custom-built software solutions, and Hiring Process Managementâ„¢, our comprehensive recruitment service that takes you from finding to onboarding new talent. Our major markets are fast-growing small- and medium-sized businesses, many of which are venture-capital-backed; foreign companies expanding into the states; and charter schools.  Partnering with HR Knowledge can reduce your administrative costs, minimize your legal risk, help you find and develop talent, and alleviate the HR burden so that you can focus on your core business.  

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