February 3, 2022
February 6, 2022
The Rev. Brandon Duran and The Rev. Mary Herbig
In-person Worship at 9 AM in the Sanctuary

Online Worship at 10 AM
Online Worship Link

Central Union Windward In-person Worship at 10 AM
In-person Pohnpei Ministry Worship at 11:30 AM
After the Online Worship Service Join a Virtual Aloha Lanai! 
Three Options to Choose From:
Virtual Atherton - Passcode: Aloha
Virtual Sanctuary - Passcode: Worship
Virtual Parish Hall - Passcode: Aloha
In-Person Worship Service at 10:00AM
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Sermon by Kahu Dick Walenta
Ms. Joy Zane, Piano
All attendees will be required to sign in with contact information, have a non-contact temperature check, and certify that you can follow the Covid-19 rules set by Central Union Church. CUW Members and friends will receive the written guidelines and the CUC Covid-19 Certification Notice by email.  All guidelines will be posted in the sanctuary and should be reviewed before being seated.   Sealed communion elements are available at check in for those who would choose to participate.

CUW Office Phone: 808-254-3802
To view the February Spire, click here.
Join Church Council!
In accordance with our Bylaws, the Nominations and Governance Committee is in the process of considering candidates to serve as Officers and At Large Members of the Church Council. If you are interested in being considered for a position on the Church Council, please submit your name and contact information via email to [email protected], Attention: Nomination and Governance Committee. Thank you.
Environmental Justice Task Force (EJTF) Supports Carbon Cashback & Protection of Aquifer
By Susan Gorman-Chang, Chair EJTF

EJTF’s mission statement: Our kuleana  is to protect Hawai’i’s natural resources, mitigating and adapting to climate change and ensuring justice for ka pae ʻāīna Hawaiʻi. (Ka pae ʻāina hawaiʻi in the deepest sense refers to the Hawaiian islands as a collective people who also have a responsibility to each other and to the ʻāina of Hawaiʻi and all of its natural resources.)
This legislative session, the EJTF focuses on mitigating climate change and protecting Oahu’s aquifer. 
We recognize we all must decrease the amount of carbon put into the atmosphere in order to mitigate destruction caused by climate change. We support House Bill 2278 and Senate Bill 2732 which propose to tax fossil fuels and return the money collected to all Hawaii residents via a tax credit. A University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization (UHERO) study found that an average low-income family would receive $900 more than it would spend on any increased cost of fossil fuels. The credit is “refundable,” which means even if you pay zero Hawaii state tax, you can still receive the full carbon tax credit! EJTF is supportive of these bills that should incentivize folks to use less fossil fuel AND also soften or remove any further burden for low income households.

Also a priority is protecting Oahu’s aquifer from the any leakage of jet fuel located in tanks just 100 feet above. The task force supports SB 2172 (bit.ly/SB2172) which prohibits future underground fuel storage tanks beginning 7/1/22.
Centering Prayer Introductory Workshop on Zoom  
Enter into the quiet inner experience of God. Grounded in 16 Centuries of Christian Tradition, Centering Prayer helps us bring our whole being to God beyond words, beyond thoughts and beyond images. It emphasizes prayer as a personal relationship with God. Saturday, February 26th, 9 - 11:30 am, on Zoom. Hosted by Contemplative Outreach of Hawaii with a presentation by Margie Smith and others. Call or text Carol Alevizos at (808) 739-5288, with your name and email address to register, free. 

Centering Prayer
All are welcome to join the Centering Prayer groups by Zoom.
  • Monday evening at 7:30 PM, contact [email protected] for more information and the link.
  • Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM, contact [email protected] for more information and the link.
Silence is God’s first language, everything else is a poor translation.
So, to hear God in God’s language one has to enter into silence too.
(Thomas Keating)
Walking Moai
Moai is a concept from Okinawa, Japan, that roughly translates to “coming together for a common purpose”. Join a CUC Moai walking group―it’s a great way to expand your social network while also getting in some physical activity.
Monday and Friday, 4:30 PM at Kapiolani Park – Meet at the pond on the Ewa side of the bandstand, free parking in lots on Monsarrat Avenue. If it’s your first time, call or text Carol at (808) 739-5288 to let us know you will be joining us.
Mindfulness Meditation
Come via Zoom every Monday at 5:00 PM to invest 30 minutes with Marion Lyman-Mersereau to learn about and practice Mindfulness. 
The link is 
Mindful Movement with Bamboo Sticks
NOW ONLINE every Wednesday 5:00 - 6:15 PM
Contact Carol Alevizos at [email protected] for more information and for the Zoom link to attend.
Stay up to date on all of the happenings at Central Union Church by visiting our website: www.centralunionchurch.org

The due date for articles for the March 2022 Spire is Friday, February 25th. Please email all submissions to [email protected].

We welcome articles for the CUC Website, News, e-Blast, and/or post on our bulletin boards. The deadline for each publication is the Tuesday preceding each Sunday. Please submit all articles to [email protected]

(808) 254-3802