TATC2019 | Earlier Deadline Dates | Register for 2020 | In the News
#TATC2019 Was a Huge Success!
The 2019 Technical Assistance & Training Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico just wrapped up at the end of October to great feedback.

Attendees loved the tour of the Albuquerque schools. The Merit Award Panel gave them great tips. The panel was made up of those who had discovered nuggets for their applications, after unsuccessful attempts. 
Maree Sneed delivered the keynote address. She discussed the legal landscape, which continues to get even “hotter” with renewed public discussion on racial integration.
Earlier Deadline Dates!
Click on the program below to view the 2019-2020 application packet:
Save the Dates for Our Upcoming Conferences!
Registration Open for National Conference
Don't delay, early bird registration is open now for the 38th annual National Conference. Register on or before Feb. 14, 2020 to get the best rates. You can also make your hotel reservations as well! Join us in Clark County April 13-17, 2020.
MSA In the News
Look what can sprout when school districts embrace education choice

By Ron Matus for redefinED

MIAMI – Christopher Bermudez likes plants. Like, really likes plants. The thought of reviving a droopy sprig of mizuna inspired the 17-year-old to riff: “When you kind of have faith in the plants, and you keep taking care of it, and you see it spring back up to life, that’s one of the biggest fulfilling feelings ever.”

How gratifying for Bermudez that he gets to pair that infatuation with real-world research. Among other projects, he and his classmates at BioTECH High School are helping scientists with a mammoth, years-long venture to determine which cultivars of edible plants will make the best crops for – no joke – space travel.
Christopher Bermudez and Peyton Ecklund, both 17, engage in a classroom-based citizen science project at BioTECH High in Miami. The school allows students to pursue authentic scientific research studies that may result in publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals and presentations at local, national and international conferences.

PHOTO: Lance Rothstein
“Our research helps supplement their research,” said Bermudez, who’s aiming for a career in experimental horticulture. “You’re kind of helping the future of our species.”

BioTECH and its lovable science geeks make for a compelling narrative. So does the back story.

Johnson STEAM Academy Attracts Families With Choice and Innovation

Drew Academy’s Nicholas Thomas to be Honored by MLB at Game 4 of World Series

Have a story you want to share with MSA members?
 Send along to communications@magnet.edu .

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e-Choice | October 2019