Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains, NY
Spirituality   ·   Compassion   ·   Service
Practice of the Week

Stick With It. Little by little our way of seeing the world and being in it can shift. With effort, the mind can be trained. So choose your spiritual practice, and stick with it. Support your path with daily journaling, study, and meditation. Add further supporting practices such as mealtime grace, keeping sabbath, and...  READ MORE
From the Minister

Black lives matter because all lives matter. Yet black lives are treated as mattering less than white lives. One of the ways we see black lives counting for less is environmental racism. Examples: In 1979, state and federal authorities selected Warren County, NC as the site for a landfill to deposit PCB-contaminated soil. The site was chosen even though a shallow... READ MORE
Minister Coffee Chat. On Tuesdays, 3-5pm, I'm available at an area coffee shop. In October, I'll be at the Starbucks in Rye: 51 Purchase St. In November, I'll be at the Barnes & Noble Cafe, City Center, 230 Main St, White Plains. Drop by if you can! - Meredith
Lifespan Religious Education

Knowledge: accumulated philosophical or scientific learning. Insight: ability to discern inner qualities and relationships. Judgment: good sense. These are the components of wisdom. The CUUC Wisdom RE Ministry Team endeavors to help us all grow in those capacities. When we share in community what we know, how we see it,... READ MORE and RE NEWS
From the Music Director

Along with several other Caribbean islands, Cuba was recently the victim of Hurricane Irma, which struck the country's northern coast as a Category 5 storm, causing massive flooding in the capital city, Havana. The U.S. media paid scant attention to this particular catastrophe, however, whether for political or sociological reasons. Cuba, with its... READ MORE
Upcoming Worship Services

Sun Oct 22
Which Way Healing?
Rev. Karen Brammer
Facing the hard realities of environmental racism, trying to grow new muscles of collaboration can be difficult, sometimes overwhelming. We'll do some of that thinking together, and we'll learn from stories of relationships growing and efforts blossoming to mend the web among peoples, planet, and all beings. Our annual pulpit swap.

Sun Oct 29
All Hallow's Eve
Rev. Meredith Garmon
The mid-point of autumn is marked in various ways in various cultures -- many of them having to do with remembering the dead. We'll have our annual ribbons of remembrance observance.
Social Justice Team Meeting    
Women's Issues Kickoff Meeting, Sun Oct 22, am, 9:00am, Rm 43
Bring your coffee or tea, and any ideas you have for this year! Contact: Karen Schmitt (
Opportunities for Giving    
Collection of New Toys for Hour Children's Center at the Bedford Correctional Facility, Sun Oct 22
Bring new, unwrapped gifts (each item is checked by security). Click HERE for a list of items in highest demand. Feel free to donate a gift not listed, but note the items that are not permitted. Contact: Ray Messing  (  
LGBTQIA Educational Event     
Trans* 102 with Rhyrus Falcone, This Sun, Oct 22, 11:40am, Fellowship Hall
A follow up to last year's presentation Trans* 101 Talking Gender, followed by an LGBTQIA Social Justice Visioning session. Contact: Tony Arrien (  
Social Justice Team Event      
"Reframing Westchester's Housing Crisis," Sun Oct 29, 11:45am, Fellowship Hall
Our guest speaker is Alexander H. Roberts, Exec Dir of Community Housing Innovations . Co-sponsored by the Racial Justice and the Hunger and Homelessness social justice teams. Childcare available with reservation by Mon Oct 23 to .
Music at CUUC presents 
Adam Kent plays All Mozart, Sun Nov 5, 12:30pm, Sanctuary
Come hear CUUC Music Director Adam Kent in an all-Mozart program featuring piano sonatas, variations, rondos, and fantasies by the prodigy from Salzburg. The concert opens with a brief family-friendly Music for All Ages presentation where you'll have the opportunity to see Mozart "on the couch" interacting with Freud. Suggested Donation $20, Students/Seniors $10, Children 13 & Under $5, Maximum Family Donation $45. Purchase tickets at coffee hour, or online at Contact: Janet Bear (
Young Adult Gatherings 
Young Adult Gathering, Sun Nov 5, 11:40am, Room 43
All members, friends and visitors in young adulthood interested in meeting one another and engaging on issues of faith and other interests in a mutually supportive environment are invited to participate. Contact: Cindy Davidson ( , 781-710-1640) or Perry Montrose (
A Night in Havana - Kid's Auction!      
2017 Auction, Sat Nov 18, 5:30p, Tickets $40
Wondering what your kids will do while you attend the auction? They'll be having just as much fun as you! Sign up for childcare and your children enjoy their OWN super-fun auction in the RE wing. As Una, an attendee last year, put it: "We get fun prizes for tickets that they give us at the beginning! I encourage you to bring your kids to the auction. You and your kids will both have fun!" So don't let childcare concerns hold you back - let us know in advance that children are coming and we'll make sure they have a great night, too. RSVP to by Sat Nov 11. Remember, we are still seeking donations, selling tickets, and collecting your loose change in the lobby (to buy gift certificates for prizes)! To print a donation form, click HERE.    
Hurricane Relief Donations    
In our celebration of Cuban culture, we are reminded of the suffering of islands devastated by recent hurricanes. We invite you to support the UUA Disaster Relief Fund, which assists congregations impacted by natural disasters. The UUA also includes links to relief organizations on the ground in Puerto Rico. 
A Message from the Refugee Resettlement team    
Pelham to Syria Winter Donation Drive, Sat Oct 21, 10:00am - 4:00pm;  Wed Oct 25, 4:00 - 8:00pm; Sat Oct 28, 10:00am - 4:00pm, St. Catharine's Rectory, 25 Second Ave, Pelham. Hearts and Homes for Refugees, in partnership with NuDay Syria , will collect, pack, and deliver material aid to displaced Syrians. Due to limited space, only specific items will be collected. Learn more HERE.
A Message from the "Get Out the Vote" team    
Homebound? College student? Traveling on Nov. 7? It's not too late to get your absentee ballot! Click HERE. And if you CAN get to the polls - VOTE! To learn more about how to become involved in the upcoming County election, please contact Charlie McNally (, Barbara Lowney (, Deb Margoluis (, or Karen Schmitt (
Did you know...?   
Did you know that milk cartons and other food cartons are now recyclable in Westchester County? They can be picked up with your commingled recycling along with your bottles, cans, and plastics! Learn more HERE.  
Share the Plate for Oct: International Fund for Animal Welfare
This month half our non-pledge collection goes to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), a non-profit that provides hands-on assistance to animals in need. When disaster strikes, IFAW responders mobilize and are prepared to rescue animals anywhere in the world, working hand-in-hand with local communities to find solutions that benefit both animals and people. The amount collected will be matched up to $1,000 by an anonymous donor in our congregation.  
In the Community
Midnight Run, Fri Oct 20, 7:00pm, FUSW, Hastings
We need volunteers to help prepare food, pack clothes, and distribute and interact with the homeless in NYC. Contact: Annie Patton (914-588-4782), Art Lowenstein (, 914-844-4189, or 845-424-3638).
Sat Oct 21, Concerned Families of Westchester Rally, 12:00pm, Hastings
Meet at VFW Plaza (Warburton and Spring St) to deliver a request to a local hedge fund owner to forgive Puerto Rico's unpayable debt. Contact: Frank Brodhead ( ).
MLK Institute: Beloved Community Potluck Dinner, Mon Oct 23, 6:00-8:30pm, Memorial UMC, 250 Bryant Ave., White Plains
Topic: "After Charlottesville: White Supremacists, Antifa, and Us." Bring a dish to share OR $5 donation, plus a table setting for yourself. RSVP HERE or 914-949-6555.
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Westchester meeting, Mon Oct 23, 7pm, South Presbyterian Church, Dobbs Ferry
SURJ is a national network of groups and individuals organizing white people for racial justice. Everyone welcome; child-friendly meetings. We meet the third Monday of the month. Next meeting: Nov 20, 7pm, Katonah United Methodist, Katonah. Learn more HEREContact:, (914) 295-2527, 
Outside Events held at CUUC
"Picasso In Nazi Occupied Paris" talk with Cliff Tisdell, Sat Oct 21, 2:30pm, Fellowship Hall
Sponsored by the Westchester Community for Humanistic Judaism. How PIcasso, fellow artists, and intellectuals in Paris survived during WWII and remained creative despite the threat. Admission $10., 914-713-8828 (after 6:00pm). 
Caring & Sharing Circle

If anyone knows of another among us who is in need of a caregiver, please contact Janet Giewat (914 617-2137 or or her backup Adine Usher (914 328-2307 or
This Week at CUUC

The full calendar can be found HERE. Room numbers subject to change; please check the board on Sunday morning. To reserve a room, please contact Pam at the CUUC office (914-946-1660 x2,

Fri Oct 20 - 3:00pm Rental: Film Crew; 6:30pm Journey Group-Families
Sat Oct 21 - 9:00am Rental: WCSPP; 10:00am Zen; 2:00pm Rental: WCHJ
Sun Oct 22 - 9:00am Women's Issues; 9:30am Nursery; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:30am Auction Committee; 11:40am LGBTQIA Presentation
Mon Oct 23 - 6:30pm T'ai-ch'i; 7:30pm Internship Committee
Tue Oct 24 - 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP; 7:30pm Choir rehearsal; 7:30 Journey Group-Litkofsky
Thu Oct 26 - 10:00am Journey Group-Kung; 11:30am Science & Spirituality Group
Sat Oct 28 - 10:00am Zen; 2:00pm Rental: Memorial Service
Sun Oct 29 - 9:30am Nursery; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:20am UU Roots: Conversations for Visitors & Newcomers; 11:30am Meal Preparation for HOPE; 11:30am RE Halloween Event; 11:45 SJT Presentation: Housing Issues in Westchester
Minister: Rev. Meredith Garmon,, 914-946-1660 x3 
Director of Lifespan Religious Ed. & Faith Development: Perry Montrose,, 914-946-1660 x4 
Community Minister: Rev. Deb Morra,, 914-830-1509
Community Minister: Rev. LoraKim Joyner,
Ministerial Intern: Cindy Davidson,, 781-710-1640
Youth Program Coordinator: Chandeerah Davis,
Music Director: Adam Kent,, 212-595-7280
Choir Director: Lisa Meyer,
Congregational & Communications Administrator: Pamela Parker,, 914-946-1660 x2
Bookkeeper: Diane Pearson,, 914-946-1660 x5
Board of Trustees
Board Chair: Dean Silverberg,, 212-351-4642   
Vice Chair: Karen Dreher,, 914-235-7845
Treasurer: Chris Kortlandt,, 914-834-7112
Secretary: Steve Miller,, 914-723-0982
Social Justice Coordinators
Jeff Tomlinson,
Mary Cavallero,
Pamela Cucinell,
Rev. Meredith Garmon,
Quick Links

Your Moment of Zen

After zazen one evening Woodpecker asked, "I'd like to understand basic Buddhist terms, but I'm not sure that would help my practice. What do you think?" Raven said, "They help us sort out our vows." Woodpecker asked, "Then they're a kind of appropriate means?" Raven said, "Like the rain." READ MORE. Saturday Zen at CUUC: HERE
The e -Communitarian newsletter is e-mailed each Thursday. 
Please send submissions to by noon on Tuesday.
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