2023 Dec 3 | Autumn #11

We livestream our in-person Sunday worship on Zoom.
Upcoming Worship


Sun Dec 3, “Welcome, Warts and All~ Michael DeSantis, guest speaker

We meet in the Sanctuary for worship. Childcare is available starting at 9:45am. A family area is available in the sanctuary (parents please sit alongside your children when they are in the area).

Join our livestream at, or phone (audio only): 646-876-9923. Webinar: 761 321 991, Passcode: 468468

After worship we host a congregation brunch in Fellowship Hall, followed by our winter choral concert with the CUUC Choir in the sanctuary and livestreamed on

Those attending worship online may use our Virtual Coffee House Zoom space afterward,, to connect with one another.


Sun Dec 10, “Who Is My Neighbor?~ Rev. Paul Langston-Daley

To join the Sunday Worship livestream:

or phone in (audio only): 646-876-9923. Webinar: 761 321 991, Passcode: 468468

Those live-streaming the service are welcome to log in afterward to a Virtual Coffee Hour on Zoom. or phone (audio only): 929-436-2866. Meeting ID: 336 956 2210, Passcode: 468468.

For additional CUUC program & login information, scroll to the bottom.
Revisit past services anytime at and subscribe!
Messages from Ministry

From the Religious Educator

Donate Children's Books this Sunday

Our K-6th grade social justice program this Sunday includes preparing gently used children's books to be donated as holiday gifts. If you have children's books (infant-12) in very good condition that you would like to donate, please bring them on Sunday. Contact: Carolyn H ([email protected]).

Sun Dec 3

K-6th Grade: Mary C and Carolyn H will lead a social justice program focused on helping people in need during the holiday season. 

7th-9th Grade: Kate C is leading with Cyndi & Daniel T. In this class, youth begin exploring spirituality. UU minister Scott Alexander describes spiritual practice as "any regular, intentional activity that serves to significantly deepen the quality and content of your relationship with the miracle of life." The class will also learn about constructing altars that can be used in rituals that honor the spirituality and connection in a family.

10th-12th Grade: Youth are attending worship or may assist with the social justice program.

The 2023-2024 RE Schedule of classes and activities is available online, as well as an overview of the year.

Congregation & Community News

Day in Place

Day in Place, Sat Dec 2, 10:00am, CUUC Grounds

This month, many of our PlaceKeepers will be at the choir dress rehearsal. Rest assured folks are still welcome to attend the monthly “First Saturday Practice” to experience, appreciate, and care for CUUC's outdoor grounds. There will be still be someone at the Spirit Fire to welcome you. Come walk our trails, watch our wildlife, and connect with other PlaceKeepers by the fire. Contact: Bice Wilson ([email protected])

In the Spirit of Truth

In the Spirit of Truth, Sun Nov 5, 9:00am, Room 13 & Zoom 2210

“In the Spirit of Truth” is a discussion circle that provides a safe space to talk about racism and other isms. We meet monthly on the first Sunday, before service, during the congregation year. All are welcome! Contact: Jeff Tomlinson (j[email protected])

About the Guest in Our Pulpit

Michael DeSantis (they/their) is an Aspirant for UU ministry currently in their final year as a Master of Divinity student at Union Theological Seminary in Manhattan. An ardent believer in the transformative power of communal care, Michael has worked as a mentor with Indigenous teens, a public policy advocate with houseless youth, and as a chaplain with both hospital patients and nursing home residents. An active member of First Unitarian Brooklyn, Michael's spiritual practices include baking bread, meditating, hiking, and playing with their rambunctious rescue cat.

Call for Gently Used Children Books

If you have children's books (infant-12) in very good condition that you would like to donate to RE, please bring them THIS Sunday

Mary C and Carolyn H will be leading the K-6 Religious Exploration class in a social justice program focused on helping people in need during the holiday season. Activities will include choosing and wrapping gently used children's books and making bookmarks for children staying at the Coachman Family Center, as well as making cards for the Caring and Sharing team to include with gift baskets.

Congregation Brunch

Congregation Brunch, Sun Dec 3, 11:30am, Fellowship Hall

Join us after worship for good food and good company. If you are a newcomer who wants to come but is unsure because you don't know who to sit with, come join us at the welcome committee table by the windows! And remember it takes many hands to make this tasty event happen, so step up and join the team! Click here to add your name to the Brunch Sign-Up List.

Holiday Choir Concert

Music at CUUC presents “Songs of the Season through the Ages: A Musical Journey from Medieval Times to Today,” featuring the CUUC Choir

Start off your holiday season with song! The CUUC choir, under the talented guidance of Lisa Meyer, invites all to join them and greet the season with beautiful music. In-person and livestreamed on Suggested donation: $20 Adults; $10 Seniors/Students; $5 Children Under 13; $45 per Family. Use the QR code or go to and click Donate (select Music at CUUC from the dropdown), or contribute at the door. Donations support the CUUC Concert Series.

Donated Concert "Tickets"

If the suggested donation amount makes you hesitate to attend the holiday concert, we are pleased to share that an anonymous donor is generously offering 4 adult ticket donations (or 2 family ticket donations) to whomever might want them. To request to use any of these donations, just contact the office ([email protected]).

From the Treasurer

We are now 5 months into our CUUC year, and so far we are managing well financially. Even though pledges are slightly below budget, we are doing well on the expense side, with everyone being careful as to how and when to spend our funds... click here to read the full Letter from the Treasurer. If you have any questions, please reach out to the treasurer, Chris Kortlandt ([email protected], 917-821-4289).

Brighten a Child's Holiday

Collection for Coachman Family Center Gift Cards, through Dec 17

Help us reach our goal of presenting a $25 gift card to each school-aged child at the Coachman Family Center, a local shelter for families experiencing homelessness. The Hunger and Homelessness team will use your donations to purchase gift cards that we'll deliver to the approximately 200 children currently at Coachman. Stop by our table on Sunday, or mail checks to CUUC with the memo "Coachman Gift Cards." You can also donate online at, by clicking Donate and selecting "Coachman Gift Cards" from the dropdown. Contact Jacy Good ([email protected]).

The Mitten Tree is Here

Share the gift of warmth! The mitten tree is ready to accept your donations of mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves for all ages and sizes. We also collect new women's and men's socks and underwear (men's XL especially needed). All items will be donated to local shelters for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Contact: Christine Wekilsky ([email protected]). If you're curious, click here to see the story that inspired the Mitten Tree tradition.

Cookies, Crafts, & Carols, Fri Dec 8, 6:30pm, Sanctuary

An evening of holiday activities for all ages! Sing along with beloved seasonal tunes. And help us create and hang decorations to beautify our sanctuary. To join the cookie swap, bring 3-4 dozen of your favorite holiday treats (separated on plates or small bags, tagged with a list of ingredients) to exchange. Contact Kim Force ([email protected]), Jessica Lidh ([email protected])

Listening Circles

Listening Circles for Difficult Conversations: Let’s Talk about the Israeli and Palestinian Conflict, Sun Dec 10, 11:45am, Fellowship Hall

At our December congregation forum with Rev. Paul Langston-Daley we will seek to create a space for shared emotional connection about the impact of the recent violence and war in Israel and Palestine, to allow us to connect, share our experiences, and look to the future. If you would like to join the conversation, sign up at Click here to see the flyer and learn more.

Multi-Congregational Winter Solstice Service

Re-Imagining the Dark, Winter Solstice Service, Fri Dec 22, 7:00pm, on Zoom

We are collaborating with the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Westchester, The Church of the Larger Fellowship, and The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood to offer a multi-congregational winter solstice worship service, open to all. Join us to joyfully re-imagine the dark and explore the darkness in our lives. Join us on Zoom at Contact Tracy Breneman ([email protected]). 

Kwanzaa Drumming Fund

For over a decade, CUUC’s "In the Spirit of Truth" (ITSOT) committee has supported the annual community Kwanzaa celebration at the Slater Center in White Plains. An important part of the gathering has been musicians playing African drums. CUUC has paid the cost for drummers in the past, but starting this year we will no longer be a sponsor of the event. ITSOT is asking for your help! Please donate so the Slater Center can continue having drummers at their holiday event. Make checks to CUUC with the memo "Kwanzaa Drumming Fund," or go to, click Donate, and select Kwanzaa Drumming Fund from the dropdown. Contact: Barbara Mair ([email protected])

Deck Our Halls


Our sanctuary will soon be adorned with festive plants to usher in the holidays. (We won't have poinsettias this year because Rev. Kimberley Debus is very allergic!) You may contribute to our display as a way to honor, give thanks, or remember a person, event, or group. The suggested donation is $20 per plant. Please make checks to CUUC with the memo "Plants," and send to the office along with the names or message you would like included in the Christmas Eve order of service. Or fill out one of the forms available in the lobby. Contact: Pam Parker ([email protected]).

Fire Wardens Needed

The CUUC Safety Committee is forming a team of 4-5 Fire Wardens who will be trained and responsible for the complete and orderly evacuation of the building in case of a fire or fire alarm during service. If you are interested in becoming a Fire Warden, please contact Creighton Cray ([email protected]).

Helping Out HOPE

Meals for HOPE, Mondays, 10:00am-2:00pm, CUUC Kitchen

Would you like to help the Meals for HOPE cooking team feed our neighbors in need? Click here to add your name to our HOPE Sign-Up spreadsheet. You can also check the paper copy posted to the kitchen whiteboard. If you sign up but then are not able to come, be sure to contact Steve Miller ([email protected]) or Terri Kung ([email protected]) by Saturday so we have time to find a replacement.  

District Happenings - December 2023

Click here to see the December Opportunities for Connection newsletter for our Unitarian Universalist Association region, with articles and the calendar of Central East Region events and webinars

December Share the Plate: Coachman Family Center

This month we share half our non-pledge collection with the Coachman Family Center. Located in White Plains, the Coachman is a 100-room shelter that provides housing and services to local families in need. The center is affiliated with Westhab, a nonprofit focused on affordable housing, whose motto is "building communities, changing lives." Mail checks to CUUC with the memo "Share the Plate - Coachman" or click here to pay online, and select "Share the Plate." You may also select "Other" and type "Coachman" if you'd like your full donation to go to the organization.

Caring & Sharing 

If we can help you or someone you know in our congregation, reach out to this month's primary caregiver, Astrid Rogers (914-525-8747, [email protected]), or her backup Barbara Mair (914-391-5382, [email protected]). You may also contact the CUUC office ([email protected], 914-946-1660 x2).

Online Offering

To make your offering or donate to our Share the Plate online, use our PayPal button here. Or go to our website,, and click "Donate." Or click on the chalice picture at right.

For links to our Zoom online meetings, see below.

Links are also in our online Event Calendar (click on event) at

Weekly Calendar and Logins

Visit on our website and click on an event for login information. To reserve a Zoom online meeting room, contact [email protected].

Fri Dec 1 - 9:00am Past Prime Time Dance Party (CUUC & Zoom 6161); 10:30am Rental: OA (Room 11); 7:00pm Book Club with Barbara (Zoom 3131)

Sat Dec 2 - 9:00am Rental: Evrika Learning Center (Room 23); 10:00am Choir Dress Rehearsal (Sanctuary); 10:00am Coachman Gift Card Prep (Room 11); 10:00am Day in Place (CUUC Grounds); 10:00am Food Prep for Brunch (Kitchen); 10:00am Rental: Zen Practice (Room 43 & Zoom); 3:30pm Rental: Private Memorial Service - Norris Fox (Sanctuary)

Sun Dec 3 - 8:45am Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary); 9:00am In the Spirit of Truth (Room 13 & Zoom 2210); 9:00am Ministerial Search Committee (Room 21 & Zoom 6161); 9:45am Childcare (Room 32); 10:00am Worship (Sanctuary & Worship Zoom; 10:00am RE: K-6th Social Justice Program (Room 21), 7th-9th COA Class (Room 11); 11:30am Congregation Brunch (Fellowship Hall); 11:15am Virtual Coffee Hour (; 12:30pm Music at CUUC: Winter Choral Concert (Sanctuary & livestream

Mon Dec 4 - 9:00am Past Prime Time Dance Party (CUUC & Zoom 6161); 10:00am Meals for HOPE (Kitchen)

Tue Dec 5 - 10:00am Sandwiches for HOPE (Kitchen); 7:00pm Committee on Ministry (Zoom 7899); 7:30pm Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)

Wed Dec 6 - 3:00pm Virtual Tea for Retirees (Zoom 2210); 6:30pm Worship Associate Team Planning (Zoom 3131); 7:30pm Worship Committee Meeting (Zoom 3131)

Thu Dec 7 - All day Religious Educator, Tracy B, in Class Intensive; 3:30pm Program Council (Zoom 7899, Fellowship Hall); 7:30pm Worship Associate Planning (Zoom 3131)

Fri Dec 8 - All day Religious Educator, Tracy B, in Class Intensive; Hanukkah Day 1; 9:00am Past Prime Time Dance Party (CUUC & Zoom 6161); 10:30am Rental: OA (Fireside or Room 11); 3:00pm "A Tempo with Adam" (A Tempo Zoom and Facebook Live); 6:30pm Cookies, Crafts, and Carols (Sanctuary); 7:00pm Books with Barbara (Zoom 3131)

Sat Dec 9 - All day Religious Educator, Tracy B, in Class Intensive; Hanukkah Day 2; 9:00am Rental: Evrika Learning Center (Room 23); 10:00am Rental: Zen Practice (Room 43 & Zoom); 3:00pm Rental: Hoff-Barthelson - Setup/Rehearsal (Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, Kitchen, Rooms 11 & 14); 7:00pm Rental: Hoff-Barthelson - Festival Orchestra Concert (Sanctuary)

Sun Dec 10 - Tracy B, in Class Intensive 12-6pm; Hanukkah Day 3; 8:45am Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary); 9:45am Childcare (Room 32); 10:00am Religious Exploration: K-6th Chapel (Room 43); 7th-9th COA Class (Room 11); 10th-12th Attend Worship; 10:00am Sunday Worship (Sanctuary & Worship Zoom; 11:15am Coffee Hour Conversation Circle (Sanctuary, near family area); 11:15am Social Hour (Fireside Area); 11:15am Virtual Coffee Hour (; 11:45am Congregation Forum: Embracing Change/Difficult Conversations (Fellowship Hall)



Zoom Webinar 1991 / Worship Zoom - Login:



or phone (audio only): 646-876-9923

Webinar: 761 321 991, Passcode: 468468

Zoom 2210 / Coffee Hour Zoom - Login:


or phone (audio only): 929-436-2866

Meeting: 336 956 2210, Passcode: 468468 


Zoom 7899 - Login:

or phone (audio only): 646-876-9923

Meeting: 289 850 7899, Passcode: 468468

Zoom 3131 - Login:


or phone (audio only): 646-876-9923

Meeting ID: 313 195 3131, Passcode: 468468


Zoom 6161 - Login:

or phone (audio only): 929-436-2866

Meeting: 616 163 6161, Passcode: 468468

RE Zoom 4635 - Login:;

or phone (audio only): 646-558-8656

Meeting: 602 164 635, Passcode: 468468


RE Zoom 8428 - Login:

or phone (audio only): 646-558-8656

Meeting: 817 388 428, Passcode: 468468 


Zoom 5149 / "A Tempo with Adam" Live Concerts (also on Adam Kent's Facebook)


or phone (audio only): 929-436-2866

Meeting: 939 6077 5149, Passcode: 468468


Interim Ministry Team: Rev. Kimberley Debus, [email protected]

Interim Ministry Team: Rev. Paul Langston-Daley, [email protected]

Minister of Pastoral Care: Rev. Deb Morra, [email protected]

Dir of Lifespan Religious Exploration & Faith Development: Tracy Breneman, [email protected], 914-434-7539

Music Director: Adam Kent, [email protected]

Choir Director: Lisa Meyer, [email protected]

Choir Pianist: Georgianna Pappas, [email protected]

Administrator: Pamela Parker, [email protected]

Bookkeeper: Jessica Garcia, [email protected]

Board of Trustees

Board Chair: Creighton Cray,

Vice Chair: Terri Kung, [email protected]

Treasurer: Chris Kortlandt, [email protected]

Secretary: Nicky Klemens, [email protected]

Social Justice Coordinators

Mary Cavallero, [email protected]

Emily Economou, [email protected]

Barry Litcofsky, [email protected]

Quick Links

CUUC Facebook Page

CUUC Website

CUUC YouTube Channel

Journey Group Sign-Up

On The Journey (past issues)

Social Justice Teams


Messages from Ministry

Denomination Links

Unitarian Universalist Association

UUA WorshipWeb App

UUA InSpirit Bookstore

UU World Magazine

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

UUA Central Region East