Springtime is all about renewal, new growth. Grow with us and explore all the solutions EFS has to offer. EFS can be used for so many important school related items, some your school may not even know about, such as: Driver's Ed, Daycare, Fundraising & Donations, Field Trips, Food Service, Parking Fees, Pay to Play, Registrations Fees, Summer School and so much more!
With multiple payment solutions, your parents and departments will spring with joy! EFS offers: Autopay, Cash, K12 Student Wallet, Single Pay, Credit/Debit Cards, Direct Debit, Online & Mobile, Recurring and even Personal Checks, plus more!
We have campus solutions for every department! No one is left out: Accounting, Before/After Daycare, Secretaries, Summer School, HR, Administration, PTO (PTA), Community Ed and many more! Contact us and ask us about your department or Sign up for a demo!