Friday, 9/1 at 9:30 AM
Setting Yourself Up For Faster Payments and Better Collection of Your Accounts Receivables
Presented by Julia Jensen Smolka, Shareholder, Robbins DiMonte, Ltd.
In this webinar, the discussion will include contract basics and the language that should be included in any proposals, and information you should gather at the beginning of the business relationship. Additionally, discussion will focus on the steps to take during the engagement. If business relationship turns negative, discussion also will focus on the different legal options for collecting what you are owed.
Register for the 9/1 Webinar
Wednesday, 9/6 at 3:00 PM
City Inspections - Ask Questions, Get Answers
Presented by the City of Chicago
The Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection, Department of Public Health, and the Department of Buildings will provide insight on how operate a compliant business in the City of Chicago. Topics covered will include how to prepare for inspections, building permits and sign display requirements, food inspection overview and necessary certificates, and zoning review procedures. Learn how to operate safely and avoid common setbacks.
Register for the 9/6 Webinar
Please email with any webinar questions.
Visit BACP’s YouTube for all webinars.