The Consulate of Belize in Florida
Monthly Newsletter
Honorary Consul's Monthly Message
Welcome to the
March Monthly Newsletter
We welcome you to the month of March, the mark of Spring and new beginnings! Unfortunately, life sometimes throws us a curveball from left field as in the COVID-19, the invisible enemy that caught us all by surprise. Today, the world is at a standstill. Indeed, we are facing very challenging times. Albeit, historically, Belizeans have not undergone struggles from war, famine and catastrophes other parts of the world have had, yet, inherently, Belizeans are strong and unafraid, showing their grit in times like this. While the COVID-19 is a reality among us, Belizeans will continue to do what they always do best: unite, rally, support and protect their families and each other, knowing that they will overcome this hardship and be the better for it.
The Prime Minister of Belize, the Rt. Hon. Dean O. Barrow offered the Belizean public words of comfort and hope last Wednesday and reiterated in his address to the nation on Monday, March
(we are sharing said video with you in this newsletter),“ are not alone”, the GOB and its partners are with you providing support at all levels. In an abundance of caution, however, the Prime Minister has declared Belize a State of Emergency, and urged Belizeans to stay home. Similarly, Belizeans residing in the US are also being assured by the President that all measures are being taken to keep everyone safe. We urge you to heed all the orders being given by your state and local authorities to stay healthy and safe. Be particularly cautious with our elderly and most vulnerable.
While the news today is filled with foreboding, there is still so much to be thankful for. Belize thus far, remains almost entirely free of the serious outcomes that this virus is creating in other countries. We are comforted to know that the best men and women in the medical field are on the frontline of this battle to keep us safe and we pray for them as well. Truly we are a blessed, peaceful and caring country.
The Embassy of Belize in Washington, DC and its other Consulates look forward to being able to resume its consular services to Belizeans as soon as this crisis passes. We are providing you in this newsletter with the contact information for the Embassy and each of the Consulates which provide consular services in your area. Please feel free to contact us for any reason. On behalf of the staff at the Consulate of Belize in Florida, our thoughts and prayers are with you all and your families. Stay safe!
With that said, the Consulate of Belize in Florida will continue to search all corners to bring you positive news about Belizeans as highlighted below:
- Find out who provided the financial support for the Relocation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Headquarters
- Watch the video of “the 23rd La Ruta Maya River Challenge 2020”
- Join Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow, Special Envoy for Women & Children, wishing all Belizean women a Happy International Women’s Day!
- Congratulate H.E. Nestor Mendez for making Belize proud again with his re-election as Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS)
- Discover who was at the Belize Street Art Festival
- Learn about Belize’s Additional Measures for the Safety of All Belizeans in Response to COVID-19
- Familiarize yourself about the recommendations from the World Health Organization on how to cope with stress during the COVID-19 outbreak and much more
- Find out the decision of the Football Federation of Belize regarding their ongoing tournaments
- Discover what are the Five Foods that Can Strengthen your Immune System
- Read the inspiring stories about two Belizean businesses who rose to the challenges brought on by the Covid-19: Traveller’s Ltd. and Lopez Pharmacy
- See COVID-19 on the Maps from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Discover more about the life of our “Star of the Month”, Dr. Therese Pennell, and all her contributions to Belize
- Check out, “What’s Trending”, regarding Child Stimulation Month, the Belize Street Art Festival and Reef Week 2020
As mentioned, please watch the video address to the nation given by the Prime Minister of Belize, the Rt. Hon. Dean O. Barrow last broadcasted on Monday, March 30
Finally, as we pass the time at home, many of us are finding therapeutic ways to deal with this crisis and cooking and baking may be one of them so we will be teaching you how to make one of Belize’s favorite breakfast (or anytime) staples! Check it out in what has become one of our most popular sections of the newsletter, “Recipe of the Month” where you will find one of the most delectable inventions called “Fried Jack”. Known as “Johnny Cake”, in other parts of the Caribbean, the name Fried Jack is unique to Belize and is our ultimate comfort food (a heavenly pillowy fried dough) typically eaten with refried beans, cheese and eggs or for the sweet tooth, drizzled with honey or powdered sugar.
Due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), unfortunately several events have been postponed or modified; however, we still invite you to check out the section “Upcoming Events” to see the updates on each event.
Finally, we sadly regret the death of Ms. Dorla Dyer-Reyes in the section, “Honoring the life of”. Our thoughts and prayers are with her loved ones during this difficult time.
For those of you who have not had the opportunity to visit the Consulate's office nor are familiar with the services that we offer, you may visit our website at or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive updates about Belize, the Consulate and upcoming events.
As we update our database, and in order to serve you better, the Consulate of Belize in Florida continues to conduct phone calls to its constituents to confirm each's contact information. We appreciate your cooperation and support in sharing your contact information, so that you and your family can continue to be informed about services offered by the Consulate as well as get updates on Belize.
If you are aware of a Belizean residing in the United States who is making a positive impact on the lives of others while contributing to their native country, please submit their story to us so that we may feature them in our newsletter. Perhaps the Star of the Month for April could even be you!
Enjoy and share with your friends!
And remember, it is good to be Belizean!
#Rememberit'sgoodtobeBelizean #Staysafe #Stayhome
Janine Sylvestre
Honorary Consul of Belize in Florida
Trade Representative of Belize in Florida
From The Office of The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister
Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Dean O. Barrow Announces Countrywide State of Emergency
Updates from Prime Minister's Message
1. The third Confirmed case of Coronavirus is in Belize City, Belize's most densely populated location.
2. Because people have not been taking social distancing seriously, GOB is declaring a nationwide State of Emergency effective Midnight, Wednesday to curtail any possible COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Curfew from 8pm to 5am, every day.
4. State of Emergency to last for 30 days.
5. People should stay at home all day unless they need to get supplies or do other absolutely essential things.
6. The two-day notice is to enable people and official
time to prepare in gathering essential provisions and other critical supplies.
7. The list of essential services and workers are being finalized.
8. Media-only Press Conference to be held tomorrow morning.
9. Banks will remain open and cargo will continue to come into Belize as normal.
10. Prime Minister reaffirms that Belize's food supply is secured and that health supplies are also well stocked.
11. Disbursements start this week for Belizeans who will be receiving economic aid.
12. Food Assistance Program to be expanded.
#wavediflag #rememberitsgoodtobebelizean #wearewithyou #holdthefaith #belizeanstrong
Stay Informed-Be Prepared
Directory of Consular Offices in the U.S.
We look forward to serving you as soon as this crisis passes. We are with you during this difficult time.
Call or email us with any questions:
What's New...
Taiwan Funds the Relocation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Headquarters
Photo Credit: Government of Belize Press Office
Belmopan. March 6, 2020.
Today, March 6th, the Republic of China (Taiwan) provided support to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Belize with its preparatory efforts to begin the relocation of the MFA office from the NEMO Building to the newly constructed MFA Headquarters. This support will ensure minimal disruption of provision of services to the public during the Ministry’s relocation.
This support emanates from the “Strengthening of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Central American Countries” provided through the XVII Meeting of the Mixed Commission of the Allied Countries of the Isthmus of Central America and the Republic of China (Taiwan).
How Much Do You Know About Belize?
March 9, 2020.
For the second week of March, Belize was chosen as the
Country of the Week
by the New York Times. Each week, a different country is chosen and a weekly interactive quiz created where students get to learn more about the country via Time maps, videos, photography, and journalism.
Ambassador Nestor Mendez Re-elected as Assistant Secretary General of the Organization of American States
March 19, 2020.
H.E. Nestor Mendez is re-elected as Assistant Secretary General of the
Organization of American States (OAS)
for the 2020-2025 period.
This is Ambassador Mendez second term as ASG to the OAS.
Belize: Last Country of the American Continent to Get the Novel Coronavirus
Photo Credit: RT Magazine
March 24, 2020.
Among the 23 nations in the American continent, Belize was the last one to report a known case of COVID-2019 according to RT Magazine. The first country to report a case in the region was Mexico on February 28th, followed by Costa Rica on March 5th.
It was not until Monday, March 23rd, 2020, that Belize registered its first case announcing it on a press conference held by the Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Dean O. Barrow, and the Director of Health Services, Dr. Marvin Manzanero.
'Benjy' at the Belize Street Art Festival
March 3, 2020.
This year marked the 10th anniversary of the famous Street Art Festival on Albert Street. It was a day filled with live music, art, fashion, and also distinguished literature such as 'Benjy'.
Set in Belize City in the 80s and 90s, Benjy is the story of a young man unexpectedly stricken by a mental disorder. We see him struggle to survive in a world where too many people do not understand that even in the midst of his often chaotic and violent circumstances, the emotions of love, fairness, and honesty, remain intact within him.
Supporting Mental Health Awareness one book at a time.
Seven Amazing Belizean Adventures
Photo Credit: The Telegraph
March 17. 2020.
The Telegraph, Travel Belize, and Journey Latin America joined forces to develop a list of seven amazing adventures that people can experience in Belize. Are you ready?
- Get up close to sea turtles
- Roam the majestic Maya Mountains
- Dive the world's second largest barrier reef
- Embark on a culinary tour
- Immerse yourself in local culture
- Journey through subterranean caves
- Go wild in the rainforest
The Football Federation of Belize Postpones All Ongoing Tournaments
March 16, 2020.
Given the current health situation and concerns evolving around COVID-19, and consequent upon the directive issued by the Government of Belize to limit social gathering numbers, the Football Federation of Belize exercises due prudence by postponing, with immediate effect, all ongoing tournaments until further notice.
"True- True Reef Love Means Yuh Stay Involved"
Photo Credit: European Council
March 16, 2020.
The Reef Week was commemorated once again this time in beautiful Placencia under the theme "True- True Reef Love Means Yuh Stay Involved."
This year's celebrations aimed to bring focus on the serious impact that single-use plastics and styrofoam poses to Belize’s Barrier Reef and the entire Mesoamerica Reef system. Some of the activities included school presentations, beach clean-ups and rides to the reef.
Five Foods that Can Strengthen your Immune System
March 30, 2020.
The coronavirus has spread rapidly worldwide, yet we can still play an active role in strengthening our immune system. Besides practicing social distance, proper hand-washing, and using humor to cope with stress, eating healthy is highly recommended.
Here is the list of the Big 5 Foods that can strengthen your immune system during this COVID-19 Pandemic:
- Garlic and Onion: possess anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal benefits
- Citrus Fruits: Filled with Vitamin C, these fruits boost blood circulation and immunity.
- Mushrooms: Full of antiviral and immune boosting properties. Bonus: Helps with stress reduction!
- Ginger: Contains the chemical sesquiterpenes, which specifically targets viruses.
- Selenium-rich foods: Increase your body’s production of cytokines and helps boost your immune system.
Source Credit: Loma Linda University Health
Sani-Beli: Traveller's Ltd. New Product
March 27, 2020.
local rum factory has single-handedly solved the problem of the hand-sanitizer shortage. Yes, Traveller’s Ltd. is bringing a new product to market it’s called Sani-bel. In a swift switcharoo, G.O.B’s coronavirus task force has given Travellers clearance to switch from distilling rum to making hand sanitiser.
Cherisse Halsall went onto the distillery floor to find out about Traveller’s move to repurpose manufacturing facilities and keep providing employment for all its workers.
International Women's Day Message from Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow, Special Envoy for Women & Children
Video Credit: Special Envoy Belize
In this video, Mrs. Kim Simplis Barrow wishes all wonderful Belizean women a Happy International Women's Day!
The 23rd La Ruta Maya River Challenge 2020
March 11, 2020.
The 23rd Belikin La Ruta Maya River Challenge 2020 was held over the weekend with local and international paddlers competing to be number one. The 4-day journey ended yesterday at the Belize Civic Center with the top team completing the last leg of the race just above two and a half hours.
Photo Credit: Belize Ruta Maya
Belize Announces
Additional Measures for the Safety of All Belizeans
Photo Credit: Government of Belize Press Office
Belmopan. March 29, 2020.
Due to the continued and increasing threat of COVID-19 to Belize, and the rising death toll worldwide, the Government of Belize is concerned that persons continue to disregard self-quarantine measures encouraged by the Ministry of Health; this endangers the lives of all Belizeans.
The security forces and health services are already making every effort to ensure the safety of all; however, persons continue to act irresponsibly by entering Belize via blind spots and legal ports of entry, which is dangerous and unsafe, and poses an imminent threat to all those in Belize.
COVID-19 - Alert Regarding Border Closures
Photo Credit: Government of Belize Press Office
March 22, 2020.
The Government of Belize reminds the public that Belize’s borders are closed for entry. Belizeans are being strongly advised against leaving the country, unless it is a case of bona fide emergency. This is being advised for the safety of all.
What do border closures mean? Belizeans, please stay in Belize.
Kindly take note of the border closures below:
• Western Border – Closed.
Belizeans, diplomats residing in Belize, and foreigners with legal residency in Belize are allowed to enter. Please be aware that those seeking entry to Belize may be subject to a period of 14 days in quarantine to prevent the possible transmission of COVID-19. Guatemalan nationals can depart from Belize to return to their home country.
Cuban Medical Professionals Help Belize Fight COVID-19
Photo Credit: Government of Belize Press Office
Belmopan. March 25, 2020.
Today, March 25th, Belize welcomed 32 members of the “Henry Reeve” International Contingent of Cuban Health Professionals who are specialised to assist in times of disaster and pandemics.
The team of health professionals arrived in Belize to support the country’s response to the COVID-19 global pandemic. They were received by Hon. Pablo Marin, Minister of Health; Mrs. Lizette Perez Perez, Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to Belize; and Lou-Anne Burns Martínez, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belize.
Recommendations from the World Health Organization on the COVID-19
How should we greet one another?
How to cope with stress during 2019-nCoV outbreak
March 15, 2020.
It is normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis. Talking to people you trust can help. Contact your friends and family.
If you must stay at home, maintain a healthy lifestyle - including proper diet, sleep, exercise and social contacts with loved ones at home and by email and phone with other family and friends. Don't use smoking, alcohol or other drugs to deal with your emotions.
If you feel overwhelmed, talk to a health worker of counsellor. Have a plan where to go to and how to seek help for physical and mental health needs if requested.
Do you have questions about COVID-19?
Maps of COVID-19 in the U.S. and World Wide from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Owner of the Lopez Pharmacy turns Crisis into Opportunity
Photo Credit: Lopez Pharmacy
March 30, 2020.
Under normal circumstances, Mrs. Ana Smith would have been getting ready to celebrate her birthday on March 23
and instead was preparing to face another day at the pharmacy she owns. Lopez Pharmacy, the longest running pharmacy in Belmopan, has been swamped since the news broke of this pandemic. Ana found herself burning the midnight oil at the pharmacy to deal with the demands brought on by the COVID-19. It was on this day that she discovered that her pharmacy had completely run out of face masks.
It weighed heavily on her mind that day and offered it up in prayer. She woke up the next day to find a request from a friend asking if she was interested in buying face masks since there was someone sewing masks. Ana’s prayers were answered, and the rest is history!
After contacting the lady who was sewing the masks as well as four other women who joined the production team, they have so far produced approximately 2000 masks with more coming in the production pipeline. These washable face masks come in different sizes with 2-3 layers of 100% cotton infused with eucalyptus oil, providing a soothing scent.
Amidst this major COVID-19 pandemic, an industry has been created, providing jobs to women, (some of whom had lost their jobs because of the COVID-19), who can now support their families. Having masks readily available will also provide comfort to those who desperately need masks to use them through this crisis. When asked what is her secret to having the oldest pharmacy in Belmopan, she is clear that her success is not only due to her hard work and passion for the community but more importantly to God who continues to bless all her efforts.
For more information/Place an order:
Visit the Lopez Pharmacy at 82 Ring Road, Belmopan, Belize or call +501-610-2831.
Do you know what is the Tourism Asset Inventory?
The Belize Tourism Board is engaging in the collection of all tourism sites to develop an inventory of tourism assets in Belize.
The inventory will allow a platform for stakeholders to know what is available in each region and tourists to be linked to tour operators who can execute tours to respective sites. For more info, check out the video below or visit our webpage at
Do you have a viable investment project in Belize?
To find out more, please contact BelizeINVEST at or call +501 822-3553.
Given the current situation under COVID-19, this event will now be held online via Webcast.
Looking for activities to keep your kids engaged amid school closures due to Covid-19 precaution measures?
We encourage the use of online learning resources to keep children at home engaged and learning. Check out what’s available on the Belize Living Heritage Website to learn more about activities to stimulate learning.
...of the Month!
Sarstoon Temash National Park
Photo Credit: Belize Globe
The Temash and Sarstoon Delta Wildlife Sanctuary was declared a protected area by the government in 1992. The 41,000 acres of land is situated between the Temash and Sarstoon Rivers in the southernmost region of Belize. Being one of the most remote reserves in Belize, it provides habitat for a variety of wildlife - including warries, tapirs, ocelots, and jaguars.
Let us preserve and protect our historical landmarks & protected sites!
"If yo no check di wata, no teck off yo shoe."
Look before you leap.
Belizean Star of the Month!
Dr. Therese Pennell
Photo Credit: Dr. Therese Pennell
Dr. Therese Pennell was born and raised in Punta Gorda Town (Toledo District) which, in Dr. Pennell’s own words, is “one of the smallest towns in the country, southern-most town, and most economically deprived”. Her parents were both religious and hard-working community activists who impressed on their children the importance of education. Dr. Pennell went to Belize City to complete her high school and sixth form at Pallotti High School and St. John’s College Junior College. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Belize (UB, formerly University College of Belize-UCB) in Belize City but returned home to Punta Gorda to work. There, she taught at the Toledo Community College for 12 years before pursuing further studies.
She later came to the U.S. in 2008 to pursue a master’s degree in English at East Carolina University and completed it in 2010 with a Technical Communication concentration and a certificate in Multicultural and Transnational Literature. After going back home to teach for a semester, Dr. Pennell came back to East Carolina University (ECU) to complete her PhD, thus graduating in 2017 with a degree in Rhetoric Writing and Professional Communication.
"My parents were both religious and hard-working community activists who impressed in me the importance of education."
During her time as a graduate student and after completing her PhD, she often visited Belize to attend conferences and assist in a study abroad program between ECU and UB, working with Dr. Seodial Deena. Dr. Pennell has been in touch with UB to form relationships with a university here in the United States to complete an exchange program that is in the works. She has also taught summer courses at UB and is hoping to make an annual lecture at the University of Belize- Punta Gorda.
Her professor career in the U.S. began with her teaching as a graduate assistant at East Carolina University. At ECU, she taught freshman composition and business communication courses for three years before becoming a full-time assistant professor in the technical communication program at the University of Mount Olive, North Carolina.
Besides currently working as an Assistant Professor at Tarleton State University (a member of the Texas A&M university system) in Stephenville, Texas, Dr. Pennell enjoys doing volunteer work and using yoga to keep her balance. She has been a member of the Democratic Women’s Organization, ACLU, and her local church and was a former member of the parish council. She is proud to be the mother of Risdon and Robynne, a sophomore college student in North Carolina and sophomore high school student in Texas, respectively.
August 24, 1952- February 25, 2020
Register as a Belizean in Florida
Photo Credit: Mayor Belize
Photo Credit: Belize YWCA
Photo Credit: San Ignacio Public Library
Belize Street Art Festival
Photo Credit: Belize Tourism Board
Photo Credit: Belize Tourism Board
Video Credit: Karen Vernon
Photo Credit: Belize Audubon Society
Photo Credit: Belize Audubon Society
Photo Credit: Belize Audubon Society
Recipe of The Month
Photo Credit: Caribbean Lifestyle
Known as “Journey Cakes” or “Johnny Cakes” in other Caribbean countries, the name Fried Jacks is unique to Belize. Similarly, Belize also has Johnny Cakes but unlike our Caribbean neighbors who fry theirs, our Johnny Cakes are baked.
To make the distinction, Belizeans uniquely call it,
Fried Jacks
! Its origins trace back to Africa, later adopted by early settlers because it was inexpensive, easy to make and convenient to take on journeys. So, let’s make some
Fried Jacks
- 2 cups of flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp of salt
- 1 tbsp oil
- 1 tbsp of vegetable shortening (or virgin coconut oil)
- 1/2 cup of warm water
- vegetable oil for frying
Photo Credit: Carolyn Waight
- Put the 2 cups of flour, 2 tsp of baking powder and 1tsp of salt into a bowl and mix well.
- Add the 1tsp of oil and mix once again.
- Add 1 tbsp of the vegetable shortening for more crumble.
- Mix well until it looks like crumbles.
- Add 1/2 cup of warm water or less.
- Knead well until it feels gooey but not to the point that it sticks to your hand.
- Cut and roll the dough into medium circles and let it rest for 20 minutes.
- Roll each dough ball flat to the size of a tortilla and cut them in half or in 4 pieces.
- Heat vegetable oil in a deep fry pan.
- For a crunchy fry jack, cook while the pan is not hot. For soft fry jack, cook when oil is hot.
- Use a spoon to pour hot oil on fry jack to help puff up.
- Once golden brown, remove from the pan and let it drain.
- Enjoy!
Photo Credit: Flavors of Belize
Photo Credit: Flavors of Belize
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