The Consulate of Belize in Florida
Monthly Newsletter
Honorary Consul's Monthly Message
Welcome to the
May Monthly Newsletter
As we recount the month of May, let us celebrate all Mothers and thank them for all that they do unconditionally for us. We welcome the beautiful signs of spring in Belize with the Mayflower and the
Flamboyant trees that grace our gardens with their magnificence.
For many of the faithful, the month of May is also the month of Mary and we honor her as our spiritual Mother, the Mother of Christ.
We congratulate all high school and college graduates, parents, teachers, and school administrators who amid the pandemic, managed to persevere and come up with creative ways to commemorate their graduation. Congratulations to all the graduating classes of 2020!
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have lost loved ones to this pandemic and we continue to pray for your safety and well-being, especially for the elderly and the most vulnerable. Wherever you are, stay safe and well. And for all the healthcare professionals who continue to risk their lives for us every day, you are our heroes!
While it has indeed been a challenging time for all of us, we have renewed hope that very soon we will be putting this ordeal behind us. Belize remains COVID-19 free now for over 30 days and in the US, the overall number of cases and deaths has been decreasing, hence the reason why both countries are slowly and methodically opening up in phases. This will help to get folks back at work and our country’s economic engines rolling again. Very soon we will be able to enjoy the things we miss the most, a nice meal at a restaurant, travel and attend our places of worship.
If you are a Belizean who is in the US and is desirous of returning to Belize, there is now an opportunity for you to do so. Please visit
where you will be able to find detailed information about the process and application through the “Belize Controlled Repatriation Form”.
This month marked another important milestone in the awareness of mental health. During the lockdown, the number of mental health cases has spiked around the world, sadly resulting in an increase in suicide, alcohol and drug addiction. If you or someone you know is experiencing anxiety or depression, please know that you are not alone and seek professional help at:
in Belize, or
in the United States. Remember that there is a solution to every problem.
In this edition, we present the latest video address to the nation given by the Prime Minister of Belize, the Rt. Hon. Dean O. Barrow broadcasted today, Friday, May 29th, 2020, announcing important information on the next phase of re-opening and the state of affairs of the country.
Read the usual informative monthly message from the Ambassador of Belize in Washington, DC, H.E. Daniel Gutierez, under “Ambassador’s Desk”, bringing important information on the re-opening protocols for the Embassy and Consulates of Belize in the United States. The Ambassador’s message is followed by a video, “Diplomatic Messages of Hope: A Message of Hope from Belize.”
Amidst the sadness around us, indeed there is hope. And so, while this pandemic may have slowed us down, it did not stop Belizeans from doing amazing things wherever they were through their selfless acts. In this edition, enjoy reading all the inspiring stories of the stellar work of Belizeans who bring love, joy, and life to whatever they do:
- Get answers to your questions about the New Repatriation Process for Belizeans abroad.
- Discover why “Forbes says Belize will be the Best Place to Live and Retire Post the Coronavirus.”
- Read more about the “Musicians who have Opened Up about their Mental Health Struggles.”
- Watch the video “Dear Belize” to learn why so many miss Belize.
- Go over the important “Things to Know Before you Go” to Disney Springs.
- Find out why you should “Invest in the Agriculture Sector in Belize.”
- Take the “Belizean Diaspora One on One Survey” and share it with friends and family.
- Meet more extraordinary Belizean Frontline Responders around the USA.
- Enjoy cooking following the recipes of the “New Cookbook: Culinary Creativity with a Purpose.”
- Take a look at the article “What’s in Season Now?” to learn about the benefits of eating seasonally.
- Discover more about the life of our “Star of the Month”, Dr. Dorian Arnold, who currently serves as Director of Graduate Studies in Computer Science and Informatics at Emory University.
- Check out, “What’s Trending”, to “Meet the Spanish Flu and COVID-19 Survivor” and learn more about how “Belize Remains COVID-19 Free.”
Thanks to all who eagerly responded to our survey asking what you missed most from Belize during the lockdown, because the response has been overwhelming! The consensus is (Drumroll…) that of all our delectable Belizean treats, most Belizeans miss their hot meat pies (with a cold bottle of Red Fanta) and so we are sharing a meat pie recipe with you. While there is nothing better than getting your hot pies at Darios or Pou’s (depends on who you are loyal to), the next best thing is to make it yourself, so check it out in the “Recipe of the Month”.
Due to COVID-19, unfortunately, several events continue to be postponed or modified; however, we still invite you to check out the section “Upcoming Events” to see the updates on each event and access some informative flyers.
Finally, we sadly regret the deaths of Mr. Osman Clinton Michael, Mr. DeLeon Carrington, Mr. Rudolph Harrington Davis Sr., Mr. William James Anthony Lightburn, Ms. Gwendolyn Adela Winnifred Betson, and Mr. Glenn Alexander Baptist in the section, “Honoring the life of”. We extend our deepest sympathies to all the families who have lost their loved ones.
For those of you who have not had the opportunity to visit the Consulate's office nor are familiar with the services that we offer, you may visit our website at or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to receive updates about Belize, the Consulate and upcoming events.
As we update our database, and in order to serve you better, the Consulate of Belize in Florida continues to conduct phone calls to its constituents to confirm each's contact information. We appreciate your cooperation and support in sharing your contact information, so that you and your family can continue to be informed about services offered by the Consulate as well as get updates on Belize.
If you are aware of a Belizean residing in the United States who is making a positive impact on the lives of others while contributing to their native country, please submit their story to us so that we may feature them in our newsletter. Perhaps the Star of the Month for June could even be you!
Enjoy and share with your friends!
And remember, it is good to be Belizean!
#RememberitsgoodtobeBelizean #Staysafe
Janine Sylvestre
Honorary Consul of Belize in Florida
Trade Representative of Belize in Florida
From The Office of The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister
The Rt. Hon. Dean O. Barrow
Prime Minister of Belize
From the Ambassador's Desk
H.E. Daniel Gutierez
May 29, 2020
Dear members of the Diaspora,
As much of the United States begins to re-open, the Government of Belize, through its Consular offices in the United States is planning a re-opening of its consular offices and services. This re-opening will be guided by state and local regulations, as well as
strict adherence
to health and safety guidelines.
We know many of you are anxious to access consular services. We are also anxious to serve you while doing so in a responsible and safe manner. We thank you for your patience over the past few months. We hereby advise you of the new protocols which will be put in place. They are as follows:
Appointments are required.
There will be no exceptions to this. To make an appointment, visit the website of the consular office you wish to visit. A full listing follows.
2. Prior to the appointment, all applicants
must complete
all application forms in full,
email forms
to the applicable officer. Incomplete or incorrect applications will be returned to the applicant for correction. A delay in completing this requirement may result in a rescheduled appointment date.
3. The applicant must attend the appointment
. An exception will be made if the applicant is a minor. In this case, the applicant may be accompanied by one parent/guardian.
4. All applicants must wear a
to the appointment.
5. Applicants must maintain a
physical distance while visiting the Consul office.
*Please note, a re-opening date has not yet been determined. This information will be provided as soon as possible.
His Excellency F. Daniel Gutierez
Ambassador of Belize to the United States of America
& Permanent Representative to the Organization of American States
#wavediflag #rememberitsgoodtobebelizean #wearewithyou #holdthefaith #belizeanstrong
Stay Informed-Be Prepared
Tips When Running Essential Errands
Have a Plan if you Get Sick
Directory of Consular Offices in the U.S.
We look forward to serving you as soon as this crisis passes. We are with you during this difficult time.
Call or email us with any questions:
What's New...
H.E. Lou-Anne Burns Martinez, CEO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs discusses the Repatriation Process for Belizeans Displaced abroad
Video Credit: GOB Press Office
May 20, 2020.
If you are a Belizean whose permanent country of residence is Belize and you have been unable to travel home due to the closure of our borders as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, you will now be able to plan your return.
Watch Interview
Forbes Says Belize Will Be The Best Place to Live and Retire Post The Coronavirus
Photo Credit: Meritt Thomas
May 22, 2020.
At a time the COVID virus is being contained, recreational travel is once again on the minds of retirees looking at location options, and according to Salt Life Belize sales director Scott Fuson, they're picking Belize for all the right reasons.
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Musicians Who Have Opened Up About Their Mental Health Struggles
Photo Credit: Getty Images
May 4, 2020.
For too long, many people have silently battled mental health issues, putting on a happy face for the rest of the world -- including musicians.
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"Dear Belize", I miss You!
Photo Credit: Belize Vacation
Things to Know Before you Go to Disney
May 21, 2020.
While rides on Space Mountain and the Mad Tea Party are still on hold for now, Walt Disney World Resort's shopping, dining and entertainment complex,
Disney Springs
, began a phased reopening Wednesday.
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Invest in the Agriculture Sector of Belize
"Belizean Diaspora One on One" Survey Now Available!
Photo Credit: The Consulate of Belize in Florida
May 11, 2020.
The Consulate of Belize in Florida launched the "Belizean Diaspora One on One" Survey to keep the Belizean Diaspora engaged even during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you haven't taken it yet, we invite you and your friends to do so!
Belizean Frontline Responders around the USA
We thank you for all that you do!
Gianinna Folgarait MD
Internal Medicine
Fort Myers, FL
Hereen Aguilar, RN
Director of Women's Services
North Shore Hospital
Miami, FL
Kendra Reynolds, Infection-Control Nurse and Director of Staff Development
Culver City, CA
Why is May the Month of Mary?
The tradition of dedicating the month of May to Mary, came about in the 13
century. Some say because it was created to replace various pagan cults. The actual reason is the fact that this month is the time when spring is at the height of its beauty. Spring is also connected with nature renewing itself. In her way, Mary gave new life to the world when she gave birth to our saviour Jesus Christ.The link between Mary and the month of May became popular among the members of the Jesuit Order — by 1700 it had a firm hold among their students at the Roman College and a short time later it was publicly celebrated in the Gesu Church in Rome. From there it spread to the rest of the Church.The pious practice of honouring Mary during the month of May has been especially promoted by the Popes. Pius XII made frequent reference to it and in his great Encyclical on the Sacred LiturgyMediator Dei. He characterized it as one of "other exercises of piety which although not strictly belonging to the Sacred Liturgy, are nevertheless of special import and dignity, and may be considered in a certain way to be an addition to the liturgical cult: they have been approved and praised over and over again by the Apostolic See and by the Bishops"Devotion to Mary is one an important part of the Catholic identity. As our mother she is an example of a committed “Yes”to the will of God. Because of the devotion to her many people ask her for help in the most difficult moments of their life as any child does with his mother.Throughout the month of May S+L will bring you a series of blogs about Marian devotions.
Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death
New Cookbook: Culinary Creativity with a Purpose
Photo Credit: Cypress Canyon Publishing
With the closure of the island, due to the COVID pandemic, Maresha
Reid, owner of Pirate's Treasure and Pirate's Secret Beach,
instinctively saw the need to feed the people on Ambergris Caye.
Learn More
Photo Credit: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
May 22, 2020.
Why eat seasonally? Products are fresher and tastier, and nutritional value is optimized. Plus, eating seasonally encourages a diverse diet, is often more economical, and harmonizes with nature’s production cycle.
Read More.
Belize and Central America Awaits
A little distance now, a world of new experiences later. Belize, along with the rest of Central America, will be waiting for you when we are ready to travel again.
Photo Credit: Belize Investment Portfolio
Project Opportunity: Golden Girls Development
Tourism & Leisure
near Hopkins Village
Estimated Return on Investment:
Preferred Mode of Investment:
Joint Venture Partnership
Photo Credit: Belize Living Heritage
Cross-Stitch and the Belizean Yucatec Maya Attire
The Huipil is a common traditional attire worn by women across Central America but do you know how to differentiate when an embroidery was made in Belize?
...of the Month!
Located south of Belize’s capital city of
, the
Tapir Mountain Nature Preserve
sits on 6,286 acres of protected land. It was originally established under the International Union for Conservation of Nature as an area that could be studied for nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Because it’s a protected area, it’s an ideal place to view much of the wildlife that makes Belize its home.
Let us preserve and protect our historical landmarks & protected sites!
Wan Wan okro ful baaskit.
English Translation:
One okra at a time fills a basket.
Do one thing at a time and eventually you will get everything done.
Belizean Star of the Month!
Dorian Arnold
Photo Credit: Dr. Dorian Arnold
Dr. Dorian Arnold grew up in Belize City, Belize living in the George St. area until high school when his family moved to West Landivar, where he lived until leaving to further his studies in the U.S. After studying Physics, Chemistry and Math at St. John’s College and Sixth Form, he left for Regis University in Denver, Colorado to pursue a B.S. in Math.
Growing up, Dorian thought he was going to be a civil engineer, but after discovering “The Magical World of Computing” at Regis, his journey turned toward becoming a computer scientist. He ventured to the University of Tennessee and University of Wisconsin for M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, studying how to improve the performance and reliability of large, complex computer systems aka supercomputers.
As a professor and scientist first at the University of New Mexico and now at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, Arnold has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles with over 1800 citations and currently serves as the Director of Graduate Studies in Computer Science and Informatics at Emory University. He has held leadership roles at the national and international level and throughout his professional pursuits, he has remained committed to service, diversity, and inclusivity.
While he visits often, Dorian still reminisces about growing up in the “old” Belize -- family trips to the caye, Crooked tree and Gracie rock; playing high school basketball and volleyball; eating Tambran, Merengue pie, powda bun and, of course, Christmas morning breakfast with creole bread and ham sandwich. He looks forward to connecting with administrators, educators, and students in Belize and the US who share his goal: preparing students to be college-ready and helping them successfully find and navigate undergraduate and graduate educational opportunities.
Dorian Arnold Discusses the HPC For Undergraduate Programs
Dorian Arnold from Emory University talks with host, Matt Victory about the Students@SC Program and the benefits of student mentorship and engagement at the SC18 News Desk.
Watch Interview
ABOUT The SC Conference:
The SC conference series brings together the most respected minds in high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis to debut the research and innovation that will open the door to new scientific and economic opportunities.
"With adequate tutelage you can take this device that you have at home (a computer) and turn it into something very powerful.
Osman Clinton Michael
(September 29, 1933- May 22, 2020)
DeLeon Carrington
(April 5, 1968- April 17, 2020)
Rudolph Harrington Davis Sr.
(1927- April 18, 2020)
William James Anthony Lightburn
(January 19, 1935- May 1, 2020)
Gwendolyn Adela Winnifred Betson
(July 3, 1931- May 2, 2020)
Glenn Alexander Baptist
(December 6, 1951- May 3, 2020)
Our deep condolences to the families of Belizeans at home and abroad who have lost their lives to COVID-19.
May they rest in peace.
Register as a Belizean in Florida
Meet the Spanish Flu and COVID-19 Survivor
Belize Remains COVID-19 Free
Photo Credit: Caribbean Culture + Lifestyle
May 27. 2020.
Since the COVID-19 coronavirus was declared a pandemic in March 2020, Belize’s timeline started simultaneously. Developments happened quickly, by the day, though Belize has now gone 40 days without a new case.
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We congratulate all high school and college graduates, parents, teachers and school administrators who amid the pandemic, managed to persevere and come up with creative ways to commemorate their graduation. Congratulations to all the graduating classes of 2020!
Recipe of The Month:
Belizean Meat Pies
Photo Credit: The Bare Pantry Show
During the Neolithic Period (around 9500 BC) from Egypt, to the Greek Isles and Rome, meat pies (in some form or another) have been the bomb! It eventually reached the UK as "Shepards Pie" and having been a colony of the UK until 1981, Belize created its own version and hence gave birth to its most delectable national treasure. Don't let the size of this pie fool you because it's packed with flavor and is quite filling!
- Combine the first 9 ingredients (through the habanero pepper) in a deep skillet over medium heat. Brown, lower heat and simmer for 20 minutes.
- Meanwhile, make the pastry dough by combining the flour, baking powder, salt and shortening and mixing until it resembles fine bread crumbs. Slowly add 1 tablespoon cold water at a time, incorporating after each addition, until the mixture comes together in a firm ball. It should not be sticky. Divide the mixture into two discs and let rest for about 15 minutes before rolling out into a round about 1/8 - 1/4" thick. Cut out twelve 2 1/2 - 3" circles in each round.
- Place a circle at the bottom of each muffin well in a 12 muffin tin and press lightly along the bottom and sides to form the pie bottoms. Place the meat mixture in each pie bottom leaving about 1/4 " of dough above the filling on the sides. Place a circle on top of each filled pie and crimp to seal the edges. Pierce a small hole in the top with a knife point to allow steam to escape while baking.
- Bake the pies at 350 degrees F for 15 - 20 minutes until nicely browned. Let cool until they can be handled and serve.
On May 8, Belizeans voted "Yes" to take the territorial dispute with Guatemala to the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Click the video below to learn more about what happens next.
Extension of the time-limits for the filing of the initial pleadings
THE HAGUE, 24 April 2020.
By an Order dated 22 April 2020, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, extended from 8 June 2020 to 8 December 2020 and from 8 June 2021 to 8 June 2022 the respective time-limits for the filing of the Memorial of the Republic of Guatemala and the Counter-Memorial of Belize in the case concerning Guatemala’s Territorial, Insular and Maritime Claim (Guatemala/Belize).
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Photo Credit: International Court of Justice
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