
Our Electronic Outlook
August 29, 2014


First Universalist Church


First Universalist Church of Rochester, NY


150 South Clinton Avenue
(corner of Court St.)
Rochester, NY 14604



585.546.2826 office


minister's study
Rev. Celie Katovitch
Director of Music: 

 Bryan Holten

Director of
Life Span Faith Development:

Michelle Yates

Office Administrator: 
Kris White






       This Week's Service:        
I'm Sticking to the Union

There is currently an assault on the middle class which is bolder and further reaching than any we have experienced in modern times. This Labor Day, we will honor the contributions of average women and men, and explore the spiritual rewards which result from sticking together. Rev. Peter House.

This Week's Drop-In Discussion: TBA.
September Our Outlook

The September edition of Our Outlook is now available online. To view it, click on the Monthly Newsletter link in the Learn More box of our website, or click this link: 

sanctuary new Invitation to INGATHERING  


Water communion is a Unitarian Universalist ritual of homecoming. Keeping with the tradition of recent years, we will observe a contemplative version of this ritual accompanied by peaceful silence and music. This will be part of the service on September 7th. All are invited to bring a small vial of water for the ceremony, representing a meaningful place or encounter that has nourished your spirit this summer. (Water will be provided in the sanctuary as well.) 

potluck dinner

Potluck Friday September 19 with Entertainment


The Fringe Festival is in our church's neighborhood! Canada's Circus Orange - a troupe that mixes circus, dance, fire, and theater - is performing "Tricycle" at Martin Luther King Jr. Park, a block away from our church on Friday, September 19.  And, it's free!


You are invited to start out the evening with a potluck at First Universalist Church  at 5:30 PM.  Then, after we clean up, we'll bring our lawn chairs  (don't forget to bring them!) to the park and get ready for the entertainment, which starts at 7:30 PM for an hour-long show.  This is a family friendly event, open to everyone.  Sign up is on the bulletin board, or just feel free to show up with a dish to pass.

This Week at First Universalist




August 30



SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge and Adult Lounge, 8 pm


RAIHN Host Week




August 31



Sunday Service, Sanctuary, 10 am


Refreshments, Clara Barton Lounge, 11 am


Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 11:15 am


RAIHN Host Week ends




September 3



Announcement Deadline, noon



September 4



e-Outlook Deadline, noon

Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one!  Please continue to do so. Send news of your events to office@uuroc.org; or call 546-2826.



NEXT SERVICE: Sunday, September 7: Ingathering Sunday.  Homily: "Lost and Found." Join us in a joyful service as we welcome one another home from summer journeys far, near, and within; celebrate the beginning of the regular church year; and give thanks for the blessings of religious community.


NEXT DROP-IN DISCUSSION: Sunday, September 7: The Afterlife. Universalism is the doctrine that a loving God will not send any of his children to Hell after they die.  But what, if anything, happens after we die?  How do our beliefs about the afterlife affect the way we live?  Phil Ebersole will lead a discussion.


ARE YOU NEW TO FIRST UNIVERSALIST?  Have you come a few times and want to find out more about Unitarian Universalism and our congregation?  Then stop by the Welcome Table  in the Clara Barton Lounge during coffee hour.  You'll find friendly folks there every Sunday who are eager to talk with you!


FOOD INGATHERING: Sunday, September 14. Donations of non-perishable food items will be collected to benefit The Community Food Cupboard on Nester Street.


POTLUCK AND ENETRTAINMENT: Friday, September 17, 5:30 pm. Potluck supper in the Clara Barton Lounge followed by a performance of Canada's Circus Orange at the Fringe Fest in Martin Luther King, Jr. Park. This is a family friendly event.


A SPECIAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be held after the service Sunday, September 21.


OUR (PAPER) OUTLOOK, NOW IN COLOR! The monthly newsletter, often referred to as the Paper Outlook, is available online. You can view the September edition by going to the Learn More box of our website and  clicking on the Monthly Newsletter link. http://uuroc.org/wp-content/uploads/September-2014-Our-Outlook.pdf


A CARING COMMITTEE REMINDER: When a family member enters the hospital, needs emergency meals, needs transportation to church, or wants home visits; please contact Ruth Fitzgerald rfitzgerald001@rochester.rr.com 225-0555,or Eileen Fernandez, eileenff2@yahoo.com.


HEARING LOOP IN SANCTUARY: Please use the T setting on your hearing aid or see an usher for a receiver.

What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other? ~George Eliot

Please submit e-Outlook articles to:  Office Administrator:
Kris White           
E-mail: office@uuroc.org