NEXT SERVICE: Sunday, April 7: Ghosts. Ghosts, specters, walk the halls of First Universalist, and they walk with us more personally, carrying the memories of our lives. Who are these ghosts? Should we even listen to them? Rev. Martha Munson.
NEXT DROP-IN DISCUSSION: Sunday, April 7: Getting our Affairs in Order. One of the most generous things we can do for our families is to plan what we would like to have happen after we die. Death will catch up to each of us sooner or later, but it shouldn't catch us without a will. Hank Stone will discuss his preparations, and invites everyone's stories.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION:Kids ages four and older join us every week in the sanctuary for the first portion of our worship service. Children's Worship begins after the Message for All Ages. Nursery care for babies and younger children is provided throughout the service on the second floor. We also have seating in our second floor foyer, where parents can hold their little ones and listen to the service via speaker.
SANCTUARY MOVING DAY: TODAY! Help wanted to move cushions and furniture out of the sanctuary after the Easter Sunday service. It won't take long if we have plenty of help. No sign up sheet--just come! Thank you
DID YOU GET YOUR LOVE LETTER? Stewardship letters and brochures were sent out this week, along with pledge cards. We hope you will take a few moments to see how pledges are used to promote the mission of our church. Pledge cards should be brought to church or returned by mail no later than April 21, 2013. For questions, or if you did not receive a letter, please contact Bill or Heather Jones or any member of the stewardship team.
PLEASE JOIN US FOR "MONEY 101" SUNDAY, APRIL 7 AT NOON. What is Stewardship? How is money used at First Universalist Church? How do I know how much to pledge? How can I support the church if I don't have much money? On Sunday, April 7 at 12 noon, please join Rev. Munson and Stewardship co-chair Heather Jones for a short session as they walk you through some basic information about finances at First Universalist. Perfect for newer members and friends!
RENOVATION UPDATE: The electrical work in the sanctuary is complete, except for the installation of the lights proper. It turns out that this installation is more complex that we had anticipated; it may not take place until the end of the pews and floor work, late in June or early July. On Monday April 1st the pews and floor work will begin. It means that, after the service on Sunday March 31st, every object in the sanctuary that is not anchored to the floor will need to beremoved. Everybody is invited to join in this giant moving party.Between April 1st and the end of June, the Sunday services and the Thursday noon concerts will be held in the Clara BartonLounge. More details about these will be coming from other committees. For questions and comments,contact Alain Perregaux in person or at
UU LADIES WHO LUNCH: Come one and all! Wednesday, March 27th at 12:00 noon at the Black and Blue Restaurant in Pittsford Plaza, 3349 Monroe Avenue. If you can attend, please contact Glenda Brayman at or at 585-586-9133.
APRIL 21 IS STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY!After an inspiring worship service, we'll have cake and celebrate our shared commitment to our beloved community. Don't miss it!
THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES voted unanimously to extend Rev. Munson's contract for a second year of interim ministry with us. We will be starting some of the preparations for the settled minister's search very soon...stay tuned for more details.
LUUNCH BUUNCH will gather on Sunday, April 28 at India House, 998 Clinton Avenue South, for their scrumptious buffet at noon after the service. There are plenty of choices for vegetarians as well as omnivores. All are welcome!
BOOK GROUP: Sunday, April 21, in the Adult Lounge, at 12:15. Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time, by Jeff Speck.
THE GUUSTO MEETING will be at First Unitarian Church, Winton Rd on April 11 at 5:30. Pizza and salad will be served.
SAINT LAWRENCE DISTRICT ASSEMBLY: April 26 & 27, Niagara Falls Convention Center. Keynote speaker is Rev. Peter Morales, the UUA President! Please contact Board Chair John Wellin at for more information, and check out the event brochure at
UU YOUTH WORK CAMP: July 7-13, Appalachian Folklife Center in Pipestem, WV
EASTMAN AT WASHINGTON SQUARE LUNCHTIME CONCERT SERIES Thursdays at 12:15 in the sanctuary. The concerts are free and open to the public.
THE BOOKSTORE AND LIBRARY in the Clara Barton Lounge will be open during coffee hour for borrowing, browsing, and buying.
A CARING COMMITTEE REMINDER: When a family member enters the hospital, needs emergency meals, needs transportation to church, or wants home visits; please contact Ruth Fitzgerald 225-0555,or Eileen Fernandez, or 225-2301.
HEARING LOOP IN SANCTUARY: Please use the T setting on your hearing aid or see an usher for a receiver.