
Our Electronic Outlook
May 16, 2014


First Universalist Church


First Universalist Church of Rochester, NY


150 South Clinton Avenue
(corner of Court St.)
Rochester, NY 14604



585.546.2826 office


minister's study
Rev. Martha Munson
Director of Music: 

 Bryan Holten

Contract Minister for Religious Education: 

 Lori Staubitz


Office Administrator: 
Kris White






This Week's Service:    

Moses led the Israelites through the wilderness for 40(!) years.  They complained, he was a faithful (if sometimes reluctant) leader.  And then the Promised Land came into view.  What was expected there?  What do you expect of your own "promised land", after your time of "wandering"? Rev. Martha Munson.

This Week's Drop-In Discussion: Star Dust to Soil: Making Life on Earth, Part 2 is a presentation moderated by Hal Bauer on the central role of earth's soil in the formation of life on earth, including ourselves, leading to the notion that we are what we eat, and good soil makes good food and healthier humans.  Good, live soil is an indispensable resource we little understand.

Annual Meeting


The Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, June 8, in the sanctuary immediately following the service. 


The deadline for annual reports is Monday, May 26. Kris must have your report by May 26 to insure its inclusion for the Annual Meeting Packet. Copies of the report will be available on Sunday, June 1.

RAIHN2 Dozens of Volunteer Opportunities


RAIHN* Week is a week away. We still need a dozen more volunteers for our upcoming RAIHN Week, May 25-June 1st, when we will host temporarily homeless families at our church.  


If you haven't already signed up, please consider volunteering. The first step is to attend the RAIHN training on Wednesday, May 21st, from 6:30-8:30 PM at Mary Magdalene Church, 1008 Main St., E. Rochester. There you will learn about the RAIHN philosophy and expectations for guests and volunteers. 


To sign up, contact Chris DeGolyer (chrisdeg@frontiernet.net or 461-3616) or see her during the coffee hour after the Sunday service.


*Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: helping homeless families achieve sustainable independence

Connie Valk to Receive Faith in Action Award


Connie Valk will be awarded the Faith in Action Award at the June 10th annual dinner of the GRCC annual Faith in Action dinner at Burgundy Basin Inn.   


Whether its washing dishes, doing childcare, getting tenants for the parking lot, or finding a new minister, Connie Valk of First Universalist Church is up to the tssk.

She has served in so many capacities, even she loses track of all she's done and continues to do. If you meet her, be prepared to make a donation to the capital campaign. She's co-chairing that as well. Connie also has a passion for the plight of migrant workers as well as being an advocate for children.  You've guessed it! There's not much she doesn't care about and work for. We are proud to salute her for her Faith in Action.   


For more information on the dinner, please visit http://www.grcc-fian.org/. 

This Week at First Universalist




May 17



Spring Clean-Up Day, All-Church, 9 am


SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge and Adult Lounge, 8 pm




May 18



Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 9 am


Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 9:15


Sunday Service, Sanctuary, 10:30 am


Coffee Hour, Clara Barton Lounge, 11:45 am


Membership Committee Meeting, Volunteer Office, 12:15 pm




May 20



Lecture, Sanctuary, 7 pm



May 21



Announcement Deadline, noon


Paper Our Outlook Deadline, noon




May 22



e-Outlook Deadline, noon


Eastman Concert Series, Sanctuary, 12:15 pm



Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one!  Please continue to do so. Send news of your events to office@uuroc.org; or call 546-2826. 



NEXT SERVICE: Sunday, May 25: To Be of Service Reflections for Memorial Day.  What might it mean to give up one's life (literally or figuratively) for some cause or effort? Rev. Martha Munson.


NEXT DROP-IN DISCUSSION: Sunday, May 25: Contrived Dystopia. 12 Years a Slave is a true and historical autobiography of a man held as a slave.  "New dystopia" novels and movies are fiction, and youth oriented, most commonly of an enslaved, evil world of power and submission.  12 Years a Slave was not a big box office hit but still won the Oscar for the marvelously presented true story.  Fantasy dystopian stories of "a wicked place" are big draws to a young audience. What is the lesson for us in this comparison? Should we ask a youth what is so attractive about a pretend world of evil and power or should we even be paying attention? Facilitated by Beverly Lynn.


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Kids ages four and older join us every week in the sanctuary for the first portion of our worship service. Children's Worship begins after the Message for All Ages.  Nursery care for babies and younger children is provided throughout the service on the second floor.  We also have seating in our second floor foyer, where parents can hold their little ones and listen to the service via speaker.


ARE YOU NEW TO FIRST UNIVERSALIST?  Have you come a few times and want to find out more about Unitarian Universalism and our congregation?  Then stop by the Welcome Table  in the Clara Barton Lounge during coffee hour.  You'll find friendly folks there every Sunday who are eager to talk with you!


ANNUAL MEEETING will be held Sunday, June 8, in the sanctuary immediately following the service.


ANNUAL REPORT: The deadline for annual reports is Monday, May 26. Kris must have your report by May 26 to insure its inclusion for the Annual Meeting Packet. Please include the names of who will be serving on your committee during the 2014-15 church year. Kris will submit the names of those in leadership roles to the Saint Lawrence District (SLD) and the Central East Regional Group (CERG) based on the information in the reports. Copies of the report will be available on Sunday, June 1.


BOOK GROUP: The next book group will be held Sunday,  May 25th at 12:15 in the Adult Lounge. Our selection for the month is: Cry Beloved Country by Alan Paton. Should be fun. Everyone is welcome to attend. Contact Shirley Bond or Sarah Singal for more information.

RAIHN* Week is a week away. We still need a dozen more volunteers for our upcoming RAIHN Week, May 25-June 1st, when we will host temporarily homeless families at our church.  If you haven't already signed up, please consider volunteering. The first step is to attend the RAIHN training on Wednesday, May 21st, from 6:30-8:30 PM at Mary Magdalene Church, 1008 Main St., E. Rochester. There you will learn about the the RAIHN philosophy and expectations for guests and volunteers. To sign up, contact Chris DeGolyer (chrisdeg@frontiernet.net or 461-3616) or see her during the coffee hour after the Sunday service.*Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network: helping homeless families achieve sustainable independence


RESHAPING ROCHESTER SERIES presented by Rochester Regional Community Design Center:Tuesday, May 20, 7 pm, First Universalist sanctuary. "Green Legacy" Thomas Herrera-Mishler, CEO and President of Buffalo Olmsted Parks Conservancy, will speak about helping to maintain and preserve green space.


WE ARE THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE that First Universalist called the Rev. Celie Katovitch  to be our new settled minster by a unanimous congregational vote on May 4th. Rev. Katovitch will start her ministry with us in August. You can find more information about Rev. Katovitch at the church web site http://uuroc.org/.


EASTMAN LUNCHTIME CONCERTS: Concerts are held on Thursdays in the sanctuary from 12:15 to 12:45, are free, and open to the public. 


A CARING COMMITTEE REMINDER: When a family member enters the hospital, needs emergency meals, needs transportation to church, or wants home visits; please contact Ruth Fitzgerald rfitzgerald001@rochester.rr.com 225-0555,or Eileen Fernandez, eileenff2@yahoo.com.


HEARING LOOP IN SANCTUARY: Please use the T setting on your hearing aid or see an usher for a receiver.



You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you. ~Sri Ram
Please submit e-Outlook articles to:  Office Administrator:
Kris White           
E-mail: office@uuroc.org