
Our Electronic Outlook
May 30, 2014


First Universalist Church


First Universalist Church of Rochester, NY


150 South Clinton Avenue
(corner of Court St.)
Rochester, NY 14604



585.546.2826 office


minister's study
Rev. Martha Munson
Director of Music: 

 Bryan Holten

Contract Minister for Religious Education: 

 Lori Staubitz


Office Administrator: 
Kris White






This Week's Service:    
Living a Passionate Life

The Wellin Family sermon purchased at the Service Auction.  Where does your passion lie?  How does it feed, uphold, help, and hold you?  -Rev. Martha L. Munson

This Week's Drop-In Discussion: What Does the USA Owe African-Americans? Ta-Nehisi Coates writes in The Atlantic that "reparations" are due for 250 years of slavery, 60 years of Jim Crow, 35 years of government-sponsored redlining, and violations of basic rights that continue to this day.  What do you think?  Phil Ebersole will lead a discussion.

Annual Report Available


Copies of the annual report are available. Please take one from the table by the sanctuary door this Sunday, and remember to bring it with you to the meeting next Sunday.


The annual meeting for First Universalist will be held next Sunday, June 8, immediately following the service. Key agenda items will include approval of the 2014-2015 annual budget and election of church leaders. 

UU Logo General Assembly


The General Assembly of the UUA will take place June 25-29 in Providence, RI.  First Universalist is entitled to three delegates for GA. 


If you are interested in being a delegate please contact our nominating committee chair, Tom Williams at busterdawg_1947@yahoo.com  before June 9.  


For more information about GA visit their web site at http://www.uua.org/ga/.

gay flag LGBT History of Rochester




I thought you and your congregation may be interested in seeing an important documentary that is airing June 3rd at 8pm on WXXI.


Shoulders to Stand On documents the LGBT history of Rochester, NY.  Your congregation has been so wonderful in this regard, I wanted to share this information. Please see the WXXI link below ad help spread the word.





Larry Champoux

This Week at First Universalist




May 30



RAIHN Host Week




May 31



SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge and Adult Lounge, 8 pm


RAIHN Host Week




June 1



Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 9:30 am


Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 9:15 am


Sunday Service, Sanctuary, 10:30 am


Coffee Hour, Clara Barton Lounge, 11:45 am


RAIHN Host Week ends




June 2



Board Meeting, Adult Lounge, 7 pm




June 4



Announcement Deadline, noon




June 5



e-Outlook Deadline, noon




Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one!  Please continue to do so. Send news of your events to office@uuroc.org; or call 546-2826.



NEXT SERVICE: Sunday, June 8: The "Free Church" is NOT Free  So what does it cost, what might it cost you?  Is it worth it?  A service for the Annual Meeting Day.  -Rev. Martha L. Munson


NEXT DROP-IN DISCUSSION: Sunday, June 8: Personal Hobbies/Show And Tell. Most of us have hobbies.  This will be your chance to talk about and perhaps demonstrate your hobby.  Tell your favorite hobby story if you like.  Harvey Rothbeind will facilitate.


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION:Kids ages four and older join us every week in the sanctuary for the first portion of our worship service. Children's Worship begins after the Message for All Ages.  Nursery care for babies and younger children is provided throughout the service on the second floor.  We also have seating in our second floor foyer, where parents can hold their little ones and listen to the service via speaker.


ARE YOU NEW TO FIRST UNIVERSALIST?  Have you come a few times and want to find out more about Unitarian Universalism and our congregation?  Then stop by the Welcome Table  in the Clara Barton Lounge during coffee hour.  You'll find friendly folks there every Sunday who are eager to talk with you!


ANNUAL MEETINGfor First Universalist will be held June 8 immediately following the service. Key agenda items will include approval of the 2014-2015 annual budget and election of church leaders. COPIES OF THE ANNUAL REPORT ARE AVAILABLE. Please take one from the table by the sanctuary door, and remember to bring it with you to the meeting next Sunday.

FOOD INGATHERING is next Sunday, June 8. Donations of non-perishable food items will be collected to benefit The Community Food Cupboard on Nester Street.

VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION SUNDAY: Sunday, June 15 during coffee hour. Please join us as we celebrate our volunteers and their wonderful contributions.

CHURCH PICNIC: Sunday, June 22, Durand Eastman Park, Acorn Shelter. The fire should be ready at 1 pm. Please bring something to grill and rolls, your drink, and a dish to pass. Dessert and place settings will be provided.

CHURCH DIRECTORY: The newly updated church directory is finished.  You can contact the church office to either get the electronic copy or to let us know that you would like a printed copy. office@uuroc.org


SUMMER 2014 CALLING ALL MUSICIANS!!! Have you always thought of singing a solo at church?  A chance to play that clarinet piece or show off your harmonica skills?  This may be your big opportunity!! Our summer service schedule will start on Sunday, June 29. We have many talented musicians who play hymns and/or provide special music during the summer.  Are you one of them?  Even if you have just one piece you've always wanted to try to perform, we'll make a time and place for you to do it, whatever your voice or instrument.  Please contact the summer music coordinator, Ann Rhody at annrhody@yahoo.com for a schedule or more information.


WE ARE THRILLED TO ANNOUNCE that First Universalist called the Rev. Celie Katovitch  to be our new settled minster by a unanimous congregational vote on May 4th. Rev. Katovitch will start her ministry with us in August. You can find more information about Rev. Katovitch at the church web site http://uuroc.org/.


THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the UUA will take place June 25-29 in Providence, RI.  First Universalist is entitled to three delegates for GA. If you are interested in being a delegate please contact our nominating committee chair, Tom Williams at busterdawg_1947@yahoo.com  before June 9.  For more information about GA visit their web site at http://www.uua.org/ga/.


A CARING COMMITTEE REMINDER: When a family member enters the hospital, needs emergency meals, needs transportation to church, or wants home visits; please contact Ruth Fitzgerald rfitzgerald001@rochester.rr.com 225-0555,or Eileen Fernandez, eileenff2@yahoo.com.


HEARING LOOP IN SANCTUARY: Please use the T setting on your hearing aid or see an usher for a receiver.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. ~Maya Angelou
Please submit e-Outlook articles to:  Office Administrator:
Kris White           
E-mail: office@uuroc.org