
Our Electronic Outlook
September 13, 2013


First Universalist Church


First Universalist Church of Rochester, NY


150 South Clinton Avenue
(corner of Court St.)
Rochester, NY 14604



585.546.2826 office


minister's study
Rev. Martha Munson
Director of Music: 

 Bryan Holten

Contract Minister for Religious Education: 

 Lori Staubitz


Office Administrator: 






This Week's Service:
Always Needing to Say "I'm Sorry"

The High Holy Days are just concluded.  Or are they?  My experience suggests that one ritual atonement is a good thing, a very good thing, but that my need to apologize goes on and on.  Rev. Martha L. Munson

This Week's Drop-In Discussion: Social Norms and Self Control.  We human beings often are happy to do certain things for free, but not when we are paid to do them.  We often are unable make ourselves to do things that we actually want to do.  Bill Elwell will help us understand these predictably irrational aspects of human behavior.

magnifying glass Ministerial Search Survey


You can access the Ministerial Search Committee survey via the internet at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YK32L69 


Results of the survey will be shared with potential candidates for settled minister.  Please complete the survey by September 30. 

Clean-up day Fall Clean-Up Day


Saturday October 19, starting at 9:00 AM.  There will be all kinds of cleaning, fixing, painting, etc. jobs to be completed.  Bring along your favorite tools or products.  


Breakfast snacks and a light lunch will be provided.  Much socializing fun will also be part of the agenda.  For more information, contact the church office or Alain Perregaux at alperreg@yahoo.com (654-5794).

sanctuary new

Renovation Update


These lines will be the last 2013 renovation update.  In the week preceding the official sanctuary reopening on September 8, 2013 the carpenter completed the repair of the Clinton Avenue entrance North door, Karl Abbott remounted the banners and we paid the very last renovation invoice.  


There will be a need for many tweaks and adjustments of all kinds for a while to come but the heavy work is done, on time and within budget.  Total cost: $195,443; budget: $210,000.  "Done" is a good word to hear.  Thank you all for your patience.


This Week at First Universalist




September 14



RE Teacher Orientation, RE Room 31, 10 am


SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge  & Adult Lounge, 8 pm




September 15


Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 9 am


Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 9:15


Sunday Service, Clara Barton Lounge, 10:30 am


Coffee Hour, Clara Barton Lounge, 11:45 am


Caring Committee Meeting, Off site, 12:15 pm




September 16



Paper Outlook Deadline, noon



September 18



Announcement Deadline, noon





September 19



e-Outlook Deadline, noon




Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one!  Please continue to do so. Send news of your events to office@uuroc.org; or call 546-2826.



NEXT SERVICE: Sunday, September 22: A Hope-Filled Faith. I was asked recently to conduct a cemetery committal service for a wise and much beloved woman.  The one thing her family wanted was that there be no reference to the need for those gathered to be "saved".  I assured them that this would be no problem; I am, after all, a Universalist.  And so are we all (at our best). Rev. Martha L. Munson.


NEXT DROP-IN DISCUSSION: Sunday, September 22: Social Norms and Self Control.  We human beings often are happy to do certain things for free, but not when we are paid to do them.  We often are unable make ourselves to do things that we actually want to do.  Bill Elwell will help us understand these predictably irrational aspects of human behavior.


RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Kids ages four and older join us every week in the sanctuary for the first portion of our worship service. Children's Worship begins after the Message for All Ages.  Nursery care for babies and younger children is provided throughout the service on the second floor.  We also have seating in our second floor foyer, where parents can hold their little ones and listen to the service via speaker.


ARE YOU NEW TO FIRST UNIVERSALIST?  Have you come a few times?  Are you trying to find out more about Unitarian Universalism and about our congregation? Then stop by the Welcome Table in the Clara Barton Lounge after service this morning.  Joy and Nancy look forward to talking with you. Can't stay, but would like a chance to chat?  Don't worry!  We'll be there every week!


BOOK CLUB: The next meeting is TODAY at noon in the Adult Lounge. The book choice is "The Plague of Doves" by Louise Erdrich. Everyone is welcome to attend.


MINISTERIAL SEARCH SURVEY: We hear you.  Actually, we are hoping to hear you! Each member and friend of the congregation has an opportunity to be heard via the Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) survey.  You can access it via the internet at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YK32L69 or obtain a paper copy from the church office or a member of the MSC.


THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE is seeking 4 candidates who would like to attend the Annual Meeting of the New York State Convention of Universalists (NYSCU)  to be held  October 25-26, 2013 at St Paul's Universalist Church in Little Fall, NY.  Please contact Tom Williams at busterdawg_1947@yahoo.com if you are interested.    


FALL CLEAN-UP DAY has been scheduled for Saturday October 19, starting at 9:00 AM.  There will be all kinds of cleaning, fixing, painting, etc. jobs to be completed.  Bring along your favorite tools or products.  Breakfast snacks and a light lunch will be provided.  Much socializing fun will also be part of the agenda.  For more information, contact the church office or Alain Perregaux at alperreg@yahoo.com (654-5794).


THANKS to the two people who have signed up so far for recycling if all homeowners households will accept just one rotation, the work can get done with no undue burden on any individual. Without recycling there will be increased refuse charges, and the increased likelihood of mice in the kitchen.


UU CHURCH OF CANANDIAGUA was chartered by the Unitarian Universalist Association On October 3, 1993. Please join them on Sunday, October 6th for a 20th Anniversary Celebration.  After the Service, they will share a meal, an anniversary cake, and some special moments in recognition of this special occasion. 


PULLMAN MEMORIAL Universalist Church will present The Planned Parenthood of Albion with the 2013 Humanitarian Award for 40 years of providing rape crisis services to our community.  Sun, Oct 13, 2013, 11 am at Pullman.  All are welcome to attend.


PEACE VIGIL: Members are welcome to join other members at the decade and counting, Weekly, Sunday Noon-to-1 PM, Peace Vigil, at Goodman Street & East Ave. for sharing current events and witnessing. Your choice of peaceful signs to hold, if you will.  Just show up or contact Hal Bauer.


CAR CITY: Get pledges to sleep in your car Sept 21-22 at Asbury Methodist. Money collected benefits Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network (RAIHN). More info at: http://www.raihn.org/


VOICES UNITED FOR SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE:  Saturday, Sept 28th at 7PM at DUPC, Fundraiser for Americans United's defense lawyers regarding the case in Greece, NY. Suggested donations are $10, $25, and $50.


WITNESS PALESTINE The second annual film and panel discussion series runs Sept 8-23 at the Little Theater and at St. John Fisher College.  Further details are posted on the bulletin boards outside the office and in the Clara Barton Lounge.


RAIHN TRAINING: Thursday, Oct. 3rd from 7-9 PM at Summerville Presbyterian Church,

4845 St. Paul Blvd. Contact the RAIHN office at 585-506-9050or  director@raihn.org


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Cameron Communities Ministries, 48 Cameron St, Tuesdays 9 am -1 pm in the clothing house. Please contact Eleanor Siegfried 465-0324.


A CARING COMMITTEE REMINDER: When a family member enters the hospital, needs emergency meals, needs transportation to church, or wants home visits; please contact Ruth Fitzgerald rfitzgerald001@rochester.rr.com 225-0555,or Eileen Fernandez, eileenff2@yahoo.com or 225-2301.


HEARING LOOP IN SANCTUARY: Please use the T setting on your hearing aid or see an usher for a receiver.

Never ruin an apology with an excuse. ~Benjamin Franklin 
Please submit e-Outlook articles to:

Office Administrator:
Kris McCarty-White           
E-mail: office@uuroc.org