
Our Electronic Outlook
September 6, 2013


First Universalist Church


First Universalist Church of Rochester, NY


150 South Clinton Avenue
(corner of Court St.)
Rochester, NY 14604



585.546.2826 office


minister's study
Rev. Martha Munson
Director of Music: 

 Bryan Holten

Contract Minister for Religious Education: 

 Lori Staubitz


Office Administrator: 






This Week's Service: 
Y'All Come!

A gala ingathering which will formally celebrate the  sanctuary renovations.  We'll honor Beryl Hass' legacy, joyfully be together again, and somewhat more "quietly" than usual mingle our waters of summer.  Celebratory coffee hour will follow, which will honor those involved with the renovations.  Press releases will be "out there" so we hope for many visitors.  Let's show them a healthy, vibrant community downtown.  Building tour at 12:15.  Y'all come!  This is a service for all ages.  Rev. Martha L. Munson and many friends.

This Week's Drop-In Discussion: Open forum discussion or to be announced.

Please note: Sunday services begin at 10:30 am. Drop-in discussions are held before the service, at 9:15 am. 
First U building
Countdown to Celebration!

This Sunday, September 8th, we begin the new church year, and we have even more reason now to celebrate our coming together after the summer hiatus from the usual activities (over and above the worship service.)

Join us as we offer praise and gratitude to our generous benefactor, Beryl Haas, who made our sanctuary renovation possible, and acknowledge all those whose dedication, time, energy and perseverance made it happen in "real time"! Our Downtown Gem is sparkling with shiny floors, new lighting, better sound, elegant carpeting, and yes, even new cushions in the pews! It'll be a party atmosphere during coffee hour: you won't want to miss it! Bring your enthusiasm: you're going to love what you see!

Joy Leccese
Member, Board of Trustees 

magnifying glass The Survey Is Coming! The Survey Is Coming!!


The Ministerial Search Committee needs all members and friends of the congregation to complete  the survey in September.  All ministerial candidates will be able to see the results of our survey.  The data from the survey will help the Ministerial Search Committee decide on the best candidate for settled minister for our Church.  The survey will be available online and in paper form on September 15.  

musical notes Thanks for a summer of beautiful music!!


Our summer services were made even more special by volunteer musicians!  Thanks to John Akers,  Monica Beck, Charles Courtsal, Glenda Brayman, Nancy Grear, Alain Perregaux, Gordon Porth,  Ann Rhody, Sarah Singal, Howard Spindler, and  Patricia Stott for sharing your talent with us this summer. 


This Week at First Universalist




September 7



Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 4:30 pm


SNYP AA, Clara Barton Lounge  & Adult Lounge, 8 pm




September 8


Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room, 9 am


Drop-In Discussion, Adult Lounge, 9:15


Sunday Service, Clara Barton Lounge, 10:30 am


Food Ingathering, Sanctuary, 10:45 am


Coffee Hour, Clara Barton Lounge, 11:45 am




September 9



Paper Outlook Deadline, noon



September 10   



Piano Recital, Sanctuary, 1 pm



September 11



Staff Meeting, Volunteer Office, 10:15 am


Announcement Deadline, noon


Membership Committee Meeting, Volunteer Office, 5:45 pm




September 12



e-Outlook Deadline, noon




Thank you for keeping us updated, both when you schedule events and when you need to cancel one!  Please continue to do so.  Send news of your events to office@uuroc.org or call 546-2826.


NEXT SERVICE: Sunday, September 15: Always Needing to Say "I'm Sorry". The High Holy Days are just concluded.  Or are they?  My experience suggests that one ritual atonement is a good thing, a very good thing, but that my need to apologize goes on and on.  Rev. Martha L. Munson


NEXT DROP-IN DISCUSSION: Sunday, September 15: Upheaval in the Middle East.  We'll try to figure out what is happening in Egypt, Syria and other Middle East countries and what U.S. policy should be.  Phil Ebersole will facilitate.


NURSERY CARE for babies and younger children is provided throughout the service on the second floor.  We also have seating in our second floor foyer, where parents can hold their little ones and listen to the service via speaker.


FOOD INGATHERING: The monthly food ingathering is today. Donations of non-perishable food items will be collected to benefit The Community Food Cupboard on Nester Street. Donations have dropped, and there is a particular need for canned vegetables, soup, and mac & cheese.


NEXT GARDEN PARTY: We will be moving soil from a large tarp into the raised beds on Monday, September 9th. A rain date is Wednesday September 11, but the weather looks good for the 9th so far. We have some people coming but could use a couple more; please let Sarah Singal know (ssingal@rochester.rr.com) if you are coming. We assume the soil will be delivered in the morning, but do not know when. If we know who you are we can call you when it's there.


THE SURVEY IS COMING! THE SURVEY IS COMING!!!  The Ministerial Search Committee needs all members and friends of the congregation to complete  the survey in September.  All ministerial candidates will be able to see the results of our survey.  The data from the survey will help the Ministerial Search Committee decide on the best candidate for settled minister for our Church.  The survey will beavailable online and in paper form on September 15.  


THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE is seeking 4 candidates who would like to attend the Annual Meeting of the New York State Convention of Universalists (NYSCU)  to be held  October 25-26, 2013 at St Paul's Universalist Church in Little Fall, NY.  Please contact Tom Williams at busterdawg_1947@yahoo.com if you are interested.    


BOOK CLUB: The next meeting is Sept. 22 at noon in the Adult Lounge. The book choice is "The Plague of Doves" by Louise Erdrich. Everyone is welcome to attend.


BRAND NEW RECYCLING SHEET in the Clara Barton Lounge where you can choose a convenient day to take out the recycling. Please affix your signature so we can reduce refuse removal costs and care for out little part of the interdependent web.


WITNESS PALESTINE The second annual film and panel discussion series runs Sept 8-23 at the Little Theater and at St. John Fisher College.  The first film, 5 broken Cameras, will be shown at 2 PM today at the Little Theater.  Further details are posted on the bulletin boards outside the office and in the Clara Barton Lounge.


CAR CITY IS HERE! Please help raise awareness of family homelessness - often hidden from view - by gathering pledges to help support RAIHN, the Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network.  As you ask friends, neighbors and others for pledges, you will be spreading the word.  Further information and pledge forms are available on the bulletin Board in the Clara Barton Lounge.  Thank you.


RAIHN TRAINING: Thursday, Oct. 3rd from 7-9 PM at Summerville Presbyterian Church,

4845 St. Paul Blvd. Contact the RAIHN office at 585-506-9050or  director@raihn.org


PULLMAN MEMORIAL Universalist Church will present The Planned Parenthood of Albion with the 2013 Humanitarian Award for 40 years of providing rape crisis services to our community.  Sun, Oct 13, 2013, 11 am at Pullman.  All are welcome to attend.


VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Cameron Communities Ministries, 48 Cameron St, Tuesdays 9 am -1 pm in the clothing house. Please contact Eleanor Siegfried 465-0324.


THE FLOWERS IN THE SANCTUARY are provided by the Caring Committee in loving memory of Beryl Haas.


A CARING COMMITTEE REMINDER: When a family member enters the hospital, needs emergency meals, needs transportation to church, or wants home visits; please contact Ruth Fitzgerald rfitzgerald001@rochester.rr.com 225-0555,or Eileen Fernandez, eileenff2@yahoo.com or 225-2301.


HEARING LOOP IN SANCTUARY: Please use the T setting on your hearing aid or see an usher for a receiver.

Celebrate what you want to see more of. ~Tom Peters
Please submit e-Outlook articles to:

Office Administrator:
Kris McCarty-White           
E-mail: office@uuroc.org